Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • Psychologie
Latest uploads for Psychologie at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR). Looking for Psychologie notes at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Psychologie at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Courses Psychologie at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Notes available for the following courses of Psychologie at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Academic Writing Skills I ESSB-P1120 1
Addiction 7
Affective Disorders FSWP3082K 18
Affective Disorders 3.4C FSWP3082K 1
Anxiety and stress 9
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis FSWPE-M040 9
Arbeid en Organisatie 3
Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie 3
Attitudes and Emotions in organizations FSWP3047A 1
Basic Human Needs: Eat, Sex, and Sleep FSWP3085K 2
Basic Human Needs: Eating, Sex and Sleep FSWP3085K 1
Biological psychology: The Human Body FSWP1-042-A 27
Biologische Psychologie 15
Blok 1.1 Human in Groups 2
Blok 1.1 mensen in groepen-sociale psychologie 9
Blok 1.2 Differences between People FSWP1-022-A 26
Blok 1.2 Persoonlijkheidspsychologie 2
Blok 1.2 verschillen tussen mensen-persoonlijkheidspsychologie 9
Blok 1.3 nieuwsgierige mens-statistiek 7
Blok 1.3 statistiek 2
Blok 1.4 Cognitieve psychologie 1
Blok 1.4 Human body FSWP1-042-A 20
Blok 1.5 Changing Man 28
Blok 1.5 ontwikkeling mens FSWPE1-050 1
Blok 1.6 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam: Klinische Psychologie FSWP1-060-A 9
Blok 1.7 werkende mens-arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie 11
Blok 1.8 lerende mens-onderwijspsychologie FSWP1-080-A 3
Blok 2.1: Neuropsychologie 8
Blok 2.2 Verklaren en Voorspellen 1
Blok 2.3 Geschiedenis en wetenschapsfilosofie 25
Blok 2.7 FSWP2-070-A 24
Blok 2.7 Developmental Psychology: From infancy to old age FSWP2-070-A 18
Blok 2.7 Infancy to old age 8
Blok 2.8 Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie 37
Blok 3.4 Depressie en psychose FSWP3081K 51
Blok 3.4. O&O Learning and instruction in schools 17
Blok 3.5. A&O organisatie psychologie FSWP3085A 2
Blok 3.5. O&O Engines for Learning 8
Blok 3.6 Neuropsychologie FSWP3088K 55
Blok 3.6. O&O Learning Disabilities 7
Blok 4.1 [K] Handboek Verslaving 4
BLOK 4.1 C CC Psychopathology in middle childhood 1
Blok 4.2 Developmental Challenges and Deviations FSWP4027KKJ 6
Blok 4.2 Groups at work FSWP4026AO 14
Blok 4.2 kkj, psychopathology in early childhood 4
Blok 4.2 Personality Disorders 1
Blok 4.3 kkj, cognitieve therapie 4
Blok 4.3 personnel selection 1
Blok 4.3.K Personality Disorders 6
Blok 4.4. Statistiek 2
Brain and Cognition: Perception FSWP2-040-A 13
Brein En Cognitie: Perceptie FSWP2-040-A 10
Challenges in Education & Development FSWP2-070-A 10
Challenges in education and development 2
Changes in Education and Development 1
Changing Man: Developemental Psychology 8
Changing Man: Developmental Psychology FSWP1-050-A 6
Child and adolescent development 1
Clinical psychology - Mental health challenges FSWP1-060-A 1
Clinical Psychology: Anxiety and Stress FSWP2-062-A 18
Clinical Psychology: Mental health challenges ESSB-P1080 12
Cognitieve Psychologie 2
Cognitive Psychology: Thinking and Remembering FSWP2-014-A 9
Cognitive Psychology: Thinking and Remembering (FSWP2-014-A) ESSB-P2010 1
Course 1.2 Personality Psychology 3
Course 1.3 Statistic 3
Course 1.4: The Human Body 2
Course 1.7 Organizational Psychology / Working Man 1
Course 1.8 Learning Psychology - Learning Man 1
Cross Cultural Psychology ESSB-P1110 28
Debatteren 1
Decentrale Selectie 1
Depressie en Psychose 5
Depression & psychosis 1
Developmental Psychology Year 1 FSWEPE1-050 1
Developmental Psychology: Challenges in Education and Development FSWP2-070-A 5
Developmental Psychology: Changing Man 1
Differences between People 1.1c 8
Differences in people 1
Eating, Sex and Other Needs FSWP3085K 24
Educational psychology FSWP3041O 1
Educational Psychology: Human Learning FSWP1-080-A 9
Effectieve bestanddelen van psychologische behandelingen in het ziekenhuis FSWP-K-3-4 8
Elective Legal Psychology FSWPK36 1
