Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
Looking for study notes at Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)? On Stuvia you will find more than 5.105 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Haagse Hogeschool (HHS).
Courses at Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
Notes available for the following courses at Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
Medische biologie VP-PRAK1AENBVT1-22 159VP-PRAK1AENBVT1-22
Samenwerkend leren VD-VERZ-PRODC-20 71VD-VERZ-PRODC-20
Diëtistisch Handelen VD3DH 51VD3DH
Introductie IVK IVK-DU101-18 27IVK-DU101-18
Minor Oncologie VPVK-ONCO3-20 23VPVK-ONCO3-20
TOWIN Towin 13Towin
Minor Inkoop & Aanbesteding PROI 11PROI
Onderzoekend vermogen PEDHV3AFSTG19 11PEDHV3AFSTG19
Organisatie en Informatie 9
Leergang Stad en Criminaliteit IVK-DU214-22 9IVK-DU214-22
Thema 1 Begrijp een bedrijf en begrijp jezelf 6
Armoede/sociale Ongelijkheid En Schuldhulpverlening SW-HV1KSEP-20 5SW-HV1KSEP-20
Vastgoedexploitatie 5
Internationale en nationale veiligheid 3
Inleiding organisatiekunde 3
ICT Management BK-HVTICT-21-2021 3BK-HVTICT-21-2021
Beroepsvraagstuk 3
Decentrale selectie 2
Organisatie & Informatie 2
Popular books Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/91wJYW8lx4xx/149x210.jpg)
Rolf Bruins, Bert Pinkster • ISBN 9789043038201
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/qL7OgqW6RwAk/RlLzQY0/148x210.jpg)
Wouter Stol, Carel Tielenburg • ISBN 9789462369344
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000075513110.jpg)
R.J.N. Schlossels, S.E. Zijlstra • ISBN 9789013142563
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/NL95wVOV2kM2/550x825.jpg)
W.T. Eijsbouts, J.H. Jans • ISBN 9789462512221
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/3BBX0qYZ6lx/147x210.jpg)
Michel Wensing, Richard Grol • ISBN 9789036817318
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/B6zzqzwAkPLW/148x210.jpg)
Kees Gelderman • ISBN 9789001749996
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/736JMEXmoE6A/148x210.jpg)
M.S. Beck-Soeliman, G.J.W.M. Kipping LL.M. • ISBN 9789001899721
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/3lRLZDqjZ7y4/148x210.jpg)
Anton de Groot, Johan Toonstra • ISBN 9789024428441
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/p2EmnYR242qy/140x210.jpg)
Aernout Nieuwenhuis • ISBN 9789493199217
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/73lEEmxX7O0O/550x776.jpg)
Hans Buunk, Ton Hanema • ISBN 9789024408290
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000048857663.jpg)
S.S.M Rutten • ISBN 9789001875510
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/8EqZkAnjy0Z2/550x777.jpg)
Linda Tonkes, Gert-Jan Vlasveld • ISBN 9789401806022
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/EZ2mMo4qDJx4/2RgDxZP/148x210.jpg)
Ron Emmerik • ISBN 9789043036801
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000014401180.jpg)
Marinka van Beek, Ineke Tijmes • ISBN 9789024402458
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/RR0rW8NLRyL/148x210.jpg)
C.J. Loonstra, M.M. Mok • ISBN 9789001899707
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000026872891.jpg)
M.J. Kronenberg, B. de Wilde • ISBN 9789013125269
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/9gPXZJYx6x83/137x210.jpg)
M.W. Mosselman • ISBN 9789462512559
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/BPw9YLEnGoZk/YvXwg62/146x210.jpg)
ISBN 9789006214994
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/PQ60pg8okzgn/148x210.jpg)
Gert-Jan Vlasveld, Linda Tonkes • ISBN 9789401806060
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000007349563.jpg)
ISBN 9789031388707
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/nP0Z1jQMzk7/138x210.jpg)
W.H.A.C.M. Bouwens • ISBN 9789013148626
Majors at Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
Notes available for the following studies at Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
Accountancy 79
Bedrijfseconomie 33
Bedrijfskunde 83
Bedrijfskundige Informatica 1
Bestuurskunde en Overheidsmanagement 63
Bewegingstechnologie 23
Bouwkunde 21
Business 1
Business IT & Management 5
Civiele Techniek 3
Commerciële Economie 162
