Universiteit Gent (UGENT) • Master Rechten
Latest uploads for Master Rechten at Universiteit Gent (UGENT). Looking for Master Rechten notes at Universiteit Gent (UGENT)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Master Rechten at Universiteit Gent (UGENT).
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Modules Master Rechten at Universiteit Gent (UGENT)
Notes available for the following courses of Master Rechten at Universiteit Gent (UGENT)
Air and Space Law 3
Alternatieve conflictoplossing B001790A 1
Bijzonder Strafrecht B001715 2
Bijzondere Studie Consumentenbescherming 1
Burgerlijk procesrecht 2
Consumentenbescherming 1
Consumentenrecht B001694A 7
EU banking and capital market law 1
Europees Fiscaal Recht 2
Familiale Vermogensplanning B001526A 9
Financieel recht BOO1675A 25
Fiscale Procedure B001387 1
Forensische psychiatrie 1
Gerechtelijke Expertise B001363A 2
Gerechtelijke geneeskunde 1
Gezondheidsrecht 2
Grondige Studie Vennootschapsbelasting BOO1709A 2
GS Privaat Bankrecht B001769A 1
Handelscontracten B001389 1
Insolventie, Zekerheden & Executierecht B001527A 5
Insolventie, zekerheden en executierecht B001527A 11
Internationaal Privaatrecht B001525A 8
International and European Migration Law & Policy B001719A 1
International economic law 1
Jeugdrecht 1
Kapitaalmarktenrecht B001701A 1
Leer ondernemen 1
Migratierecht 1
Milieurecht Grondige Studie 1
Onderhandelen En Bemiddelen B001343 3
Penologie 1
Personen- en familierecht 2
Personenbelasting B001704A 3
Privaat Bankrecht B001796A 5
Publiek procesrecht BE001315 2
Rechten van het kind 2
Rechtsvergelijking B001269B 11
Registratie- en successierechten B0011707A 2
Ruimtelijk ordeningsrecht B001421A 1
Schadevergoedingsrecht 1
Selected Issues Sexual offending, prostitution B001597A 2
Socialezekerheidsrechten B001425 1
Sportrecht 2
Vennootschapsbelasting BOO1709A 1
Verdiepend vennootschapsrecht 1
Verdiepend zekerheids- en insolventierecht B001733 1
Verdiepende Intellectuele Rechten B001726A 3
Verdiepende strafvordering B001734A 5
Verzekeringen B001402 3
Wegverkeersrecht 1
Ziekenhuiswetgeving 1
Popular books Universiteit Gent (UGENT) • Master Rechten

Jinske Verhellen • ISBN 9789048640102

ISBN 9789046609156
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Gent (UGENT) • Master Rechten

Those are complete notes of the entire course of 2024. It is super complete (I got an 18/20 just by using those) with everything said by the professor and what was on the PowerPoint (+the point underlined by the prof regarding the weekly news brief). 
note: there might be some typos, sorry in advance!
- Lecture notes
- • 91 pages's •
Universiteit Gent•EU banking and capital market law
Preview 4 out of 91 pages
Those are complete notes of the entire course of 2024. It is super complete (I got an 18/20 just by using those) with everything said by the professor and what was on the PowerPoint (+the point underlined by the prof regarding the weekly news brief). 
note: there might be some typos, sorry in advance!

This document contains my notes on the lessons of the elective course “Selected issues: Sexual Offending, Prostitution & Human Trafficking” in the academic year 2020-23. It is mainly written in English. All lessons were viewed on the basis of recordings. (The literature was not included in this summary)
- Summary
- • 59 pages's •
Universiteit Gent•Selected Issues Sexual Offending, Prostitution
Preview 6 out of 59 pages
This document contains my notes on the lessons of the elective course “Selected issues: Sexual Offending, Prostitution & Human Trafficking” in the academic year 2020-23. It is mainly written in English. All lessons were viewed on the basis of recordings. (The literature was not included in this summary)

This document provides a summary of the lessons and slides, complemented by parts of the reader's texts (which I think) could be used as teaching material for the exams. Those parts have been added separately under the corresponding titles from the slides. By learning this summary and reading the texts, I passed the examen with a score of 16/20.
- Summary
- • 68 pages's •
Universiteit Gent•Selected Issues Sexual offending, prostitution
Preview 4 out of 68 pages
This document provides a summary of the lessons and slides, complemented by parts of the reader's texts (which I think) could be used as teaching material for the exams. Those parts have been added separately under the corresponding titles from the slides. By learning this summary and reading the texts, I passed the examen with a score of 16/20.

very accurate and complete notes international economic law (bruloot) 100% success rate
- Summary
- • 182 pages's •
Universiteit Gent•international economic law
Preview 4 out of 182 pages
very accurate and complete notes international economic law (bruloot) 100% success rate

Air and Space Law 2022: Full notes based on lessons and slides. Both part 1 and part 2, both parts can also be purchased separately!
- Lecture notes
- • 100 pages's •
Universiteit Gent•Air And Space Law
Preview 4 out of 100 pages
Air and Space Law 2022: Full notes based on lessons and slides. Both part 1 and part 2, both parts can also be purchased separately!

Notes based on the lessons and slides. Everything that was not included in the notes, the Prof. did not deal with during the lessons.
- Lecture notes
- • 66 pages's •
Universiteit Gent•Air And Space Law
Preview 4 out of 66 pages
Notes based on the lessons and slides. Everything that was not included in the notes, the Prof. did not deal with during the lessons.

Notes of the first set of lessons given by Prof. Wouters on Air Law.
- Lecture notes
- • 35 pages's •
Universiteit Gent•Air and Space Law
Preview 4 out of 35 pages
Notes of the first set of lessons given by Prof. Wouters on Air Law.

Summary: International and European Migration Law & Policy 20-21 
(including slides, notes+exercises & solutions)
- Book
- Summary
- • 183 pages's •
Universiteit Gent•International and European Migration Law & Policy
Essential texts on European and international asylum and migration law and policy • • ISBN 9789046609156
Preview 4 out of 183 pages
Summary: International and European Migration Law & Policy 20-21 
(including slides, notes+exercises & solutions)