Universiteit Antwerpen (UA) • Milieuwetenschap
Latest uploads for Milieuwetenschap at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA). Looking for Milieuwetenschap notes at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Milieuwetenschap at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA).
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Courses Milieuwetenschap at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
Notes available for the following courses of Milieuwetenschap at Universiteit Antwerpen (UA)
Bedrijfsinterne milieuzorg 2212MDOMMT 1
Biosfeer: lucht, water, bodem en biota 2101MDOBSF 4
Cleantech for food, water and energy 2201MDODPT 1
Duurzame Ontwikkeling 2102MDODOW 2
Ecotoxicologie 2203MDOETC 1
Milieurecht 2109MDOMRT 1
Milieurisico evaluatie en milieugevaarlijk stoffen 2215MDOMGS 1
UA_2108WETEHS_2324 UA_2108WETEHS_2324 1
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Antwerpen (UA) • Milieuwetenschap

The course will first introduce the concepts of health and public health, and the basic principles of environmental health. It will also provide an overview of the exposome concept, and of the Developmental Origins of Health and Diseases hypothesis with a focus on environmental exposures. Last, It will zoom into the health effects of several selected interrelated exposures: air pollution, noise pollution, nature, biodiversity and climate change. Prof: Lidia Casas
- Summary
- • 36 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•UA_2108WETEHS_2324
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The course will first introduce the concepts of health and public health, and the basic principles of environmental health. It will also provide an overview of the exposome concept, and of the Developmental Origins of Health and Diseases hypothesis with a focus on environmental exposures. Last, It will zoom into the health effects of several selected interrelated exposures: air pollution, noise pollution, nature, biodiversity and climate change. Prof: Lidia Casas

Summary of the Cleantech for food, water and energy course
- Summary
- • 102 pages's •
Universiteit Antwerpen•Cleantech for food, water and energy
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Summary of the Cleantech for food, water and energy course