Communicatie 47
Communicatie Multimedia Design 26
English Language and Culture 1
European And International Law 8
European Studies 212
Facility Management 279
Finance and Control 19
Haagse Hogeschool 6
HBO Rechten 754
HBO Verpleegkunde Verkort 19
HBO voeding&dietiek 42
HBO-Rechten 1
HBO-voeding&dietiek 11
Huidtherapie 385
Huidtherapie en Verpleegkunde 1
Human Resource Management 215
Human Resource Management / HRM 1
Industrial design engineering 1
Industrieel Product Ontwerpen 1
Informatica 1
Information Security Management 2
Inkoop en Aanbesteden 1
Integrale Veiligheidskunde 546
International & European Law 115
International Business - English Stream 1
International Business and Management Studies / IB 6
International Business and Management Studies / IBMS 70
International Communication Management 1
International Financial management and control 4
Kwaliteit van dienstverlening 1
Lerarenopleiding 1e graad Lichamelijke Oefening 109
Lerarenopleiding Basisonderwijs / PABO 66
Maatschappelijk Werk en Dienstverlening 40
Marketing Communicatie 3
Mens en Techniek | Bewegingstechnologie 12
Minor Financiële Markten 4
Minor FM Inkoop en Aanbesteding 2
Minor ICM 1
Minor internetmarketing analytics 1
Minor Leefstijlcoach 2
Minor Mensen met een LVB 1
Minor Oncologie 14
Minor Seksualiteit en Diversiteit 1
Minor Social Media En Business 1
Ondernemerschap & Retail Management 35
Pedagogiek 406
Psychologie 3
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling 1
Safety and Security Management 6
Small Business & Retail Management 6
Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening 94
Social media en business 1
Social Work 202
Social Work Social Studies 2
Sociologie 1
Sport Management 1
Sport, Management en Ondernemen 5
Sportkunde 45
Stad en criminaliteit 1
Technische Bedrijfskunde 16
Technische Natuurkunde 18
Toegepaste Wiskunde 21
Verpleegkunde / HBO V 206
Verpleegkunde / HBO-V 122
Voeding en Dietetiek 349
Werktuigbouwkunde 12
Latest notes & summaries Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6365225/67064b087374c_6365225_121_171.jpeg)
A summary for the first exam that's taken in year 2 for PIL, Good Luck ;)
- Summary
- • 33 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•Public International Law
Preview 4 out of 33 pages
A summary for the first exam that's taken in year 2 for PIL, Good Luck ;)
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6259026/66f27ead2a6c3_6259026_121_171.jpeg)
The document I am offering is a comprehensive set of study notes for the Operations Management course, crafted to aid students in mastering key concepts and theories. This document covers 11 essential chapters such as process analysis, supply chain management, inventory control, quality management, and production planning. Each section is clearly organized, with detailed explanations, diagrams. Additionally, the notes include summaries and key concepts. Ideal for quick revision and or learning, ...
- Summary
- • 36 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•IB-S214-20
Preview 4 out of 36 pages
The document I am offering is a comprehensive set of study notes for the Operations Management course, crafted to aid students in mastering key concepts and theories. This document covers 11 essential chapters such as process analysis, supply chain management, inventory control, quality management, and production planning. Each section is clearly organized, with detailed explanations, diagrams. Additionally, the notes include summaries and key concepts. Ideal for quick revision and or learning, ...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5717283/667c19be3db33_5717283_121_171.jpeg)
The "Law Final Notes" document provides a comprehensive overview of essential topics in international law, focusing on key principles and regulations. It covers the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its role in global trade, the foundational principles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and various mechanisms for maintaining transparency and fairness in international trade. The notes detail the Harmonized System for product classification, safeguards, and exceptions to trad...
