Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
Looking for study notes at Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)? On Stuvia you will find more than 8.162 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS).
Courses at Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
Notes available for the following courses at Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
Communicatie KernAC5 190KernAC5
Marketing M32 75M32
AFP Pleidooien 75Pleidooien
Ontwikkelingspsychologie TP1CONTWPS 73TP1CONTWPS
Agogiek Agogiek 72Agogiek
Psychopathologie TP2CPATH 57TP2CPATH
Algemene economie P25 54P25
Ethiek 40
Organisatiekunde PCORRKA20 38PCORRKA20
Nederlands 32
Groepsdynamica TP2CGDYN 29TP2CGDYN
Sportmarketing 29
Menswetenschappen 24
Aardrijkskunde 23
PL3 PL3 21PL3
Sales 9789058757890 179789058757890
Minor Complexe Zorg - HIGH CARE 17
Taal/Nederlands 16
Marketing 1 MARK 15MARK
Popular books Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
Jeffrey S. Nevid, Spencer A. Rathus • ISBN 9789043038126
Henk Huizenga, Robbe • ISBN 9789001822965
Marc van Zanten, Jos van den Bergh • ISBN 9789006955378
Frederic H. Martini, Edwin F. Bartholomew • ISBN 9789043036931
William R. Miller, Stephen Rollnick • ISBN 9789075569704
Barbara Majoor-Kolenburg, E. van Asselt • ISBN 9789001903190
Lynda Juall Carpenito • ISBN 9789001891572
Maryke Tieleman • ISBN 9789024403660
Stefan Renkema • ISBN 9789024424849
Lucho Rubio Repáraz • ISBN 9789023256786
Leon de Caluwe, Hans Vermaak • ISBN 9789462762800
Carin Wevers • ISBN 9789046905999
Jan Remmerswaal • ISBN 9789024402328
T. Hooijmaaijers, T. Stokhof • ISBN 9789023256328
ISBN 9789036823739
J.W.J. Fiers, L. van Oosterhout • ISBN 9789001298869
Edwin Hoffman • ISBN 9789036821209
Hester Vermeulen, Marjolein Schouten • ISBN 9789036824460
Roos Vonk, Vera Hoorens • ISBN 9789024442744
R. Kerssemakers, R. van Meerten • ISBN 9789031350599
Richard Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein • ISBN 9789047008071
Majors at Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
Notes available for the following studies at Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
Academie voor Danseducatie 11
Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs 25
Accountancy 163
Advanced Nursing Practice 1
Agogiek 1
ALO 20
Applied Science 35
Bedrijfseconomie 29
Bedrijfskunde 4
Bedrijfskunde MER 151
Bedrijfskunde - Management 29
Bedrijfskundig Management 46
Bedrijfsmangement MKB 3
CE Digital Business Concepts 36
CE International Event, Music & Entertainment studies 1
CE-Digital Business Concepts 45
CE-International Event, Music & Entertainment studies 3
Commercieel Management 1
Commerciële Economie 291
Commerciële Economie en Digital Business Concepts 1
Communicatie 209
Criminologie 1
Docent beeldende kunst en vormgeving 1
Docent Engels 8
Docent nederlands 2de graad 20
Docent omgangskunde 6
Docenten opleiding aardrijkskunde 18
Economie / Ondernemerschap & Retail Management 44
Economie en Bedrijfseconomie 2
Engels 2
Filmeducatie 1
Finance & Control 104
Finance, Tax & Advice 3
Finance, Tax and Advice 37
Financial Management 1
Financial Service Management 15
Fiscaal Recht en Economie 63
Fontys Hogeschool 2
Fysiotherapie 738
Gedragsproblemen in de klas 1
Global development Issues 4
Godsdienst Pastoraal Werk 1
HBO research 75
HBO V Technische stroom 10
HBO verpleegkunde 1115
HBO Verpleegkunde & Technische Stroom 227
HBO Verpleegkunde verkort 29
