Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO
Latest uploads for Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR). Looking for Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO notes at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
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Courses Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Notes available for the following courses of Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Diagnostiek fswe-m1-0220 3
Economics of Health and Healthcare 1
Inleiding in de Onderwijswetenschappen 9
M1.4 Applied Multivariate Data Analysis 1
Popular books Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO
Sherman Folland, Allen Charles Goodman • ISBN 9781138208056
Latest notes & summaries Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO
The document is a summary of all the lectures and the mandatory literature for this course. The content has not been simply copy-pasted but improved and rephrased in simple and understandable terms. The document contains several tables and figures that make it simple to read and easy to understand. Very useful for comprehensive learning.
- Book
- Summary
- • 26 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Economics of Health and Healthcare
The Economics of Health and Health Care • Sherman Folland, Allen Charles Goodman• ISBN 9781138208056
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
The document is a summary of all the lectures and the mandatory literature for this course. The content has not been simply copy-pasted but improved and rephrased in simple and understandable terms. The document contains several tables and figures that make it simple to read and easy to understand. Very useful for comprehensive learning.