Universiteit Antwerpen (UA) • internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie
Latest uploads for internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA). Looking for internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie notes at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA).
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Courses internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
Notes available for the following courses of internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
Belgisch en Vergelijkend Buitenlands Beleid 2200FSWBVB_2425 4
Comparative Political Institutions 2
Constitutional Principles and Human Rights 2020RECCHR 1
Diplomatie 2200FSWDIP 1
Diplomatie en Onderhandelen 2200FSWDEO 2
European Integration 3
Gender & diversiteit UA_2200PSWGDE_2324 1
Gender en diversiteit in EU en internationale pol 2200PSWGDE 1
History Of International Relations UA_1200PSWHIP_2425 8
IE & IEO 2
Intern. Eco and Organ. 1
Intern. economics and intern. economic orgs. 1
International Economics 12
International economics and international economic 1
Internationale Betrekkingen 1
Internationale Veiligheid 2200FSWIVE 4
Issues of International Relations 1
Kwalitatieve Onderzoeksmethoden 1
Onderzoeksmethoden Internationale Betrekkingen 1
Political Thought 1
Politieke Communicatie 1
Theorieën van de Internationale Betrekkingen 2200FSWTMI 11
Volkenrecht 1101RECVVI 4
Volkenrecht en volkenrechtelijke instellingen UA_1101RECVVI_2324 1
Popular books Universiteit Antwerpen (UA) • internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie

Simon Bulmer, Owen Parker • ISBN 9780198820635

Anders Henriksen • ISBN 9780192640444

Erik Ringmar • ISBN 9781783740222

Tom Sauer • ISBN 9789463102223
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Antwerpen (UA) • internationale betrekkingen en diplomatie

A summary of the European Integration course, taught in the second semester of the International Relations and Diplomacy transition year/preparatory program. It is a complete summary of all powerpoint slides, mixed with the lessons and book.
- Book
- Summary
- • 137 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•European Integration
Politics in the European Union 5e • Simon Bulmer, Owen Parker• ISBN 9780198820635
Preview 10 out of 137 pages
A summary of the European Integration course, taught in the second semester of the International Relations and Diplomacy transition year/preparatory program. It is a complete summary of all powerpoint slides, mixed with the lessons and book.

Solved 'Think about' questions at the end of the chapter of Erik Ringmar's History of International Relations. At the exam, there were a few questions directly from this list.
- Book
- Summary
- • 29 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•1200PSWHIP
History of International Relations • Erik Ringmar• ISBN 9781783740222
Preview 3 out of 29 pages
Solved 'Think about' questions at the end of the chapter of Erik Ringmar's History of International Relations. At the exam, there were a few questions directly from this list.

Notes from the first semester of AJ 2022-2023 in the History of International Relations course, given by Jorg Kustermans based on Erik Ringmar's handbook
- Book
- Summary
- • 132 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•History Of International Relations
History of International Relations • Erik Ringmar• ISBN 9781783740222
Preview 4 out of 132 pages
Notes from the first semester of AJ 2022-2023 in the History of International Relations course, given by Jorg Kustermans based on Erik Ringmar's handbook

IE&IEO lecture notes complete 
All slides included 
- Class notes
- • 166 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•International Economics
Preview 4 out of 166 pages
IE&IEO lecture notes complete 
All slides included 

Paper: Who is most qualified to be the captain of the ship? On the inter-institutional debate in the European Union. 
Deze paper behandelt de pro- en contra-argumenten over de stelling: “The European Parliament should have the power to control the Council of Ministers and the European Council.” 
Ik behaalde een 17/20 voor het schrijven van deze paper.
- Essay
- • 8 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•European Integration
Preview 2 out of 8 pages
Paper: Who is most qualified to be the captain of the ship? On the inter-institutional debate in the European Union. 
Deze paper behandelt de pro- en contra-argumenten over de stelling: “The European Parliament should have the power to control the Council of Ministers and the European Council.” 
Ik behaalde een 17/20 voor het schrijven van deze paper.

Summary of the book 'Politics In The European Union' and the ppts of the prof. With this summary, I obtained a 14/20 in the written exam.
- Book
- Summary
- • 90 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•European Integration
Politics in the European Union 5e • Simon Bulmer, Owen Parker• ISBN 9780198820635
Preview 4 out of 90 pages
Summary of the book 'Politics In The European Union' and the ppts of the prof. With this summary, I obtained a 14/20 in the written exam.

Summary of the book “Comparative Politics”. With this summary, I passed 15/20 on the written multiple choice exam.
- Book
- Summary
- • 120 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Comparative Political Institutions
Comparative Politics • Daniele Caramani• ISBN 9780198820604
Preview 4 out of 120 pages
Summary of the book “Comparative Politics”. With this summary, I passed 15/20 on the written multiple choice exam.

Paper 'On the (in) effectiveness of international environmental cooperation'. I got a 15/20 for writing this paper.
- Essay
- • 9 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Issues of International Relations
Preview 2 out of 9 pages
Paper 'On the (in) effectiveness of international environmental cooperation'. I got a 15/20 for writing this paper.

Comprehensive summary of all mandatory readings of the second part 'Diplomacy' given by Professor Jan Melissen 
Academic year 2021-2022
- Summary
- • 149 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Diplomatie En Onderhandelen
Preview 4 out of 149 pages
Comprehensive summary of all mandatory readings of the second part 'Diplomacy' given by Professor Jan Melissen 
Academic year 2021-2022

Elaborate class notes of History of International Relations (which is also a summary of the handbook by Ringmar). 
Obtained 18/20.
- Book
- Class notes
- • 108 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•History Of International Relations
History of International Relations • Erik Ringmar• ISBN 9781783740239
Preview 4 out of 108 pages
Elaborate class notes of History of International Relations (which is also a summary of the handbook by Ringmar). 
Obtained 18/20.