Engines for Learning 7
Eten, seks en andere behoeften FSWP3084K 45
Ethiek en recht in de gezondheidszorg 1
Etiology of Offender Types Forensic Neuroscience 1
Evolutiepsychologie: Oorsprong 1
Forensic Diagnostics and Treatment 1
Forensic Psychology FSWP-K-3-10 11
Forensische psychologie FSWP4024K 4
From Infancy to Old Age 3
FSWP-K-3-10 FSWP-K-3-6 1
FSWP1-023 Personality Psychology FSWP1-023 1
FSWP1-060-A FSWP1-060-A 1
FSWP2-032-A 1
FSWP2-052-A FSWP2-052-A 3
FSWP2-062 FSWP2-062 1
FSWP3082K 2
FSWPE1-050 FSWPE1-050 1
Gezinnen van Nu FSWP-K-3-4 19
Groups at Work FSWP4029AO 1
History and Methods of Psychology FSWP2-032-A 30
Instructional Strategies FSWP3082O 1
Introduction to Forensic and Legal Psychology FSWP4020F 2
Keuzevak effectieve bestanddelen van de psychotherapie 12
Klinische kinder en jeugdpsychologie 1
Klinische Psychologie 5
Klinische specialisatie 2
Know thyself: mindfulness for professionals FSWP-K-3-9 1
Language and Brain FSWP3084B 1
Leadership & Coaching FSWP3082A 9
Legal Psychology FSWP-K-3-6 16
Maatschappijleer 1
Master Klinische kinder- en jeugdpsychologie 10
Media and Communcation Theory CM0004 1
Memory FSWP3087B 13
Methoden en Statistiek I: een introductie ESSB-PE1010 2
Methods and Statistics III FSWPE-M040 1
Minor Cross Cultural Psychology FSWP-K-3-6 1
Minor Hoogtepunten Uit De Psychologie FSWPE1-050 4
Minor medische psychologie GENMIN09 21
Minor positive organisational psychology FSWP-MINOR-2A 4
Minor: Gezinnen van Nu 70
Motivatie, zelfregulatie & prestaties FSWP-K-3-1-A 33
Motivation, selfregulation & performance 5
Multivariate Data Analysis 1
Neuropsychologie 7
Neuropsychology FSWP3089K 13
Observatieweek 1
Observation Skills 1
Occupational Health and Safety FSWP3089A 9
Onderwijspsychologie 1
Ontwikkelingspsychologie FSWPE1-050 18
Ontwikkelingspsychologie: De veranderende mens FSWPE1-050 4
Ontwikkelingspsychologie: De veranderende mens (FSWPE1-050) 1
Opvoedvraagstukken 1
Organisational Psychology FSWP3085A 43
Organizational Psychology FSWP2-080-A 1
Organizational Psychology: People at Work FSWP1-070-A 6
Organizational Psychology: Performance at Work FSWP2-080-A 10
Pain: Psychological factors and treatments FSWP-K-3-5 10
PBL Skills FSWP1-015-A 1
People in Groups 7
Perceptie 1
Performance at work 1
Personality Disorders FSWP4033K 11
Personality Psychology 1
Personality Psychology: Differences between people FSWP1-023-A 39
Persoonlijkheidsleer 1
Persoonlijkheidspsychologie 2
Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen 4
Practical Academic Writing Skills II FSWP2-093-A 2
Practical Clinical interview FSWP3041K 4
Practical Experimental Research in Psychology FSWP2-042-B 1
Practical PBL Skills FSWP1-015-A 1
Practical Psychodiagnostics FSWP1-021-A 1
Practical Psychological experiments FSWP2-015-A 2
Practical Psychometrics: An Introduction FSWP2-055 4
Practical statistics skills II FSWP2-061-A 1
Practical Training for trainers FSWP2-081-A 1
Practicum 4.2 gedragstherapie 1
Practicum Neuropsychologische Diagnostiek FSWP1-044 1
Practicum Psychodiagnostiek FSWPE1-021-1 3
Practicum Testvaardigheden II FSWPE1-052 1
Psychodiagnostics B1 ESSB-P1030 2
Psychological Experiments FSWPE2-015-A 1
Psychological Science FSWP-K-3-3 4
Psychologie 1
Psychometrics FSWP2-052-A 1
Psychometrics: An Introduction FSWP2-052-A 84
Psychometrie FSWP2-055 7
Psychometrie: een introductie 2.3.1C 1
Psychopathology in middle childhood & adolescence FSWP4022KKJ 8
Scriptie 1
Scriptie/thesis bachelor 1
Selectie 1
Social Psychology: People in Groups ESSB-P1010 78
Sociale Psychologie 5
Statistics 1 FSWPE1-032 1
Statistics II: Explaining and Predicting 4
Statistiek 2.2 11
Statistiek I 1
Statistiek I / Statistics I FSWPE1-032 2
Statistiek I: Een introductie FSWP1-035 1
Statistiek II: Verklaren en voorspellen FSWPE2-022 5
Statistische vaardigheden I FSWP1-036 2
Summary 1
Testtheorie en psychometrie 4
The Brain FSWP3093B 10
Thinking and Remembering FSWP2-014-A 16
Toelating 1
Toelatingstoets 1
Understanding DLYIXSEA & DY5C4LCUL14 8
Verslaving FSWP4022K 6
World of Work FSWP2-080-A 1
Popular books Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • Psychologie

