Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND) • Business IT & Management
Latest uploads for Business IT & Management at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND). Looking for Business IT & Management notes at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Business IT & Management at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND).
Courses Business IT & Management at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND)
Notes available for the following courses of Business IT & Management at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND)
Basiskennis ICT 11916BD114A 2
Bedrijfseconomie 4
Bedrijfskunde & ICT 1
Beheer Applicaties & Services 1
Bestuurlijke Informatieverzorging 3
Business Intelligence 2
Business Process Modelling 1
Entrepreneurschip 1
ICT infrastructuurbeheer 3
Informat & Analyse 1
Inleiding Communicatie 1
Inleiding Onderzoek 1
Interculturele communicatie 1
IOT Connecting Things 1
IT & Business Operations 1
IT-servicemanagement 1
ITIL Servicemanagement 1
Management en Organisatie 1923MNORGA 1
Operational IT Management (ITIL) 1
Projectmanagement 2
Relationele Databases en SQL 2
Popular books Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND) • Business IT & Management

Ehmke F • ISBN 9789400218253
Latest notes & summaries Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND) • Business IT & Management

This is a summary for 'Projectmanagement'. In this summary you will find the necessary illustrations, terms and explanations to take your exams! The summary is completely in English (the book is also in English). Only chapter 7 is in Dutch as a bonus you have a trial exam WITH answers at the end!


This is a summary for 'Project management'. In this summary you will find the necessary illustrations, terms and explanations to take your exams! The summary is completely in English (the book...
- Book
- Summary
- • 53 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Projectmanagement
Project management unravelled • Ehmke F• ISBN 9789400218253
Preview 4 out of 53 pages
This is a summary for 'Projectmanagement'. In this summary you will find the necessary illustrations, terms and explanations to take your exams! The summary is completely in English (the book is also in English). Only chapter 7 is in Dutch as a bonus you have a trial exam WITH answers at the end!


This is a summary for 'Project management'. In this summary you will find the necessary illustrations, terms and explanations to take your exams! The summary is completely in English (the book...