Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Looking for study notes at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)? On Stuvia you will find more than 12.714 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Courses at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Notes available for the following courses at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Inleiding Staats- En Bestuursrecht RR116 163RR116
Inleiding Strafrecht RR116 157RR116
Goederen- en insolventierecht RR212 127RR212
Inleiding privaatrecht RR114 115RR114
Nationaal en Internationaal Procederen RL75 90RL75
Psychometrics: An Introduction FSWP2-052-A 84FSWP2-052-A
Social Psychology: People in Groups ESSB-P1010 78ESSB-P1010
Bestuursrecht RR303 77RR303
Recht, economie en maatschappij RR121 71RR121
3.4 Affective disorders FSWP3082K 69FSWP3082K
Advanced Research Methods GW4588MV 68GW4588MV
Organisational Psychology FSWP3085A 64FSWP3085A
Staatsrecht Staatsrecht 59Staatsrecht
Ondernemingsrecht RR316 41RR316
3.5 Eating, sex and other needs FSWP3084K 40FSWP3084K
Management van zorgorganisaties GW103K 40GW103K
Ontwikkelingspsychologie FSWPE1-050 40FSWPE1-050
Juridisch Academische Vaardigheden RR219 39RR219
Personality Psychology: Differences between people FSWP1-023-A 39FSWP1-023-A
Vennootschapsbelasting RF314 35RF314
Popular books Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)