R. Michael Furr, Dr. Verne R. Bacharach • ISBN 9781071824078

Michael Passer • ISBN 9781464106002

David S Moore, George P McCabe • ISBN 9781429216210

Randy J. Larsen, David M. Buss • ISBN 9780072502831

Henry Gleitman, Daniel Reisberg • ISBN 9780393116823

Michael W. Passer • ISBN 9780716776819

Stephen B. Mcmahon, Fmedsci, Fsb, Martin Koltzenburg, Md, Frcp • ISBN 9780702040597

James N. Butcher, Jill M. Hooley • ISBN 9781292069289

Anthony Moss, Kyle Dyer • ISBN 9780230272224

American Psychiatric Association, Kernberg • ISBN 9780890425541

David R Shaffer, Katherine Kipp • ISBN 9781111834524

Tracy B. Henley, B. R. Hergenhahn • ISBN 9781133958048

Michael Passer • ISBN 9781319382889
Latest notes & summaries Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • Psychologie

Complete summary of the course Digital Media @ Work from the Master Psychology of Digital Media
- Summary
- • 145 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Digital Media @ Work
Preview 4 out of 145 pages
Complete summary of the course Digital Media @ Work from the Master Psychology of Digital Media

This document is specifically for understanding the structure and function of the brain according to the literature of the Brain and Body year 1 psychology course. It contains a detailed summary / list of all the brain areas and their functions. It also includes a diagram that shows the location of these areas. There are also some helpful resources, such as youtube videos listed that simplify the concepts.
- Class notes
- • 3 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Biological psychology: The Human Body
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
This document is specifically for understanding the structure and function of the brain according to the literature of the Brain and Body year 1 psychology course. It contains a detailed summary / list of all the brain areas and their functions. It also includes a diagram that shows the location of these areas. There are also some helpful resources, such as youtube videos listed that simplify the concepts.

This document contains the notes from each week's theme as discussed in the tutorial groups of the Brain and Body course in the first year of International Psychology. It covers all the necessary reading for each week. It also includes some links to resources (youtube videos) that are helpful in understanding the brain.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 162 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Biological psychology: The Human Body
Biological Psychology In Depth Notes + Human Brain Summary• By artyse801
Preview 4 out of 162 pages
This document contains the notes from each week's theme as discussed in the tutorial groups of the Brain and Body course in the first year of International Psychology. It covers all the necessary reading for each week. It also includes some links to resources (youtube videos) that are helpful in understanding the brain.

