British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT ) • Political Science
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Courses Political Science at British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT )
Notes available for the following courses of Political Science at British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT )
REL489 1
SLACK175 1
Latest notes & summaries British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT ) • Political Science

Equality is the highest valued virtue in the world today. The reason as to why countries have systems of law and governance is because some elements in those countries may try to exploit others. As such, efforts are made to curtail any people who may feel that they are more human than others. As such, an ideal society can be defined as a society where the rule of law is upheld to the maximum. This is whereby everyone has equal access to social amenities and various resources of the state. Also,...
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- Essay
- • 6 pages's •
British Columbia Institute of Technology•REL489
English 103 All Assignments• Byklausspader
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Equality is the highest valued virtue in the world today. The reason as to why countries have systems of law and governance is because some elements in those countries may try to exploit others. As such, efforts are made to curtail any people who may feel that they are more human than others. As such, an ideal society can be defined as a society where the rule of law is upheld to the maximum. This is whereby everyone has equal access to social amenities and various resources of the state. Also,...

Gabriel Corvese brings the reader’s attention to the concept of slacktivism which refers to the individual support of a cause but doing literally nothing in promoting the cause in the real action, but engage in passive support of the cause which only shows awareness on the issue. Similarly, Schlumpf notes that the use of online platforms to demonstrate the individual support of a cause does nothing in changing the actual cause. In this article, Schlumpf illustrates how easy it is for a person ...
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British Columbia Institute of Technology•SLACK175
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Gabriel Corvese brings the reader’s attention to the concept of slacktivism which refers to the individual support of a cause but doing literally nothing in promoting the cause in the real action, but engage in passive support of the cause which only shows awareness on the issue. Similarly, Schlumpf notes that the use of online platforms to demonstrate the individual support of a cause does nothing in changing the actual cause. In this article, Schlumpf illustrates how easy it is for a person ...