Aeres Hogeschool (AERES)
Looking for study notes at Aeres Hogeschool (AERES)? On Stuvia you will find more than 475 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Aeres Hogeschool (AERES).
Courses at Aeres Hogeschool (AERES)
Notes available for the following courses at Aeres Hogeschool (AERES)
Popular books Aeres Hogeschool (AERES)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Aeres Hogeschool (AERES)

J.W.J. Fiers, L. van Oosterhout • ISBN 9789001899745

Wim Slot • ISBN 9789006951424

Hans Veldman • ISBN 9789001819071

Co Bliekendaal, Ton van Vught • ISBN 9789001877507

C.J.M. Jacobs, T.J. Geersing • ISBN 9789463173384

Henk Hoogenboom • ISBN 9789050114875

Niko Roorda • ISBN 9789001862220

Jan Hulsen • ISBN 9789075280470

Gerard van Heeswijk • ISBN 9789024427468

Paul de Vries • ISBN 9789056000158

Dr. Peter J. B. Slater, Peter J. B. Slater • ISBN 9780521629966

W. Grondman, M. de Weerd • ISBN 9789081096669

H.M. Liedekerken • ISBN 9789001813345

Harm Scholte, Gooitzen Zwanenburg • ISBN 9789001874476

Bram Desmet • ISBN 9780749482572

Jan Ouden, Bart Muys • ISBN 9789033477829
Majors at Aeres Hogeschool (AERES)
Notes available for the following studies at Aeres Hogeschool (AERES)
Agrarisch Ondernemerschap 1
Agrarisch Ondernemerschap Dier En Veehouderij 16
Agrarisch ondernemerschap dier- en veehouderij 22
Agrarisch ondernemersschap 6
Bedrijfskunde en agrifoodbusiness 38
Consumptieve technieken 2
Dier veehouderij en ondernemerschap 18
Dier- en Veehouderij 86
Diergezondheid 13
Diergezondheid en management 1
Docent 1
Docent en kennismanager 11
Docent En Kennismanager Paardensector 2
Educatie & Kennismanagement 2
Educatie en Kennismanagement Groene Sector 99
Educatie en kennismanagement recreatie en gezelschapsdieren 1
Financiële Dienstverlening Agrarisch 16
Hippische Bedrijfskunde 59
International Food Business 1
Kwaliteitsmanagement 1
Paraveterinair dierenartsassistent 25
Toegepaste Biologie 43
Tuin- en akkerbouw 4
Tuin-en Akkerbouw 1
Voeding En Gezond Leven 1
Latest content Aeres Hogeschool (AERES)

English notes at B2 level
- Summary
- • 10 pages's •
Aeres Hogeschool•engels
Preview 2 out of 10 pages
English notes at B2 level

notes needed from the book to pass the course
- Book
- Summary
- • 6 pages's •
Aeres Hogeschool•Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics
Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics • Bram Desmet• ISBN 9780749482572
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
notes needed from the book to pass the course

Notes required from the export planning book to obtain a pass
- Book
- Summary
- • 13 pages's •
Aeres Hogeschool•export planning
Export Planning • Joris J a Leeman• ISBN 9783839137864
Preview 2 out of 13 pages
Notes required from the export planning book to obtain a pass

summary intercultural communication, one of the subboxes of the communication course (pprc03).
- Summary
- • 4 pages's •
Aeres Hogeschool•intercultural communication
Preview 1 out of 4 pages
summary intercultural communication, one of the subboxes of the communication course (pprc03).

This is a summary of the book management (thirteenth edition) including a list of all important definitions, organized by chapter. Every chapter except chapters 5, 6 and 14 are in this summary. The summary is extensive enough to learn everything, but not gigantic.
- Book
- Summary
- • 47 pages's •
Aeres Hogeschool•Introduction to Business management and Organizational Behaviour
Management, Global Edition • Mary A. Coulter, Stephen P. Robbins• ISBN 9781292090207
Preview 5 out of 47 pages
This is a summary of the book management (thirteenth edition) including a list of all important definitions, organized by chapter. Every chapter except chapters 5, 6 and 14 are in this summary. The summary is extensive enough to learn everything, but not gigantic.