Geert-Jan Stams, Jan Hendriks • ISBN 9789047712923

R. Michael Furr, Dr. Verne R. Bacharach • ISBN 9781071824078

M.J. Kronenberg, B. de Wilde • ISBN 9789013166170

T. Barkhuysen • ISBN 9789013165401

ISBN 9789013163933

Hatch, Mary Jo / Cunliffe, Ann L. • ISBN 9789086662654

A.R. Houweling, R. Beltzer • ISBN 9789462905061

Earl Babbie • ISBN 9780357360767

Andy Field • ISBN 9781446249185

Lasse Gerrits • ISBN 9781938158001

John W. Creswell, J. David Creswell • ISBN 9781071817964

C.A.J.M. Kortmann • ISBN 9789013148763

F.W. Bleichrodt, P.C. Vegter • ISBN 9789013155235

Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane • ISBN 9781260571158

Sanne Taekema, Jeanne Gaakeer • ISBN 9789462907652

Jac. Hijma, C.C. van Dam • ISBN 9789013151732

David R. Croteau, William D. Hoynes • ISBN 9781506390789

Lara Wierenga, Dirma Janse • ISBN 9789401481724

Hal G. Rainey • ISBN 9781118583715

John Mccormick, Rod Hague • ISBN 9781352005059

Teresa Bradley • ISBN 9781118358290
Majors at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Notes available for the following studies at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO 24
Accountancy and Financial Management 83
Accountancy en bedrijfseconomie 3
Accountancy, Auditing & Control 15
Accounting 3
Accounting and Financial Management 3
Accounting, Auditing & Control 5
Aftuderen | Thesis 1
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen 9
Anatomie 1
Anesthesiemedewerker 6
Arbeid- en organisatiepsychologie 1
Art Culture and Society 4
Arts & Culture 8
Arts and culture 8
Arts and Culture Studies 1
Arts and Culture Studies IBACS 2
BA International Psychology year 1 1
Bachelor International Psychology 2
Bachelor International Psychology 1st year 1
Bachelor Psychology 1
Bedrijfseconomie hoorcollege overzicht en literatuur 1
Bedrijfskunde 351
Bedrijfsrecht 1
Behavioural Economics 2
Beleid en Management in de Gezondheidzorg 241
Beleid en Management in de Publieke Sector 2
Bes 1
Bestuurskunde 437
Bestuurskunde - Management van HR en Verandering 2
Bestuurskunde Management van HR en Verandering 3
Bestuurskunde master 4
Bestuurskunde pre-master 72
Bestuurskunde Publiek Management 3
Bestuurskunde/Management Of International Social Challenges 10
Brain & cognition 1
BSc Psychology 423
Business Administration 5
Business Administration / Bedrijfskunde 3
Business Analytics and Management 7
Business Information Management 1
Clinical Psychology 3
Commercieel vermogensrecht 1
Communication 1
Communication and Media 145
Consumer Marketing Research for MM 1
Corporate Governance and Corporate Litigation 1
Criminologie 585
Criminologie van de Wijk, het Web en de Wereld 1
Cross cultural psychology 1
Cross-cultural psychology 1
Digitalisation in work and society 1
Econometrics 1
Econometrics ahnd Operatons Research 1
Econometrics and Operations Research 87
Econometrie en Operationele Research 1
Economics 9
Economics & Business Economics / Fiscale Economie 1
Economics of Money Banking and Financial Markets 1
Economie en Bedrijfseconomie 192
English Post-Master Program Registeraccountant RA 1
Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management 1
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 2
Filosofie 15
Finance & Investments 11
Finance and Investments 33
Financial Economics 35
Fiscaal Recht 459
Fiscale Economie 73
Forensic and Legal Psychology 17
Fusies, reorganisaties en insolventie 1
Geneeskunde 259
Geneeskunde Jaar 1 1
Geschiedenis 49
Gezinspedagogiek 2
Gezondheidsrecht 2
Gezondheidswetenschappen 336
Gezondheidswetenschappen BMG 8
Gezondheidwetenschappen 1
Gezonheidswetenschappen 1
Gipsverbandmeester 2
Global Business and Sustainability 1
Global Poverty, Local Solutions 1
Governance and Strategy 1
Governance of migration and diversity 11
Grootstedelijke vraagstukken en beleid 2
Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid Sociologie 2
Health Care Management 2
Health Care Managment 79
Health Care Procurement 2
Health economics policy and law 1
Health Economics, Policy and Law 89
Health Econonomics policy and law 1
Hematologieverpleegkundige 1
High care neonatologie 1
History 1
History and the Social Sciences 1
Hoogtepunten uit de psychologie minor 2022/2023 3
Human Physiology 1
IB Modern History 1
Iba 9
IBACS/ Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen 1
Intensive Care Verpleegkundige 30
Internation Bachelor in Psychology 1
International and global communication 1
International baccalaureate 12
International Bachelor Arts And Culture Studies 27
International Bachelor Economics & Business Economics 6
International Bachelor History 5
International Bachelor in Psychology 329
International Bachelor of Arts and Culture Studies 33
International Bachelor of Communication and Media 86
International Bachelor of History 1
International Business Administration 142
International Business and Nation States 1
International Economic Relations 1
International Economics and Business Economics 2
International history 1
International Psychology Bachelor 2
International Public Management and Policy 6
Kinderverpleegkunde 5
Kinderverpleegkundige 4
Kinderverpleegkundige / IC kinderverpleegkundige 1
Klinische interpretatie van ECG\'s 1
Klinische kind- en jeugdpsychologie 6
Klinische Kinder- en Jeugdpsychologie 2
Klinische Psychologie 64
Legal & Forensic Psychology 1
Liberal Arts & Sciences 2
Liberal Arts and Sciences 62
Management of innovation 2
Management of International Social Challenges 12