HBO- rechten 19
HBO-Rechten 7
HBO-V Technische stroom 10
HRM & Psychologie: Toegepaste Psychologie 146
Human Resource Management 337
ICT & Business 23
ICT & Software 2
International Business 56
International Business and Languages 5
International Business and Management Studies / IB 18
International Communication Management 1
International Lifestyle Studies 49
International Marketing & Management 8
Journalistiek 80
Kind en Educatie 5
Leefstijlcoach 1
Leraar Frans 2
Leraar Geschiedenis 1
Leraar Gezondheidszorg en Welzijn 23
Leraar nederlands 10
Lerarenopleiding 1e Graad Algemene Economie 5
Lerarenopleiding 1e graad Nederlands 3
Lerarenopleiding 2e Graad 1
Lerarenopleiding 2e Graad Bedrijfseconomie 3
Lerarenopleiding 2e graad Biologie 19
Lerarenopleiding 2e graad Engels 22
Lerarenopleiding 2e graad Frans 14
Lerarenopleiding 2e graad Maatschappijleer 13
Lerarenopleiding 2e graad Nederlands 55
Lerarenopleiding 2e graad Omgangskunde 1
Lerarenopleiding 2e graad Wiskunde 4
Lerarenopleiding 2e graads Engels 2
Lerarenopleiding aardrijkskunde 50
Lerarenopleiding algemene economie 4
Lerarenopleiding Basisonderwijs / PABO 162
Lerarenopleiding Duits 10
Lerarenopleiding Engels 11
Lerarenopleiding Geschiedenis 56
Lerarenopleiding Lichamelijke Opvoeding 80
Lerarenopleiding Natuur-en scheikunde 7
Lerarenopleiding Nederlands 2
Lerarenopleiding omgangskunde 3
Lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs 5
Lerarenopleiding wiskunde 2de graads 2
Logopedie 33
Maatschappelijk Werk en Dienstverlening 2
Marketing Management 1
Master Advanced Nursing Practice 3
Master Duits 4
Master Educational Needs 1
Master Engels 2
Master geschiedenis 1
Master Healthy Ageing 2
Master SEN 7
Mechatronica 2
Medische Beeldvorming en Radiotherapeutische Technieken 435
Minor Beleid Belangen Beïnvloeden 8
Minor Duits 1
Minor E-preneurship, E-commerce & E-fulfilment 1
Minor Engelse taal en cultuur 9
Minor Filmeducatie 3
Minor Filosofie en Ethiek 2
Minor Financiële Planning 103
Minor Forensische Orthopedagogiek 5
Minor Global Development Issues 16
Minor Mens en Recht 3
Minor Nederlands 1
Minor Ondernemerschap 2
Minor performance coaching & training 1
Minor Recht JHS Tilburg 3
Minor Spaans 1
Minor speciale doelgroepen 1
Minor Sports Performance 1
Minor verbeteren van voedingsgedrag 10
Minor Verslavingskunde 16
Nieuwste Pabo 130
NIMA Marketing A 1
Omgangskunde 1
Ondernemerschap & Retail Management 41
Onderzoeksvaardigheden 2
Organisatiekunde 1
Orthopedische Technologie 12
Pabo 12
Pedagogiek 299
Pedagogisch Management Kind en Educatie 1
Pedagogisch Management Kinderopvang 3
Personeel en Arbeid 1
Personeelsmanagement 2
Podotherapie 14
Small Business and Retail Management 14
Social Work 285
Sociale Studies 227
Spaanse taal en cultuur 1
Sport, economie en communicatie 1
Sportkunde 188
Sports Performance Minor 1
Technische Bedrijfskunde 42
Technische Verpleegkunde 12
Theologie 11
Toegepaste Gerontologie 1
Toegepaste Psychologie 625
Toegepaste Wiskunde 2
Vastgoed en Makelaardij 306
Vastgoedkunde 1
Verpleegkunde / HBO V 15
Verpleegkunde / HBO-V 6
Vroedkunde 10
Werktuigbouwkunde 1
Wiskunde Docent 1
2e graads docent Geschiedenis 78
2e graads docent maatschappijleer 1
Latest notes & summaries Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
Dit is een tentamen uitwerking van het vak Management Accounting dat gehouden wordt in het vierde jaar als free elective samen met IBC studenten.