- Class notes
- • 40 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•International Business
Preview 4 out of 40 pages
The "Law Final Notes" document provides a comprehensive overview of essential topics in international law, focusing on key principles and regulations. It covers the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its role in global trade, the foundational principles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and various mechanisms for maintaining transparency and fairness in international trade. The notes detail the Harmonized System for product classification, safeguards, and exceptions to trad...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5603736/66674f4a59b6b_5603736_121_171.jpeg)
the document gives a detailed summary for the course introduction to operations and supply chain, based on the course schedule that covers the pages that should be read.
- Book
- Summary
- • 81 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•IB-P111-23
Operations Management • Peter Jones, Peter Robinson• ISBN 9780198724353
Preview 4 out of 81 pages
the document gives a detailed summary for the course introduction to operations and supply chain, based on the course schedule that covers the pages that should be read.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5477730/66577480649a6_5477730_121_171.jpeg)
This is a legal dimension summary for the course at the Hague University of Applied Sciences. The summary includes all relevant case law, concepts, and even step-by-step instructions on how to answer exam questions per theme. After writing this document, it was my only study material and sufficient enough to bring me a 9.6 in the exam.
- Summary
- • 21 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•The Legal Dimension of Europe
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
This is a legal dimension summary for the course at the Hague University of Applied Sciences. The summary includes all relevant case law, concepts, and even step-by-step instructions on how to answer exam questions per theme. After writing this document, it was my only study material and sufficient enough to bring me a 9.6 in the exam.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/4775202/65f852654d4fb_4775202_121_171.jpeg)
Essay voor het vak ICR1. 
Met als onderwerp green popularity
- Essay
- • 6 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•International Classroom 1
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
Essay voor het vak ICR1. 
Met als onderwerp green popularity
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/4775122/65f851f666d48_4775122_121_171.jpeg)
Critical literature review voor het vak ICR 2 over corona en outsourcing 
Met als onderzoeksvraag: 
‘In which ways are trends, innovation and change by covid-19 within facility management causing FM to change as well as outsourcing?’
- Essay
- • 15 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•ICR International classroom
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
Critical literature review voor het vak ICR 2 over corona en outsourcing 
Met als onderzoeksvraag: 
‘In which ways are trends, innovation and change by covid-19 within facility management causing FM to change as well as outsourcing?’
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/4023016/657b28699cf6b_4023016_121_171.jpeg)
Full English written summary of the book Los espejuelos de Lennon. Perfect for exam preperation.
- Book
- Summary
- • 9 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool
Los espejuelos de Lennon • Blanca Alvarez• ISBN 9788416057283
Preview 2 out of 9 pages
Full English written summary of the book Los espejuelos de Lennon. Perfect for exam preperation.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3995776/6574e764bf9e0_3995776_121_171.jpeg)
This is the complete summary of the book Exporing Strategy by Whittington the 2022 edition. All chapters are summarized including the most important visuals.
- Book
- Summary
- • 71 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool
Exploring Strategy, Text & Cases • Richard Whittington, Patrick Regner• ISBN 9781292428741
Preview 4 out of 71 pages
This is the complete summary of the book Exporing Strategy by Whittington the 2022 edition. All chapters are summarized including the most important visuals.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3982674/6572210762c5d_3982674_121_171.jpeg)
Elevate Your Exam Preparation with the Ultimate Comprehensive Exam Summary: Domestic and International Criminal Law 
Are you a university student aspiring for excellence in your Domestic and International Criminal Law course? Look no further! Unlock the gateway to academic success with our meticulously crafted, 35-page exam summary tailored to meet the needs of ambitious students like you. 
 Comprehensive Coverage: 
Dive into the heart of your course with an all-encompassing summary that sp...
- Summary
- • 5 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool
Preview 1 out of 5 pages
Elevate Your Exam Preparation with the Ultimate Comprehensive Exam Summary: Domestic and International Criminal Law 
Are you a university student aspiring for excellence in your Domestic and International Criminal Law course? Look no further! Unlock the gateway to academic success with our meticulously crafted, 35-page exam summary tailored to meet the needs of ambitious students like you. 