Maritime Economics and Logistics 2
Marketing 2
Marketing Management 36
Marketing Strategy 1
Master 1
Master Privaatrecht 7
Master Aansprakelijkheid en verzekering 2
Master accounting auditing and control 1
Master Arbeid- en Organisatiepsychologie 1
Master Arbeidsrecht 11
Master Bestuurskunde 40
Master Business Information Management 1
Master Clinical Psychology 89
Master Commercial and Company Law 3
Master Commercieel Privaatrecht (Rechtsgeleerdheid 3
Master Economics & Business 1
Master Financieel Recht 16
Master Fiscaal Recht 28
Master Forensic & Legal Psychology 4
Master Forensic and Legal Psychology 1
Master Gezinspedagogiek 2
Master Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid 1
Master GVB 1
Master heal 1
Master Health Care Management 8
Master Health Economics Policy And Law 11
Master Healthcare Management 85
Master in Commercial and Company Law 1
Master In Management 34
Master Klinische Kinder- En Jeugdpsychologie 15
Master Management van HR en Verandering 3
Master Ondernemingsrecht 115
Master Onderwijswetenschappen 17
Master Privaatrecht 29
Master Privaatrecht 2021/2022 6
Master Psychology 4
Master Publiek Management 9
Master Recht van de gezondheidszorg 19
Master Sociologie - Arbeid, Organisatie & Management 2
Master Sociologie - GVB 3
Master Sociologie: Grootstedelijke vraagstukken 1
Master staats en bestuursrecht 10
Master strategy economics 3
Master Work & Organizational psychology 5
Master Zorgmanagement 4
Media & Creative Industries 1
Media and Creative Industries 2
Media Studies 6
Migration, Citizenship and Identity 1
Minor Analysing and Changing Unhealthy Behaviour 1
Minor Cross-cultural psychology 2
Minor dood en letsel 12
Minor genetica in de maatschappij 1
Minor kind & jeugd 1
Minor leading people, teams, and organisations for excellence 18
Minor Ondernemen en Belastingen 4
Minor Recht & Gezondheidszorg 59
Minor Recht en gezondheidszorg 1
Minor Rechtspsychologie 1
Minor The Political Economy of European Integration 1
Minor TOXIC 1
Minor/pre-master Beleid en Management in de Publieke Sector 1
MSc Accounting, Auditing And Control 1
Msc Behavioural Economics 2
MSc Business Information Management 23
MSc Economics and Business 1
Msc Financial Economics 6
Msc management of Innovation 1
Msc Marketing Management 24
MSc Strategic Entrepreneurship 3
MSc Strategic Management 95
MSc. Strategic Management 1
Nederlandstalige Pre-master 1
Nederlandstalige Pre-Master Bedrijfskunde 2
Nederlandstalige Premaster 4
Neonatologie 3
Neonatologie verpleegkunde 2
NL Premaster RSM 1
Oncologie 2
Oncologie verpleegkundige 2
Oncologieopleiding verpleegkundige 14
Oncologieverpleegkunde 1
Oncologieverpleegkundige 3
Operatieassistent 2
Opleiding tot oncologieverpleegkundige 1
Orthopedagogiek 231
P 1
Parttime Master in Management 2
Pedagogische wetenschappen 1190
Pedagogische Wetenschappen En Psychologie 10
Pedagogische Wetenschappen: Onderwijswetenschappen 5
Pedagogische Wetenschappen: orthopedagogiek 5
Pedagogische Wetenschappen: Pedagogiek 13
Pedagogische Wetenschappen: specialisatie 2
Philosophy 8
Politics and Society 6
Positive Organizational Psychology 12
Post Master IT Auditing & IT Advisory 1
Post-Master - IT Audit & Advisory 10
Post-Master IT Audit & Advisory 4
Post-master IT audit& Advisory 1
Post-Master Registeraccountant 1
Pre master Bestuurskunde 3
Pre Master Health Care Management 13
Pre-master bedrijfskunde 9
Pre-master beleid, management en gezondheid 1
Pre-master bestuurskunde 1
Pre-master BMG Zorgmanagement 14
Pre-master gezondheidsmanagement BMG 3
Pre-master gezondheidswetenschappen 151
Pre-master media studies 18
Pre-master Rechtsgeleerdheid 15
Pre-Master ZoMa/Healthcare Management 1
Premaster Bedrijfskunde 2
Premaster Business Administration 15
Premaster gezondheidswetenschappen 3
Premaster Media & Creative Industries 1
Premaster Media & Creative Industries 2
Premaster media, culture and society 5
Premaster Orthopedagogiek 6
Premaster RSM 8
Premaster Sociologie 3
Psychologie 2404
Psychologie: Brein en Cognitie 27
Psychologie: Klinische Psychologie 68
Psychologie: Onderwijs & Ontwikkelingspsychologie 16
Psychologie: Positieve organisatiepsychologie 6
Psychology 2
Psychology BA 1
Psychology Bachelor 1
Psychology Brain and Cognition 3.6 1
Psychology Clinical track 1
Psychology of the Digital Media 1
Psychology: Leadership and Coaching 1
Psychology: Occupational Health and Safety 1
Public Administration 5
Publiek Management 5
Quantitative Historical Methods 1
Recht voor de Gezondheidszorg 1
Rechtsgeleerdheid 1952
Rechtsgeleerdheid Master 15
Rechtsgeleerdheid Master variant strafrecht 1
Registeraccountant 1
Registeraccountant | Post-Master opleiding 7
Registeraccountant | Post-Master Opleiding 2
Rethinking History II 1
Retoriek argumenteren samenvatting 1
Samenvatting literatuur 2.5C Deviantie en Criminal 1
Selectie geneeskunde 6
Sociologie 150
Sociologie, Bestuurskunde, Development Studies 1
Sociology, Culture and Modernity 1
Specialisatie vervolgopleiding 2
Strafrecht 41
Strafrecht Master 11
Summary Problem Solving in Organizations 3rd 2018 1
Supply Chain Management 1
Technische geneeskunde 4
Thesis 1
Toga aan de Maas 1
Tourism, Culture and Society 1
Transnational Management 9th edition 1
Urban Governance 2
Verpleegkundige 2
Wetenschapsleer 1
Wondverpleegkundige 2
Work and Organisational Psychology 5
Work- and Organizational Psychology 1
Zorgmanagement master 2
Latest content Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)