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Management accounting
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
Dit is een tentamen uitwerking van het vak Management Accounting dat gehouden wordt in het vierde jaar als free elective samen met IBC studenten.
Samenvatting The Nix, met de behandelde thema's.
- Book
- Summary
- • 21 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Literatuur
The Nix • Nathan Hill• ISBN 9781509807857
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
Samenvatting The Nix, met de behandelde thema's.
The exam questions are 70% HR related and 30% Culture related. The summary I made is about the HR part. The questions are all open. You just have to explain what you have learned each week. If you learn the summary well, you will explain each subject and have a high chance of passing the course.
- Summary
- • 6 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•HRM & Culture
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
The exam questions are 70% HR related and 30% Culture related. The summary I made is about the HR part. The questions are all open. You just have to explain what you have learned each week. If you learn the summary well, you will explain each subject and have a high chance of passing the course.
Summary of the book and lessons on finance and management. The summary includes time value of money, capital budgeting, stock market and debt financing.
- Book
- Summary
- • 35 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Financial Management
Accounting & Finance • Ewoud Jansen• ISBN 9789059316287
Preview 4 out of 35 pages
Summary of the book and lessons on finance and management. The summary includes time value of money, capital budgeting, stock market and debt financing.
Lecture notes from the Business Process Management course. Summary of these theories: key definitions, push & pull, forecasting, incoterms, logistics and inventory.
- Class notes
- • 37 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Business Process Management
Preview 4 out of 37 pages
Lecture notes from the Business Process Management course. Summary of these theories: key definitions, push & pull, forecasting, incoterms, logistics and inventory.
Lecture notes from the business process management (Process) course. Brief summary of these theories: balance score board, strategy map, value chain, Porter and Ishikawa.
- Class notes
- • 12 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Business Process Management
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
Lecture notes from the business process management (Process) course. Brief summary of these theories: balance score board, strategy map, value chain, Porter and Ishikawa.
Lesson notes from the course business process management people. Short summary of these theories: safety culture, leadership skills and managers vs leaders.
- Class notes
- • 11 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Business Process Management
Preview 2 out of 11 pages
Lesson notes from the course business process management people. Short summary of these theories: safety culture, leadership skills and managers vs leaders.
These are lesson notes from the Business Process Management course. This teaching material is discussed: key terms of supply chain, the 4 v's, forecast methods and process mapping.
- Class notes
- • 28 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Business Process Management
Preview 3 out of 28 pages
These are lesson notes from the Business Process Management course. This teaching material is discussed: key terms of supply chain, the 4 v's, forecast methods and process mapping.
These notes are aimed at the HR side of Business Process management. Material that occurs: HRM strategy, organizational culture, Iceberg theory, eight demenitons of company culture and performance appraisal.
- Class notes
- • 24 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Business Process Management
Preview 3 out of 24 pages
These notes are aimed at the HR side of Business Process management. Material that occurs: HRM strategy, organizational culture, Iceberg theory, eight demenitons of company culture and performance appraisal.
This is a summary of the business research course as the third course of business research in the international business course. It provides information about the types of research, how to interview, what ways there are to choose a sample, etc.
- Summary
- • 35 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Business Research
Preview 4 out of 35 pages
This is a summary of the business research course as the third course of business research in the international business course. It provides information about the types of research, how to interview, what ways there are to choose a sample, etc.
This is a summary of the first finance and accounting course of the international business course at Fontys. Various topics are discussed, such as: financial statement, time value of money, equity financing, debt financing, and ratio analysis.