 Comprehensive Coverage: 
Dive into the heart of your course with an all-encompassing summary that sp...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3730130/65400f83a4d7f_3730130_121_171.jpeg)
Hoorcollege aantekeningen van Filosofie 1.1. Bruikbaar voor de Conceptuele toets Opvoeding in historisch perspectief.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 17 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool
Filosofie 1.1 Conceptuele toets Opvoeden in historisch perspectief .• By christy2
Preview 4 out of 17 pages
Hoorcollege aantekeningen van Filosofie 1.1. Bruikbaar voor de Conceptuele toets Opvoeding in historisch perspectief.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3713741/653cdcd59a977_3713741_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of the book Principles of Marketing. For the study International Business on the Hague University. For the subject ''Marketing Fundamentals''
- Book
- Summary
- • 17 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool
Principles of Marketing, Global Edition • Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong• ISBN 9781292449364
Preview 3 out of 17 pages
Summary of the book Principles of Marketing. For the study International Business on the Hague University. For the subject ''Marketing Fundamentals''
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3713693/653cdac191356_3713693_121_171.jpeg)
International Business Law: 
Chapter 7, pp. 365-426, Chapter 5: Foreign Investment, Chapter 9 Intellectual Properties, Chapter 6 Money and Banking, chapter on Taxation, Chapter 12: Financing
- Book
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool
International Business Law: International Edition • Ray A. August• ISBN 9780273768616
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
International Business Law: 
Chapter 7, pp. 365-426, Chapter 5: Foreign Investment, Chapter 9 Intellectual Properties, Chapter 6 Money and Banking, chapter on Taxation, Chapter 12: Financing
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3447865/6505985220624_3447865_121_171.jpeg)
Hello student, 
In this document is a summary that I made during my first weeks of the International and European law study. The summary discribes different topics; There are notes from class, notes from the book and some extra tips that I wrote down. 
Good luck with you exams!
- Book
- Summary
- • 32 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•Introduction To Law
Law: A Very Short Introduction • Raymond Wacks• ISBN 9780191062681
Preview 4 out of 32 pages
Hello student, 
In this document is a summary that I made during my first weeks of the International and European law study. The summary discribes different topics; There are notes from class, notes from the book and some extra tips that I wrote down. 
Good luck with you exams!
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3003802/64a2b631ea753_3003802_121_171.jpeg)
with these notes I received 8,9
- Summary
- • 66 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•IB-S226-22
Preview 4 out of 66 pages
with these notes I received 8,9
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/2919947/648f7274f1ce1_2919947_121_171.jpeg)
EU law summary.
- Summary
- • 157 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•EU LAW
Preview 3 out of 157 pages
EU law summary.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/2919970/648f7290e5188_2919970_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of Corporate law.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 54 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•Corporate Law
Summary - Private Law Exam :)• By hanan2004
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Summary of Corporate law.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/2919963/648f727b1e6a1_2919963_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of Family Law
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 69 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•Family Law
Summary - Private Law Exam :)• By hanan2004
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Summary of Family Law
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/2919956/648f727812d40_2919956_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of Civil Procedure law.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 32 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•Civil Procedure
Summary - Private Law Exam :)• By hanan2004
Preview 4 out of 32 pages
Summary of Civil Procedure law.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/2888356/64870eab4a0cf_2888356_121_171.jpeg)
Dit document omvat alle introductie video's getranscribeerd behalve de video getiteld: 'Why are the SDG's so important for a business school?" (03:56). 
Het is precies getranscribeerd zodat je zelf kan highlighten voor je tentamen wat je belangrijk vindt.
- Other
- • 7 pages's •
Haagse Hogeschool•Professionele ontwikkeling 3
Preview 2 out of 7 pages
Dit document omvat alle introductie video's getranscribeerd behalve de video getiteld: 'Why are the SDG's so important for a business school?" (03:56). 
Het is precies getranscribeerd zodat je zelf kan highlighten voor je tentamen wat je belangrijk vindt.