Thomas More Hogeschool (TMHS) • Bachelor in de Toegepaste Psychologie
Latest uploads for Bachelor in de Toegepaste Psychologie at Thomas More Hogeschool (TMHS). Looking for Bachelor in de Toegepaste Psychologie notes at Thomas More Hogeschool (TMHS)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Bachelor in de Toegepaste Psychologie at Thomas More Hogeschool (TMHS).
Courses Bachelor in de Toegepaste Psychologie at Thomas More Hogeschool (TMHS)
Notes available for the following courses of Bachelor in de Toegepaste Psychologie at Thomas More Hogeschool (TMHS)
A&O arbeids en organisatie psychologie 1
Aan de slag met HRM Y02511 3
Algemene Psychologie Y00356 8
Arbeid en organisatiepsychologie Y01111 1
Arbeids-en organisatiepsychologie 1
Arbeidsrecht Y01211 2
Assessor 1
Capita Selecta Volwassenen 2
Capita Selecta: K&J 4
Counseling & Coaching 1
Crossculturele Psychologie Y00006 33
Deontologie en ethiek Y00003 2
Diversiteit 7
Ethiek en deontologie 1
Expedite 1
Expeditie TP Y01113 9
Forensic psychology 1
Forensische psychologie Y50493 3
Gedragsneurowetenschappen 9
Gerontopsychologie 1
Gezondheidspsychologie YOOO371 17
HRM2 1
Integrale Jeugdhulp 4
Intrafamiliaal geweld Y00351 12
Klinische neuropsychologie 1
Klinische psychologie Y00093 11
Leerstoornissen 3
Mens & Organisatie Y01111 5
Mens En Organisatie 1
Methoden Van Psychologisch Onderzoek 1
Ontwikkelingspsychologie Y00089 18
Opvoedingsondersteuning Y00383 3
Payroll Y01213 1
Pedagogie Y00002 7
Persoonlijkheidspsychologie Y01112 14
Positieve Psychologie 1
Practicum 1 B-TM-Y00486 3
Practicum KLP 3
Practicum KLP 3 1
Psychodiagnostiek V5G506 2
Psychodiagnostiek 1 Y00012 5
Psychodiagnostiek 2 9
Psychodiagnostiek 3 2
Psychodiagnostiek 3 SPP 4
Psychopharmacology 1
Psychosociale Rehabilitatie 1
Recht Y00005 7
Religie, zingeving en levensbeschouwing 3
Revalidatiepsychologie 1
School en pedagogische psychologie 8
School- and family based prevention 1
School- En Pedagogische Psychologie Y00084 2
Sociale Psychologie K001067A 9
Sport & Performance Psychology 1
Statistiek 2
Statistiek 1 Y00008 3
Statistiek 2 3
Strategisch HRM Y01209 1
Taal van de business Y01544 2
Verbindende vaardigheden 1
Werk & Welzijn 3
Werk En Welzijn 5
Popular books Thomas More Hogeschool (TMHS) • Bachelor in de Toegepaste Psychologie

Guido Valkeneers, Tim Vanhoomissen • ISBN 9789463447744

Tim Vanhoomissen, Guido Valkeneers • ISBN 9789463791540
Latest notes & summaries Thomas More Hogeschool (TMHS) • Bachelor in de Toegepaste Psychologie

Summary of all Sport & Performance Psychology course material and lessons (English)
- Summary
- • 41 pages's •
Thomas More Hogeschool•Sport & Performance Psychology
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Summary of all Sport & Performance Psychology course material and lessons (English)

Complete and comprehensive summary of the psychopharmacology elective course. The summary is in English, as the course is also taught in English. 
I added things that were difficult to explain in Dutch. Difficult subject with a lot of subject matter, but if you start with this summary on time, it should work. Everything is clearly explained in it. I got a 16/20.
- Summary
- • 141 pages's •
Thomas More Hogeschool•psychopharmacology
Preview 4 out of 141 pages
Complete and comprehensive summary of the psychopharmacology elective course. The summary is in English, as the course is also taught in English. 
I added things that were difficult to explain in Dutch. Difficult subject with a lot of subject matter, but if you start with this summary on time, it should work. Everything is clearly explained in it. I got a 16/20.

Samenvatting van heel het vak --> alle dia's + eigen notities en vertalingen erbij.
- Summary
- • 60 pages's •
Thomas More Hogeschool•Forensische Psychologie
Preview 4 out of 60 pages
Samenvatting van heel het vak --> alle dia's + eigen notities en vertalingen erbij.