Academie voor Natuurgeneeskunde (NAVN)
Looking for study notes at Academie voor Natuurgeneeskunde (NAVN)? On Stuvia you will find more than 6 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Academie voor Natuurgeneeskunde (NAVN).
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Courses at Academie voor Natuurgeneeskunde (NAVN)
Notes available for the following courses at Academie voor Natuurgeneeskunde (NAVN)
Majors at Academie voor Natuurgeneeskunde (NAVN)
Notes available for the following studies at Academie voor Natuurgeneeskunde (NAVN)
Anatomie 1
Bedrijfskunde 1
Health And Social Psychology 1
Psychologie 1
Toelatingsexamen oefentoets Geneeskunde BIOLOGIE 1
Latest notes & summaries Academie voor Natuurgeneeskunde (NAVN)
The main focus of this specialisation is on understanding how people's personalities, cognitions and social environment influence their health and social functioning. You'll analyse the underlying mechanisms of unhealthy or antisocial behaviour using recent theories and models from various psychological disciplines.
- Book
- Summary
- • 25 pages's •
Academie voor Natuurgeneeskunde•3101
Mental Disorders Around the World • • ISBN 9781108547208
Preview 3 out of 25 pages
The main focus of this specialisation is on understanding how people's personalities, cognitions and social environment influence their health and social functioning. You'll analyse the underlying mechanisms of unhealthy or antisocial behaviour using recent theories and models from various psychological disciplines.