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Intercultureel Werken 1
Verpleegkunde 1
Voeding en diëtetiek 2
Latest notes & summaries HAN

What is the tx for bradycardia? correct answer: -atropine 
- stop the offending drugs 
What's tx for A-Fib? correct answer: -Amiodarone 
- Electrical cardioversion 
- Calcium Channel Blocker (diliazem) 
- Beta blocker (metoprolol) 
- digoxin (lanoxin) 
- Dronearone 
-radiofrequency ablation 
- the maze procedure 
What is the tx for V-tach? correct answer: CPR 
defib (if no pulse) 
meds (if pulse) amiodarone or lidocaine 
Cardioversion (stable/unstable) 
What doe...
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- • 10 pages's •
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What is the tx for bradycardia? correct answer: -atropine 
- stop the offending drugs 
What's tx for A-Fib? correct answer: -Amiodarone 
- Electrical cardioversion 
- Calcium Channel Blocker (diliazem) 
- Beta blocker (metoprolol) 
- digoxin (lanoxin) 
- Dronearone 
-radiofrequency ablation 
- the maze procedure 
What is the tx for V-tach? correct answer: CPR 
defib (if no pulse) 
meds (if pulse) amiodarone or lidocaine 
Cardioversion (stable/unstable) 
What doe...

Define health and wellness. Include how they are interchangeable and the two ways they are different. - Answer Health: the overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury 
-can be influenced by factors beyond your control 
Wellness: optimal health and vitality, encompassing all dimensions of well-being 
-largely determined by the conscious decisions that you make to control risk factors 
List and briefly describe each of the nine dimensions of wellness - An...
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- • 13 pages's •
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Define health and wellness. Include how they are interchangeable and the two ways they are different. - Answer Health: the overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury 
-can be influenced by factors beyond your control 
Wellness: optimal health and vitality, encompassing all dimensions of well-being 
-largely determined by the conscious decisions that you make to control risk factors 
List and briefly describe each of the nine dimensions of wellness - An...

What is the overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury? - Answer Health 
What expands the idea of health to include the ability to achieve optimal health? - Answer Wellness 
What is a condition that increase one's chances of disease or injury? - Answer Risk factor 
What do healthy people seek? - Answer state if overall wellness rather than merely absence of illness 
What includes fitness level and ability to care for one's self? - Answer ...
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- • 7 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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What is the overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury? - Answer Health 
What expands the idea of health to include the ability to achieve optimal health? - Answer Wellness 
What is a condition that increase one's chances of disease or injury? - Answer Risk factor 
What do healthy people seek? - Answer state if overall wellness rather than merely absence of illness 
What includes fitness level and ability to care for one's self? - Answer ...

What are the factors that affect community health? - Answer -Physical factors (much to to with location) 
-Social and cultural issues 
-community organizations 
-individual behaviors 
What are some social factors/determinants of community health? - Answer -politics 
-socioeconomic status 
-social norms 
What are some physical factors/determinants of community health? - Answer -geography 
-community size 
-industrial development (contributes ...
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- • 15 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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What are the factors that affect community health? - Answer -Physical factors (much to to with location) 
-Social and cultural issues 
-community organizations 
-individual behaviors 
What are some social factors/determinants of community health? - Answer -politics 
-socioeconomic status 
-social norms 
What are some physical factors/determinants of community health? - Answer -geography 
-community size 
-industrial development (contributes ...

How many American adults are overweight? Which gender has the highest percentage? - Answer 62-69% of Americans, men are more overweight and women are more obese 
What is the goal for wellness when it comes to weight management or weight loss? - Answer to adopt healthy behaviors that achieve an appropriate body composition 
a weight loss of how much in obese/overweight individuals can reduce the risk of weight-related health conditions and increase life expectancy? - Answer 5-10% of bod...
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- • 9 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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How many American adults are overweight? Which gender has the highest percentage? - Answer 62-69% of Americans, men are more overweight and women are more obese 
What is the goal for wellness when it comes to weight management or weight loss? - Answer to adopt healthy behaviors that achieve an appropriate body composition 
a weight loss of how much in obese/overweight individuals can reduce the risk of weight-related health conditions and increase life expectancy? - Answer 5-10% of bod...