This summary of the web lectures for International and EU Law provides a clear overview of the most important themes in the field. From the historical development of international law to the role of states, international organizations and treaties, all key concepts are clearly explained. In addition, the right to self-determination, state formation and the influence of EU legislation on national legal systems are discussed. Every week, the summary is updated with new insights from the web le...
- Book
- Summary
- • 3 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Introduction to International and European Union Law
International Law • Anders Henriksen• ISBN 9780192870087
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
This summary of the web lectures for International and EU Law provides a clear overview of the most important themes in the field. From the historical development of international law to the role of states, international organizations and treaties, all key concepts are clearly explained. In addition, the right to self-determination, state formation and the influence of EU legislation on national legal systems are discussed. Every week, the summary is updated with new insights from the web le...

Are you looking for a clear and comprehensive summary of International & EU Law? This document contains all the important theories, case law and concepts you need to prepare for the exam properly. The material is organized and structured, so that you can quickly understand the core and study more efficiently. Every week, I update the summary with additional notes and new insights from the working groups. In the last two weeks before the exam, I also add practice exams so that you not only ma...
- Book
- Summary
- • 12 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Introduction to International and European Union Law
International Law • Anders Henriksen• ISBN 9780192870087
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
Are you looking for a clear and comprehensive summary of International & EU Law? This document contains all the important theories, case law and concepts you need to prepare for the exam properly. The material is organized and structured, so that you can quickly understand the core and study more efficiently. Every week, I update the summary with additional notes and new insights from the working groups. In the last two weeks before the exam, I also add practice exams so that you not only ma...

Summary of chapter 4.2 by Henriksen and case declaration of independence Kosovo, debriefing problem 1.
- Book
- Class notes
- • 26 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Introduction to International and European Union Law
International Law • Anders Henriksen• ISBN 9780192640444
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
Summary of chapter 4.2 by Henriksen and case declaration of independence Kosovo, debriefing problem 1.

This document contains the prescribed judgments of the course Introduction to international and European law in the field of European law.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Judgments
- • 5 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Introduction to International and European Union Law
Boom Jurisprudentie en documentatie- Cases and Materials International and European Union Law • Lana Said, Masuma Shahid• ISBN 9789462362680
Voordeelbundel Samenvattingen en arresten: Internationaal Recht & Europees Recht• Bysuusdestigter
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
This document contains the prescribed judgments of the course Introduction to international and European law in the field of European law.

These documents contain a summary of all prescribed international law judgments.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Judgments
- • 4 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Introduction to International and European Union Law
Boom Jurisprudentie en documentatie- Cases and Materials International and European Union Law • Lana Said, Masuma Shahid• ISBN 9789462362680
Voordeelbundel Samenvattingen en arresten: Internationaal Recht & Europees Recht• Bysuusdestigter
Preview 1 out of 4 pages
These documents contain a summary of all prescribed international law judgments.

