Driestar Educatief
Looking for study notes at Driestar Educatief? On Stuvia you will find more than 120 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Driestar Educatief.
Courses at Driestar Educatief
Notes available for the following courses at Driestar Educatief
Aardrijkskunde 7
Geschiedenis 6
Popular books Driestar Educatief
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Driestar Educatief
Anouk Adang, Marian Blankman • ISBN 9789046907139
Cyrilla van der Donk, Bas van Lanen • ISBN 9789046907320
Marjan de Groot-Reuvekamp, Cees van der Kooij • ISBN 9789001815301
Bert Boermans • ISBN 9789460621666
Peter van Olst • ISBN 9789462780309
E.H. Gombrich • ISBN 9789060176948
Jaap de Waard • ISBN 9789490681098
John Hattie • ISBN 9789461182036
J.J. Woltjer • ISBN 9789460035388
Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton • ISBN 9780521729765
Robert J. Marzano • ISBN 9789461181435
Majors at Driestar Educatief
Notes available for the following studies at Driestar Educatief
Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs 5
Leraar basisonderwijs / Pabo 37
Lerarenopleiding Basisonderwijs / PABO 43
Lerarenopleiding geschiedenis 2
LVO Economie 7
LVO Engels 3
LVO Geschiedenis 8
LVO Wiskunde 1
Pabo 6
Verpleegkunde / HBO-V 1
Latest notes & summaries Driestar Educatief
Methodology summary chapter 7-10
- Book
- Summary
- • 7 pages's •
Driestar Educatief•Methodology 1.1.6
How to Teach English • Jeremy Harmer• ISBN 9781405853095
Preview 2 out of 7 pages
Methodology summary chapter 7-10
Now you will have a clear and short overview of these elaborate chapters! Due to this summary, you will be able to scan through the material! 
The book is this good to have since it contains test(sample)-questions.
- Book
- Summary
- • 12 pages's •
Driestar Educatief•Pronunciation
Teaching Pronunciation - A Coursebook and Reference Guide book CD-audio • Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton• ISBN 9780521729765
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
Now you will have a clear and short overview of these elaborate chapters! Due to this summary, you will be able to scan through the material! 
The book is this good to have since it contains test(sample)-questions.
You will have an easy summary but you will need the book!
- Book
- Summary
- • 1 pages's •
Driestar Educatief•Pronunciation
Sounding Better • Collins, B.• ISBN 9789066752764
Preview 1 out of 1 pages
You will have an easy summary but you will need the book!
In this summary, you will find a good structured and shortened version of Teaching Pronunciation with examples and images. While reading through this summary, you will know everything about the information on the test. This is the summary you are searching for to pass your test.

In deze samenvatting vind je een goede gestructureerde en korte versie van teaching pronunciation (uitspraak lesgeven) met voorbeelden en foto's. Wanneer je deze samenvatting leest, zal je alles weten over de informati...
- Book
- Summary
- • 13 pages's •
Driestar Educatief•Pronunciation (uitspraak
Teaching Pronunciation - A Coursebook and Reference Guide book CD-audio • Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton• ISBN 9780521729765
Preview 2 out of 13 pages
In this summary, you will find a good structured and shortened version of Teaching Pronunciation with examples and images. While reading through this summary, you will know everything about the information on the test. This is the summary you are searching for to pass your test.

In deze samenvatting vind je een goede gestructureerde en korte versie van teaching pronunciation (uitspraak lesgeven) met voorbeelden en foto's. Wanneer je deze samenvatting leest, zal je alles weten over de informati...