- Summary
- • 12 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Introduction to Finance and Accounting
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
This is a summary of the first finance and accounting course of the international business course at Fontys. Various topics are discussed, such as: financial statement, time value of money, equity financing, debt financing, and ratio analysis.
- Summary
- • 38 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Sociale psychologie
Preview 4 out of 38 pages
- Summary
- • 41 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Corporate acommunication
Preview 4 out of 41 pages
Samenvatting van hunt hoofdtuk 27, 28 en 29. Deze heb ik gebruikt voor mijn toets van Tijdvak 10 op het FLOT.
- Book
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Tijdvak 10
The Making of the West • Lynn Hunt, Thomas R Martin• ISBN 9781457681523
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
Samenvatting van hunt hoofdtuk 27, 28 en 29. Deze heb ik gebruikt voor mijn toets van Tijdvak 10 op het FLOT.
My previous work (Minor - Sports Performance Course) that can be found on my page includes all the notes for all Modules and Skills classes. 
The document that is uploaded here pertains all of the answers to the weekly quizes that are given on the different Modules and Skills Classes. This template includes all quizes, answers and explanations from Module 1A - Module 3D, Practice Theory Tests, and Skills Classes from Week 1 - Week 14. 
My previous document with the instructions to accessing...
- Other
- • 1 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•212FMSPPER
Preview 1 out of 1 pages
My previous work (Minor - Sports Performance Course) that can be found on my page includes all the notes for all Modules and Skills classes. 
The document that is uploaded here pertains all of the answers to the weekly quizes that are given on the different Modules and Skills Classes. This template includes all quizes, answers and explanations from Module 1A - Module 3D, Practice Theory Tests, and Skills Classes from Week 1 - Week 14. 
My previous document with the instructions to accessing...
The Fontys Sports Performance Minor gives one a great delve into Sports Performance and it truly helps and prepares you to becoming a Strength and Conditioning Specialist. With the various Modules, and components to the minor it can seem very overwhelming at first. However, this comprehensive template set will set you up for success. As a student who scored an 8.7 in this minor I can confidently say that it certainly helped set me up for success! 
ps: This product is created using Notion. If y...
- Package deal
- Other
- • 1 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•212FMSPPER
Sports Performance Minor Template + Quiz Answers and Explanations Bundle• By nielscornelissens
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The Fontys Sports Performance Minor gives one a great delve into Sports Performance and it truly helps and prepares you to becoming a Strength and Conditioning Specialist. With the various Modules, and components to the minor it can seem very overwhelming at first. However, this comprehensive template set will set you up for success. As a student who scored an 8.7 in this minor I can confidently say that it certainly helped set me up for success! 
ps: This product is created using Notion. If y...
This document is my own take on a project for the class Luxury fashion: a historical perspective. I choose to make my own Vogue Magazine about my take on the 70s in Australia, describing everything that happened around fashion, cultural changes, famous literature, film and more.
- Other
- • 21 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
This document is my own take on a project for the class Luxury fashion: a historical perspective. I choose to make my own Vogue Magazine about my take on the 70s in Australia, describing everything that happened around fashion, cultural changes, famous literature, film and more.
Customer satisfaction report individual assignment.
- Other
- • 38 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Business research
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Customer satisfaction report individual assignment.
Individual assignment part for law&Ethics 2 - Insights gained by taking law & Ethics 2 and also Ethical Dilemma description.
- Essay
- • 4 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Law & Ethics
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Individual assignment part for law&Ethics 2 - Insights gained by taking law & Ethics 2 and also Ethical Dilemma description.
Summary of management accounting 1st year; semester 2 period 4.
- Book
- Summary
- • 6 pages's •
Fontys Hogeschool•Accounting
Accounting & Finance • Ewoud Jansen• ISBN 9789059316287
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
Summary of management accounting 1st year; semester 2 period 4.