Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND) • Hoger Toeristisch en Recreatief Onderwijs
Latest uploads for Hoger Toeristisch en Recreatief Onderwijs at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND). Looking for Hoger Toeristisch en Recreatief Onderwijs notes at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Hoger Toeristisch en Recreatief Onderwijs at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND).
Modules Hoger Toeristisch en Recreatief Onderwijs at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND)
Notes available for the following courses of Hoger Toeristisch en Recreatief Onderwijs at Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND)
Antropologie 2
Betoog 1
Betoog schrijven 2.4 1
Business ethics 3
Business Ethics & Marketing in Toerisme 2.2 1
Business Ethics 2.2 5
Business Ethics 2.2 Casustoets 1
Business Travel and Incentives 2
Casus 1.4 1
Casus 2.4 toeristisch beleid met intercultureel management 2
Casustoets 1.2 toerisme 3
Casustoets 1.3 1
Casustoets 1.3 ICC 2
Casustoets 1.4 1
Casustoets toeristisch product 1.2 2
Changemanagement/ Verandermanagement 1
Conferencemanagement 2
Conflicthantering 1
Cultuurbeleid & Trends 2
Cultuurtoerisme 2
Destination Management 1
Destination Marketing 1
Dienstenmarketing 1.4 6
E- commerce 1
E-Commerce 1
E-commerce 1.4 1
E-commere 1.4 1
Ecommerce & IBC 7
Engels 6
Engels 1.3 2
Engels 1.4 1
Engels 1.4 Woordenlijst H8, 9, 10 1
Engels 2.1 1
Engels 2.2 5
Engels 2.4 2
English plus 1.1 upper intermediate market leader vocabulary unit 1, 2, 3 1
English plus 2.2 1
Ethiek in toerisme 1
Eventmanagement 3
Experience in tourism 1216TD2WXA 2
Financieel 1
Financieel 1.3 2
Financieel 1.4 1
Financieel Management 9
Financieel management 2.4 kennistoets 1
Financieel Management & Marketingcommunicatie 1
Financieel management & Marketingcommunicatie 2.2 3
Financieel Management 1.2 1
Financieel management 1.4 2
Financieel Management 2.2 2
Financieel management 2.4 2
Financieel Management en Strategisch Management 2.4 4
Financieel management, kwaliteitsmanagement en strategisch management 5
Green adventures 2 1
Hoorcollege Onderzoek 2.3 1
Hospitality Management 2
HRM 2.1 6
HTRO Casustoets 1.1 1
HTRO Engels 1.1 1
HTRO Spaans 1.2 1
Htro spaans 2.1 2
Htro Spaans 2.2 1
HTRO Spaans 2.2 - Eres tú María? 2
HTRO spaans 2.4 2
Human Resources Management 3
IBC 1.4 1
Intercultureel Management 3
Intercultureel Management 2.4 5
Interculturele business communicatie 1.4 1
Interculturele communicatie 2
Interculturele communicatie touroperating 1
International Business Cultures 1
International Business Cultures 1.4 lesstof samengevat 2
Introductie in toerisme 1
Introductie toerisme 1.1 1
Kennistoets 2.1 HRM, Verandermanement & Recht 1
Kennistoets 2.1 Verandermanagement 3
Kennistoets 2.2 Marketingcommunicatie 2
Kennistoets 2.4 1
Kennistoets Marketing 1.2 2
Kennistoets onderzoek doen 1.1 1
Kwaliteit in bedrijfsvoering 1
Kwaliteit in bedrijfsvoering 2.4 5
Kwaliteitmanagement 1
Kwantitatief en kwalitatief onderzoek 2.3 1
Management & Organisatie 1
Management en Informatie Systemen/ MIS 1
Management en Organisatie 1
Management en Organisatie 1.1 8
Management Informatie Systemen 1
Management informatiesystemen 1
Marketing 10
Marketing & Onderzoekstechnieken 1
Marketing 1.2 6
Marketing in toerisme 7
Marketingcommunicatie 6
Marketingcommunicatie 2.2. 1
Methoden en technieken van onderzoek 1
Mice 1
Minor Business Travel & Incentives 1
Minor Destination Management 2
Ondernemerskennis 1
Onderzoek 2.3 6
Onderzoek Doen 1.1 7
Onderzoek doen 1.2 2
Onderzoek doen 2.3 2
Onderzoek doen kennis 2.3 1
Onderzoeksmethoden 3
Onderzoekstechnieken 1.2 1
Organisatie en Management 2
Project management 2
Project management 1.1 1
Projectmanagement & Inleidingmanagement 1
Projectmanagement 1.1 4
Recht 2.1 8
Samenvatting Verandermanagement periode 2.1 1
Schriftelijke communicatie / nederlands 3
Spaans 9
Spaans 1.2 3
Spaans 1.4 3
Spaans 2.1 1
Spaans 2.2 2
Spaans 2.3 2
Spaans 2.4 2
SPSS - Statistiek 1
SPSS - Statistiek - Jaar 2 periode 3 4
SPSS - Statistiek 2.3 4
SPSS en Statistiek 1
Stage 4
Stageplan 1
Strategisch Management 2.3 1
Strategisch management 2.4 2
Strategisch Management, Kwaliteitsmanagement en Financieel Management 2.4 2
Strategisch Mangement 2.4 1
Studieloopbaanbegeleiding 1
Succesvol Team 1
Thema´s in toerisme 2
Thema's in toerisme 2
Thema's in Toerisme 2.3 4
Toerisme 1
Toeristisch product 1
Toeristisch product 1.2 4
Touroperating 1
Trends in toerisme 1
Trends in Toerisme 1.2 2
Trends in Toerisme 2.1 2
Verandermanagement 3
Verandermanagement 2.1 4
Verandermanagement en HRM 2
Visitor Management & Beleid 2.4 4
Visitor Management en Beleid 1
Visitor Management en Toeristisch Beleid 1
Visitors management en beleid 1
Weblectures Ritchie & Crouch 1
Westerse kunst 2
Popular books Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND) • Hoger Toeristisch en Recreatief Onderwijs