Insurance Function Four fundamental principles - Answer 1) risk is unpredictable 
2) risk can be predicted with some accuracy in a large group 
3) insurance can transfer risk from the individual to group through pooling of resources 
4) losses are shared by all members 
outpatient care - Answer Doesn't require overnight stay incurring room and board costs 
Ambulatory care similar to community medicine because it serves around the community, convenience, accessibility. 
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- • 17 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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Insurance Function Four fundamental principles - Answer 1) risk is unpredictable 
2) risk can be predicted with some accuracy in a large group 
3) insurance can transfer risk from the individual to group through pooling of resources 
4) losses are shared by all members 
outpatient care - Answer Doesn't require overnight stay incurring room and board costs 
Ambulatory care similar to community medicine because it serves around the community, convenience, accessibility. 

What are the leading causes of death in the US? - Answer heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease 
Leading causes of death in 15-24 year olds? - Answer Unintentional accidents, suicide, homicide 
What has life expectancy done? - Answer Doubled since 1950 
What was the life expectancy in 2015 - Answer 78.8 years 
What is the Healthy People Initiative? - Answer Goals: prevent disease, disability, injury, and premature death. To achieve health equity, eliminat...
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- • 5 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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What are the leading causes of death in the US? - Answer heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease 
Leading causes of death in 15-24 year olds? - Answer Unintentional accidents, suicide, homicide 
What has life expectancy done? - Answer Doubled since 1950 
What was the life expectancy in 2015 - Answer 78.8 years 
What is the Healthy People Initiative? - Answer Goals: prevent disease, disability, injury, and premature death. To achieve health equity, eliminat...

health care - Answer the treatment of illness and maintenance of health 
finance - Answer funding 
health care financing - Answer funding for the treatment of illness and maintenance of health 
insurance - Answer protects against risk 
insured - Answer (also called beneficiary) some who is covered by insurance 
beneficiary - Answer a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will or life insurance policy 
insurer - Answer a person or company that ...
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- • 28 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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health care - Answer the treatment of illness and maintenance of health 
finance - Answer funding 
health care financing - Answer funding for the treatment of illness and maintenance of health 
insurance - Answer protects against risk 
insured - Answer (also called beneficiary) some who is covered by insurance 
beneficiary - Answer a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will or life insurance policy 
insurer - Answer a person or company that ...

Children's Divison Mission Statement - Answer To protect Missouri children from abuse and neglect; assuring their safety and well being by partnering with families, communities and government in an ethically, culturally and socially responsible manner. 
Program areas: CA/N - Answer Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations 
Program areas: FCS - Answer Family Centered Services - IIS and FRS 
Program areas: AC - Answer Alternative Care - Foster, pre-adoptive, residential 
Program are...
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- • 25 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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Children's Divison Mission Statement - Answer To protect Missouri children from abuse and neglect; assuring their safety and well being by partnering with families, communities and government in an ethically, culturally and socially responsible manner. 
Program areas: CA/N - Answer Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations 
Program areas: FCS - Answer Family Centered Services - IIS and FRS 
Program areas: AC - Answer Alternative Care - Foster, pre-adoptive, residential 
Program are...

What is the primary application of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) currently? - Answer the treatment of severe depression 
Which type of group therapy does not involve the services of a trained mental health professional? - Answer self-help grouos 
___ is a cognitive distortion that occurs when people interpret a situation as black or white, with not recognition of any middle ground. - Answer all-or-nothing thinking 
In person-centered therapy, what is the source of therapeutic insig...
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- • 6 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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What is the primary application of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) currently? - Answer the treatment of severe depression 
Which type of group therapy does not involve the services of a trained mental health professional? - Answer self-help grouos 
___ is a cognitive distortion that occurs when people interpret a situation as black or white, with not recognition of any middle ground. - Answer all-or-nothing thinking 
In person-centered therapy, what is the source of therapeutic insig...

