Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) • Psychologie
Latest uploads for Psychologie at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Looking for Psychologie notes at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Psychologie at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Courses Psychologie at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Notes available for the following courses of Psychologie at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Psychopathologie van kinderen- en adolescenten 6
Popular books Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) • Psychologie

Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson • ISBN 9789043035361

Hans Grietens, Johan Vanderfaeillie • ISBN 9789463797191

Smadar Celestin, Leon-Patrice Celestin • ISBN 9789043037327

Marc Brysbaert • ISBN 9789463936965

Neil R Carlson, Birkett Melissa • ISBN 9781292158105

Anouk Vanden Bogaerde, Pauline Stas • ISBN 9789464148985

Mark Elchardus, Bram Spruyt • ISBN 9789043027892

Tim Vantilborgh • ISBN 9789464674309

Beth Morling • ISBN 9780393936933

ISBN 9789033497940

American Psychiatric Association • ISBN 9789024449811

Val Morrison, Paul Bennett • ISBN 9789043024815

Thomas Hardy Leahey • ISBN 9780131114470
Latest notes & summaries Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) • Psychologie

This document serves as a continuously updated summary of the course "Research Methods and Techniques 2." It includes key points from lectures, insights from the textbook, and additional relevant information found through independent research.
- Book
- Summary
- • 39 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•Onderzoeksmethoden en technieken II: kwantitatieve methoden
Research Methods in Psychology • Beth Morling• ISBN 9780393617542
Preview 4 out of 39 pages
This document serves as a continuously updated summary of the course "Research Methods and Techniques 2." It includes key points from lectures, insights from the textbook, and additional relevant information found through independent research.

Summary of Social Psychology II, course of the second bachelor of psychology. Summary based on the powerpoints and everything that is said in the lesson. If necessary, additional explanations were also found on the internet. 95 pages with all the information you need!
- Summary
- • 95 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•Social psychology II: Relations
Preview 4 out of 95 pages
Summary of Social Psychology II, course of the second bachelor of psychology. Summary based on the powerpoints and everything that is said in the lesson. If necessary, additional explanations were also found on the internet. 95 pages with all the information you need!

This summary for social psychology II includes the slides in English plus accompanying notes in Dutch. The subject is taught at the VUB by professor Jasmine Vergauwe. 
I got a 16/20 with this summary. Good luck:)
- Summary
- • 69 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•Social psychology II: Relations
Preview 4 out of 69 pages
This summary for social psychology II includes the slides in English plus accompanying notes in Dutch. The subject is taught at the VUB by professor Jasmine Vergauwe. 
I got a 16/20 with this summary. Good luck:)

This is a summary on the course Principles of Human Resource Management given in the 3rd bachelor to psychology students and in the 2nd bachelor to business economics students. The summary is based on both the syllabus and slides.
- Summary
- • 206 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•Principles of Human Resource Management
Preview 4 out of 206 pages
This is a summary on the course Principles of Human Resource Management given in the 3rd bachelor to psychology students and in the 2nd bachelor to business economics students. The summary is based on both the syllabus and slides.

This summary is based on the syllabus as well as my class notes (I attented every class), cases and online study material on canvas. It also contains a few tips to study the material. Based on this summery I achieved a very good result on my first try.
- Summary
- • 222 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•Principles of Human Resource Management
Preview 4 out of 222 pages
This summary is based on the syllabus as well as my class notes (I attented every class), cases and online study material on canvas. It also contains a few tips to study the material. Based on this summery I achieved a very good result on my first try.

This is a summary of the slides, notes, videos and podcasts that were discussed during the lectures. Academic year 2021-2022.
- Summary
- • 163 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•principles of human resource management
Preview 10 out of 163 pages
This is a summary of the slides, notes, videos and podcasts that were discussed during the lectures. Academic year 2021-2022.

Summary of Principles of Human Resource Management. Both notes, slides and book included in the summary. Bold words are important, shaken words are names. Successful in first seat. Success!
- Book
- Summary
- • 74 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•Principles Of Human Resource Management
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development • Robert N Lussier, John R Hendon• ISBN 9781544324494
Preview 4 out of 74 pages
Summary of Principles of Human Resource Management. Both notes, slides and book included in the summary. Bold words are important, shaken words are names. Successful in first seat. Success!

Samenvatting bevat slides aangevuld met nota's en voorbeelden van alle gastlessen. Geslaagd met deze samenvatting in eerste zit. Betreffende gastcolleges: Parkinson, mindfulness, eating disorders, sociale cognition and ASD, Unilateral neglect, sleep disorders and cognition.
- Summary
- • 62 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•Cognitieve Psychologie 2
Preview 4 out of 62 pages
Samenvatting bevat slides aangevuld met nota's en voorbeelden van alle gastlessen. Geslaagd met deze samenvatting in eerste zit. Betreffende gastcolleges: Parkinson, mindfulness, eating disorders, sociale cognition and ASD, Unilateral neglect, sleep disorders and cognition.

Samenvatting van de gastcollege's cognitieve psychologie 2 met veel afbeeldingen. Het vak is in het Engels dus de samenvatting ook. Parkinson's disease, eating disorders, social cognition and ASD, sleep disorders and cognition, mindfulness and cognition, unnilateral neglect
- Summary
- • 64 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•Cognitieve Psychologie 2
Preview 4 out of 64 pages
Samenvatting van de gastcollege's cognitieve psychologie 2 met veel afbeeldingen. Het vak is in het Engels dus de samenvatting ook. Parkinson's disease, eating disorders, social cognition and ASD, sleep disorders and cognition, mindfulness and cognition, unnilateral neglect

The document contains a detailed elaboration of the “test your understanding questions” given by the professor at the end of each chapter.
- Other
- • 21 pages's •
Vrije Universiteit Brussel•principles of human resource management
Preview 1 out of 21 pages
The document contains a detailed elaboration of the “test your understanding questions” given by the professor at the end of each chapter.