This document contains a summary of the book International Law (A. Hendriksen) and is part of the summaries of the course Introduction to International and European Law that is taught as a course at Erasmus University to first-year students studying Law. The other summaries of the course can be found on my profile: 1. Introduction to European Law Summary. 2. Summary of Cases & Materials: International Law cases. 3. Summary of Cases & Materials: European Law cases.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 12 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Introduction to International and European Union Law
International Law • Anders Henriksen• ISBN 9780192640444
Voordeelbundel Samenvattingen en arresten: Internationaal Recht & Europees Recht• Bysuusdestigter
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
This document contains a summary of the book International Law (A. Hendriksen) and is part of the summaries of the course Introduction to International and European Law that is taught as a course at Erasmus University to first-year students studying Law. The other summaries of the course can be found on my profile: 1. Introduction to European Law Summary. 2. Summary of Cases & Materials: International Law cases. 3. Summary of Cases & Materials: European Law cases.

This document summarizes the book European Union Law (F. Amtenbrink & H.H.B. Vedder) and is the first part of the summary of the course Introduction to International and European Law (RR116) taught in the first year of studying Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam. The other summaries for Introduction to International and European Law can be found on my profile. 1. Summary of the book International Law (A. Hendriksen). 2. Summary of the book Cases and Materials international and European...
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 12 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Introduction to International and European Union Law
Law of the European Union • F. Amtenbrink, H.H.B. Vedder• ISBN 9789462369283
Voordeelbundel Samenvattingen en arresten: Internationaal Recht & Europees Recht• Bysuusdestigter
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
This document summarizes the book European Union Law (F. Amtenbrink & H.H.B. Vedder) and is the first part of the summary of the course Introduction to International and European Law (RR116) taught in the first year of studying Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam. The other summaries for Introduction to International and European Law can be found on my profile. 1. Summary of the book International Law (A. Hendriksen). 2. Summary of the book Cases and Materials international and European...

Exam prep! Good luck! All notes are referred and double checked from lectures, tutorials and past notes.
- Book
- Summary
- • 43 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Media System in Comparative Perspectives
Comparing Media Systems • Daniel C. Hallin, Paolo Mancini• ISBN 9780521543088
Preview 4 out of 43 pages
Exam prep! Good luck! All notes are referred and double checked from lectures, tutorials and past notes.

This is the fast-reading version of chapters 2-12 from the 8th edition. Our class has used it to prepare for the final exam. Logical layout same as the book, no nonsense and to the point. Only key issues are discussed. I've added a complete test bank with answers, key concepts, important dates and events and main theories you must know. All in 1, reading time about 60 min in total.
- Book
- Summary
- • 62 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•International Economics
International Economics, Global Edition • James Gerber• ISBN 9781292433998
Preview 4 out of 62 pages
This is the fast-reading version of chapters 2-12 from the 8th edition. Our class has used it to prepare for the final exam. Logical layout same as the book, no nonsense and to the point. Only key issues are discussed. I've added a complete test bank with answers, key concepts, important dates and events and main theories you must know. All in 1, reading time about 60 min in total.

This is an excellent summary of the entire book chap. 1-11 2nd edition. I've added a complete test bank, key concepts explained, learning goals and more. All in 1. Reading time 60 min, understand the book in record time.
- Book
- Summary
- • 69 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Public Policy
Public Policy • Christoph Knill, Jale Tosun• ISBN 9781137573292
Preview 4 out of 69 pages
This is an excellent summary of the entire book chap. 1-11 2nd edition. I've added a complete test bank, key concepts explained, learning goals and more. All in 1. Reading time 60 min, understand the book in record time.

Summary of the Introduction to International and European Law course, the most important points (including necessary judgments) at a glance + different schedules and roadmaps you need for the exam!
- Summary
- • 22 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Introduction to International and European Union Law
Preview 3 out of 22 pages
Summary of the Introduction to International and European Law course, the most important points (including necessary judgments) at a glance + different schedules and roadmaps you need for the exam!

Summary of readings for pbl and some of the lectures
- Summary
- • 65 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Personality Psychology
Preview 4 out of 65 pages
Summary of readings for pbl and some of the lectures

This summary was made during the lectures and depict what one should know for the final exam. It's 6 pages so very brief. I've added a test bank with Q&A, a longer list of dead economists and their ideas/contributions and another list of key concepts you need to know. All in 1.
- Book
- Summary
- • 11 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Fiscale economie
New Ideas From Dead Economists • Todd Buchholz• ISBN 9780593183540
Preview 3 out of 11 pages
This summary was made during the lectures and depict what one should know for the final exam. It's 6 pages so very brief. I've added a test bank with Q&A, a longer list of dead economists and their ideas/contributions and another list of key concepts you need to know. All in 1.