research is: - Answer systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information (data) to increase understanding of a phenomenon about which we are interested 
simply put research does what - Answer produces new knowledge 
builds on previous knowledge 
adds to the body of knowledge for the scientific community 
research is NOT - Answer gathering information 
moving facts from one location to another 
merely rummaging for hard to find information 
why is resear...
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- • 26 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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research is: - Answer systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information (data) to increase understanding of a phenomenon about which we are interested 
simply put research does what - Answer produces new knowledge 
builds on previous knowledge 
adds to the body of knowledge for the scientific community 
research is NOT - Answer gathering information 
moving facts from one location to another 
merely rummaging for hard to find information 
why is resear...

Issue identification: Someone calls to attention the problem that needs government action. 
Agenda setting: Problem is seriously considered by the policymaking institution. 
Policy formation: Deliberation of pros and cons of different courses of actions that may take years to complete. 
Policy adoption: Fight to gain governmental support for policy. 
Policy implementation: Carrying out of the policy through public programs and actions. 
Policy evaluation: Looking at government's actions to see ...
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- • 9 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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Issue identification: Someone calls to attention the problem that needs government action. 
Agenda setting: Problem is seriously considered by the policymaking institution. 
Policy formation: Deliberation of pros and cons of different courses of actions that may take years to complete. 
Policy adoption: Fight to gain governmental support for policy. 
Policy implementation: Carrying out of the policy through public programs and actions. 
Policy evaluation: Looking at government's actions to see ...

listening - Answer active process of making meaning out of another person's spoken message 
includes process of listening preparation, receiving, constructing meaning, responding, and remembering 
hearing - Answer sensory process of receiving and perceiving sounds 
- process occurs automatically and requires no conscious effort 
attending - Answer paying attention to someone's words well enough to understand what the person is trying to communicate 
listening is ...
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- • 16 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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listening - Answer active process of making meaning out of another person's spoken message 
includes process of listening preparation, receiving, constructing meaning, responding, and remembering 
hearing - Answer sensory process of receiving and perceiving sounds 
- process occurs automatically and requires no conscious effort 
attending - Answer paying attention to someone's words well enough to understand what the person is trying to communicate 
listening is ...

informative speaking - Answer publicly addressing others to increase their knowledge, understanding, or skills 
informative methods - Answer 1. definition 
2. description 
3. explanation 
4. demonstration 
the five needs - Answer 1. physical 
2. relational 
3. identity 
4. spiritual 
5. instrumental 
persuasive speaking - Answer public speech that aims to influence listeners' beliefs, attitudes, and actions 
beliefs - Answer perceptions about what is true or false, accur...
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- • 12 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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informative speaking - Answer publicly addressing others to increase their knowledge, understanding, or skills 
informative methods - Answer 1. definition 
2. description 
3. explanation 
4. demonstration 
the five needs - Answer 1. physical 
2. relational 
3. identity 
4. spiritual 
5. instrumental 
persuasive speaking - Answer public speech that aims to influence listeners' beliefs, attitudes, and actions 
beliefs - Answer perceptions about what is true or false, accur...

HAN 333: Communications questions with correct answers
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- • 18 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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HAN 333: Communications questions with correct answers

brainstorming - Answer an idea-generating process in which group members offer whatever ideas they wish before any are debated 
- everyone contributes ideas, plan of actions, etc. 
nominal group technique (NGT) - Answer an idea-generating process in which group members generate their initial ideas silently and independently and then combine them and consider them as a group 
- Facilitator is needed to create master list of ideas 
- More comfortable for those who are shy 
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- • 35 pages's •
HAN Tests Bundle Set• By BillRanker
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brainstorming - Answer an idea-generating process in which group members offer whatever ideas they wish before any are debated 
- everyone contributes ideas, plan of actions, etc. 
nominal group technique (NGT) - Answer an idea-generating process in which group members generate their initial ideas silently and independently and then combine them and consider them as a group 
- Facilitator is needed to create master list of ideas 
- More comfortable for those who are shy 