Alfa-college • Verpleegkundige
Latest uploads for Verpleegkundige at Alfa-college. Looking for Verpleegkundige notes at Alfa-college? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Verpleegkundige at Alfa-college.
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Courses Verpleegkundige at Alfa-college
Notes available for the following courses of Verpleegkundige at Alfa-college
Anatomie & Fysiologie 11
Anatomie En Fysiologie 6
Begeleiden van zorg 1
Coaching 1
Complementaire zorg K0507 1
Concept Zorgplan B1-K1-W2 Examen B1-k1-W2 2
Coördinatie van zorg 1
Deskundigheidsbevordering 1
Digibib 2
Digibib Praktijk Examen B1-K2-W3 1
Digibib Praktijk examen B1-K1-W5 B1-K1-W5 1
Evalueert de zorgverlening 1
Examen B1-K1-W3 examen 3 1
Geestelijke gezondheidszorg 1
Gezondheidsbevorderaar B1-k1-w1 1
Hanteert crisissituaties en onvoorziene situaties 1
Het verpleegplan 3
Keuzedeel palliatieve zorg 1
Keuzedeel: Zorg en technologie K0138 1
Kind En Kraam 1
Klinisch redeneren - 2
Medicatie 1
Pathologie - 9
Rode Loper 1
Rode Loper : Hartfalen 1
Rode lopers 4
Verpleegkunde 18
Verpleegkundige Praktijk Examen DIGIBIB 1
Verpleegtechnische vaardigheden 3
Voorlichting, advies en instructie 2
Werkbegeleiding 1
Werkt aan eigen deskundigheid examen 1
Werkt aan het bevorderen en bewaken van kwaliteitszorg 1
Wetgeving 1
Zelfreflectie schrijven 1
Zenuwstelsel 1
Ziektebeelden 1
Zorgverlening, organisatie en beroep 1
Popular books Alfa-college • Verpleegkundige

Asaf Gafni, Iris Verhagen • ISBN 9789043036313

Asaf Gafni, Myrthe Zwierstra • ISBN 9789043035958
Latest notes & summaries Alfa-college • Verpleegkundige

B1-K2-W3 Contributes to good quality of care (Professional and quality promoter) In this exam, I will make an improvement proposal based on a healthcare bottleneck. Every day, our clients, but also staff, are at greater risk of infection than the average citizen. This is because our clients have a reduced immune system and a higher risk of pneumonia. It is the organization's task to minimize the risk of infection. This requires a good hygiene policy. Good hygiene prevents the spread of micro...
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Alfa-college•Digibib Praktijk Examen
Alle Verpleegkundige Digibib examens• ByTuinstra
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B1-K2-W3 Contributes to good quality of care (Professional and quality promoter) In this exam, I will make an improvement proposal based on a healthcare bottleneck. Every day, our clients, but also staff, are at greater risk of infection than the average citizen. This is because our clients have a reduced immune system and a higher risk of pneumonia. It is the organization's task to minimize the risk of infection. This requires a good hygiene policy. Good hygiene prevents the spread of micro...