This series explores the relationship between companies and government, including political environments, systems, and supranational entities. Topics cover political business strategies, managing political risks, and highly politicized business environments. The series emphasizes corporate governance and provides summaries of the primary literature by week.
- Summary
- • 16 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•B3EL112
Preview 3 out of 16 pages
This series explores the relationship between companies and government, including political environments, systems, and supranational entities. Topics cover political business strategies, managing political risks, and highly politicized business environments. The series emphasizes corporate governance and provides summaries of the primary literature by week.

This series covers evidence-based management and research methods in management. Topics include the research cycle, data types, literature review, qualitative and quantitative research, and case study strategies. Emphasis is placed on writing literature reviews, evaluating research claims, and presenting and analyzing results, including surveys and experiments.
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•B3EL101
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This series covers evidence-based management and research methods in management. Topics include the research cycle, data types, literature review, qualitative and quantitative research, and case study strategies. Emphasis is placed on writing literature reviews, evaluating research claims, and presenting and analyzing results, including surveys and experiments.

Summary of all the concepts covered in Economics of Markets and Organisations (FEB13050). This course is an elective and lecture based. This summary is meant to support the material covered in the slides/lectures and links concepts to articles studied during the course.
- Summary
- • 13 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Economics of Markets and Organisations
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Summary of all the concepts covered in Economics of Markets and Organisations (FEB13050). This course is an elective and lecture based. This summary is meant to support the material covered in the slides/lectures and links concepts to articles studied during the course.

This lecture series explores philosophical themes like analysis, thought experiments, and knowledge in context. It covers Cartesian skepticism, dualism, and theories of identity, memory, and change. Ethical theories are examined, including duties, virtues, and the naturalistic fallacy. The series concludes with discussions on utopia and social contract theories.
- Summary
- • 19 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•FW-WB3927
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This lecture series explores philosophical themes like analysis, thought experiments, and knowledge in context. It covers Cartesian skepticism, dualism, and theories of identity, memory, and change. Ethical theories are examined, including duties, virtues, and the naturalistic fallacy. The series concludes with discussions on utopia and social contract theories.

This lecture series focuses on Kant's philosophy, covering his idealism, metaphysics, ethics, and views on war and peace. Topics include categories, transcendental deduction, syllogisms, and the implications of moral laws. The series also explores Kant’s analysis of metaphysical ideas and his contributions to understanding the possibility of metaphysics as a science.
- Summary
- • 24 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•FW-HIS1020
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This lecture series focuses on Kant's philosophy, covering his idealism, metaphysics, ethics, and views on war and peace. Topics include categories, transcendental deduction, syllogisms, and the implications of moral laws. The series also explores Kant’s analysis of metaphysical ideas and his contributions to understanding the possibility of metaphysics as a science.

This lecture series examines the French and German Enlightenments, focusing on thinkers like D'Holbach and Rousseau. Topics include materialism, cultural emancipation, the French Revolution, and the Counter-Enlightenment. It explores the causes, phases, and products of the Enlightenment, as well as contemporary debates surrounding its legacy and critics.
- Summary
- • 20 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•FW-HID1019
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This lecture series examines the French and German Enlightenments, focusing on thinkers like D'Holbach and Rousseau. Topics include materialism, cultural emancipation, the French Revolution, and the Counter-Enlightenment. It explores the causes, phases, and products of the Enlightenment, as well as contemporary debates surrounding its legacy and critics.

This lecture series explores the philosophy of technology, covering its impact on society, identity, and human enhancement. Topics include technological acceleration, social shaping, Heidegger’s enframing, AI, and transhumanism. Thinkers such as Ellul, Jonas, Ricoeur, and Dennett are discussed, analyzing technology’s role in freedom, narrative identity, and posthuman futures.
- Summary
- • 20 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•FW-WB3931
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This lecture series explores the philosophy of technology, covering its impact on society, identity, and human enhancement. Topics include technological acceleration, social shaping, Heidegger’s enframing, AI, and transhumanism. Thinkers such as Ellul, Jonas, Ricoeur, and Dennett are discussed, analyzing technology’s role in freedom, narrative identity, and posthuman futures.