Maria Rosa Serrano • ISBN 9783125356511

ISBN 9789400212374
Latest notes & summaries Hogeschool InHolland (INHOLLAND) • Hoger Toeristisch en Recreatief Onderwijs

This document is a combination of the theory which is discussed during the lectures and background information about the subject. At the end of the document there are some exam questions. These are very important to prepare you on the exam! GOOD LUCK!!
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- Summary
- • 13 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Green adventures 2
GREEN ADVENTURES SUMMARIES 1 + 2• By studentsamenvat
Preview 1 out of 13 pages
This document is a combination of the theory which is discussed during the lectures and background information about the subject. At the end of the document there are some exam questions. These are very important to prepare you on the exam! GOOD LUCK!!

A summary of the powerpoints and notes of the lessons
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- Summary
- • 10 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Experience in tourism
Experience in tourism• By oggyhtro
Preview 3 out of 10 pages
A summary of the powerpoints and notes of the lessons

Hereby you have a summary of the book "Economy of Experiences" with the chapters 1,2,3,4,5 and 7.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 20 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Experience in tourism
Economy of Experiences • Albert Boswijk, E. Peelen• ISBN 9789081922005
Experience in tourism• By oggyhtro
Preview 3 out of 20 pages
Hereby you have a summary of the book "Economy of Experiences" with the chapters 1,2,3,4,5 and 7.

This document contains all the words from the units 4-6 of both the Advanced Expert Coursebook and the Advanced Expert Student’s Resource Book. The answers were given in the lessons.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 7 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Engels 2.1
Expert Advanced Coursebook with CD Pack • Jan Bell, Roger Gower• ISBN 9781447961987
Complete bundel blok 2.1 HTRO (6x)• By susannejmolenaar
Preview 2 out of 7 pages
This document contains all the words from the units 4-6 of both the Advanced Expert Coursebook and the Advanced Expert Student’s Resource Book. The answers were given in the lessons.

English 2.2 - summary about all the grammar of unit 5-6-7-8. It contains the word order, skill words, adjectives and adverbs, linking words, word formation, mixed verb tenses, covering letters, examples of different letters, tricks and exercises.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 26 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Engels 2.2
Oxford English for Careers • Robin Walker, Keith Harding• ISBN 9780194551069
English 2.2 - Summary and Vocabulaire in 1• By Sasx
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
English 2.2 - summary about all the grammar of unit 5-6-7-8. It contains the word order, skill words, adjectives and adverbs, linking words, word formation, mixed verb tenses, covering letters, examples of different letters, tricks and exercises.

English wordlist of period 2.2 - It contains all the words of the units 5-6-7-8 with definitions, discussed in class!
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- Answers
- • 7 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Engels 2.2
English 2.2 - Summary and Vocabulaire in 1• By Sasx
Preview 2 out of 7 pages
English wordlist of period 2.2 - It contains all the words of the units 5-6-7-8 with definitions, discussed in class!

Notes/summary of ALL THE 40 WEBLECTURES on the model of Ritchie and Crouch. This series of weblectures is part of the minor Destination Management at Inholland Diemen. There will be 40 questions about this model on the knowledge exam.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 31 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Weblectures Ritchie & Crouch
The Competitive Destination • J. R. Brent Ritchie, Geoffrey I. Crouch• ISBN 9781845930103
Destination Management + Destination Marketing + Weblectures Ritchie & Crouch• By htro2017
Preview 4 out of 31 pages
Notes/summary of ALL THE 40 WEBLECTURES on the model of Ritchie and Crouch. This series of weblectures is part of the minor Destination Management at Inholland Diemen. There will be 40 questions about this model on the knowledge exam.

A summery of the powerpoints and lectures of Destination Marketing, which is part of the minor Destination Management.
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- Summary
- • 32 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Destination Marketing
Destination Management + Destination Marketing + Weblectures Ritchie & Crouch• By htro2017
Preview 4 out of 32 pages
A summery of the powerpoints and lectures of Destination Marketing, which is part of the minor Destination Management.

A summary of the powerpoints of the lectures of Destination Management. These lectures are part of the minor Destination Management (English) at Inholland Diemen. The lectures were given by Karel Werdler and the notes were made in 2017.
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- Summary
- • 27 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Destination Management
Destination Management + Destination Marketing + Weblectures Ritchie & Crouch• By htro2017
Preview 3 out of 27 pages
A summary of the powerpoints of the lectures of Destination Management. These lectures are part of the minor Destination Management (English) at Inholland Diemen. The lectures were given by Karel Werdler and the notes were made in 2017.

ALL ENGLISH words 2.2 with good definition
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- Other
- • 7 pages's •
Hogeschool InHolland•Engels 2.2
ENGELS 2.2• By bram13
Preview 1 out of 7 pages
ALL ENGLISH words 2.2 with good definition