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Latest notes & summaries 11

This document provides notes regarding topic 4 in IB physics regarding waves. These notes were taken keeping the syllabus in mind and have aided me in getting a 6/7 in higher level IB physics
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- • 8 pages's •
IB physics year 1 notes• By melissavanwelie
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This document provides notes regarding topic 4 in IB physics regarding waves. These notes were taken keeping the syllabus in mind and have aided me in getting a 6/7 in higher level IB physics

This document provides notes regarding topic 3 in IB physics regarding thermal physics. These notes were taken keeping the syllabus in mind and have aided me in getting a 6/7 in higher level IB physics
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- • 7 pages's •
IB physics year 1 notes• By melissavanwelie
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This document provides notes regarding topic 3 in IB physics regarding thermal physics. These notes were taken keeping the syllabus in mind and have aided me in getting a 6/7 in higher level IB physics

This document provides notes regarding topic 2 in IB physics regarding mechanics. These notes were taken keeping the syllabus in mind and have aided me in getting a 6/7 in higher level IB physics.
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- • 5 pages's •
IB physics year 1 notes• By melissavanwelie
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This document provides notes regarding topic 2 in IB physics regarding mechanics. These notes were taken keeping the syllabus in mind and have aided me in getting a 6/7 in higher level IB physics.