This document contains a list of rules that simplify understanding statistics in the first year. It clarifies some common mistakes students make and highlights the differences between certain confusing concepts. It is good for a final revision / checklist of what you need to know for the exam.
- Summary
- • 4 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Methoden en Statistiek I: een introductie
Preview 1 out of 4 pages
This document contains a list of rules that simplify understanding statistics in the first year. It clarifies some common mistakes students make and highlights the differences between certain confusing concepts. It is good for a final revision / checklist of what you need to know for the exam.

samenvatting thema 4 people in groups
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 4 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Social Psychology: People in Groups
sociale psychologie jaar 1 people in groups thema 1 tm 7!• By danivandenberg
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samenvatting thema 4 people in groups

Basic EEG steps 
Erasmus behavioural lab but applicable to any lab that uses a 32-electrode 10-20 EEG (bio semi system)
- Summary
- • 4 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Practical Experimental Research in Psychology
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Basic EEG steps 
Erasmus behavioural lab but applicable to any lab that uses a 32-electrode 10-20 EEG (bio semi system)

This document includes 37 out of 40 questions from the Personalty Psychology exam at Erasmus University. While the wording may differ slightly, the content closely aligns with the actual exam. I personally scored an 8.3 in this course, and this resource was instrumental in my success. It's a perfect tool for anyone aiming to excel or prepare for the resit. Don't miss this chance to boost your performance!
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Personality Psychology: Differences between people
Preview 2 out of 8 pages
This document includes 37 out of 40 questions from the Personalty Psychology exam at Erasmus University. While the wording may differ slightly, the content closely aligns with the actual exam. I personally scored an 8.3 in this course, and this resource was instrumental in my success. It's a perfect tool for anyone aiming to excel or prepare for the resit. Don't miss this chance to boost your performance!

This document includes 40 out of 42 questions from the Social Psychology exam at Erasmus University. While the wording may differ slightly, the content closely aligns with the actual exam. I personally scored an 8.6 in this course, and this resource was instrumental in my success. It's a perfect tool for anyone aiming to excel or prepare for the resit. Don't miss this chance to boost your performance!
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Social Psychology: People in Groups
Preview 2 out of 8 pages
This document includes 40 out of 42 questions from the Social Psychology exam at Erasmus University. While the wording may differ slightly, the content closely aligns with the actual exam. I personally scored an 8.6 in this course, and this resource was instrumental in my success. It's a perfect tool for anyone aiming to excel or prepare for the resit. Don't miss this chance to boost your performance!

Extensive summary of all 6 problems of the course 2.3.2C Anxiety and Stress. The notes are divided by problem and literature. They have thorough explanations of difficult concepts, plenty of visual aids and checklists based on the learning goals provided by the course coordinator. 
I hope this helps and good luck with your exam!
- Summary
- • 35 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Clinical Psychology: Anxiety and Stress
Preview 4 out of 35 pages
Extensive summary of all 6 problems of the course 2.3.2C Anxiety and Stress. The notes are divided by problem and literature. They have thorough explanations of difficult concepts, plenty of visual aids and checklists based on the learning goals provided by the course coordinator. 
I hope this helps and good luck with your exam!

Hello! This is the summary of the needed information for the 7 problems of Block 2 - Thinking and Remembering. I used the best mandatory sources for each problem and understandably explained the subjects. It includes checklists for all the keywords. 
I hope this helps you with your exam :) If you have any questions about the notes feel free to contact me.
- Summary
- • 28 pages's •
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam•Brain and Cognition: Perception
Preview 3 out of 28 pages
Hello! This is the summary of the needed information for the 7 problems of Block 2 - Thinking and Remembering. I used the best mandatory sources for each problem and understandably explained the subjects. It includes checklists for all the keywords. 
I hope this helps you with your exam :) If you have any questions about the notes feel free to contact me.