Hogeschool Tio (TIO)
Looking for study notes at Hogeschool Tio (TIO)? On Stuvia you will find more than 1.092 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Hogeschool Tio (TIO).
Courses at Hogeschool Tio (TIO)
Notes available for the following courses at Hogeschool Tio (TIO)
E-Commerce IECO 21IECO
Marketing MKA 11MKA
E commerce ECON 7ECON
OMK - Operations Management OMK.1.0 6OMK.1.0
Interculturele Communicatie 3
Internationaal Strategisch Management INSMa 2INSMa
Popular books Hogeschool Tio (TIO)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Hogeschool Tio (TIO)
Arjan van Weele, Jordie van Berkel-Schoonen • ISBN 9789462155183
Patrick T.H.M. Janssen • ISBN 9789001868857
Rien Brouwers, Wim Koetzier • ISBN 9789001829544
Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones • ISBN 9781292238845
Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones • ISBN 9781292238876
Gebert Janssen • ISBN 9789492705020
Roel Grit • ISBN 9789001120382
Brian Johnson, Lucille van der Hagen, Gerard Wijers, Walter Zondervan, Lucille van der Hagen • ISBN 9789401800389
Patrick T.H.M. Janssen • ISBN 9781000024791
Jos Marcus, Nick van Dam • ISBN 9789001078256
R. van Midde, L. Kroes • ISBN 9789037235159
Marjolein Visser, Berend Sikkenga • ISBN 9789001887124
Arjen Appel • ISBN 9789052119595
A.J. van Weele • ISBN 9789013056075
Remko van der Pols, Yvette Backer • ISBN 9789087537111
Wijnand Jongen • ISBN 9789047009955
Brian Johnson, Gerard Wijers • ISBN 9789401803991
M. van Tuil • ISBN 9789080969810
Roel Grit, Marco Gerritsma • ISBN 9789001868796
ISBN 9789052119410
J.M. van der Veen - van Buuren, O. Clous • ISBN 9789463170604
Majors at Hogeschool Tio (TIO)
Notes available for the following studies at Hogeschool Tio (TIO)
Business Management 1
Commerce Entrepeneurship & Organisations 10
Commercieel Business Management 4
Commerciële Economie & Ondernemerschap 55
Commerciële Economie En Ondernemerschap 4
E commerce 1
E-commerce 10
EMS 16
HBO Rechten 25
HMAf of HMA 2
Hotel- en Eventmanagement 733
Internationaal Toeristisch Management 63
International Business and Management Studies 104
International hotel and event management 1
International Hotel And Hospitality Management 4
International Tourism Management 1
Makelaardij en vastgoed 4
Master of Business Administration 3
Project studievaardigheden Leerstrategieën 1
Tio Commercieel business management 6
Vastgoed en Makelaardij 2
Latest notes & summaries Hogeschool Tio (TIO)
This summary will help you ace your ECON 2 exam! It has all you need! This is for Hogenschool TIO.
- Summary
- • 25 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•E-commerce 2
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This summary will help you ace your ECON 2 exam! It has all you need! This is for Hogenschool TIO.
This summary is only an 11 page summary to ace your exam! This is for Hogenschool TIO.
- Summary
- • 11 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Information Management
Preview 2 out of 11 pages
This summary is only an 11 page summary to ace your exam! This is for Hogenschool TIO.
This difficult exam requires a good summary. This summary will help you ace your MOBE exam! This is for Hogenschool TIO.
- Summary
- • 36 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Organizational Behaviour
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This difficult exam requires a good summary. This summary will help you ace your MOBE exam! This is for Hogenschool TIO.
This summary will help you ace your e-commerce exam! This is for Hogenschool TIO.
- Summary
- • 23 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•E-Commerce 1
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This summary will help you ace your e-commerce exam! This is for Hogenschool TIO.
This summary will help you ace your Consumer Behaviour (COGE) exam! Goodluck. This is for Hogenschool TIO.
- Summary
- • 23 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Coge
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This summary will help you ace your Consumer Behaviour (COGE) exam! Goodluck. This is for Hogenschool TIO.
Aantekeningen van Spaans. Vooral werkwoorden. 
- Ser y estar 
- Hay 
- Saber y poder 
- La comparación 
- El perfecto 
- Verbos reflexivos 
- El gerundio
- Class notes
- • 3 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Spaans 2
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
Aantekeningen van Spaans. Vooral werkwoorden. 
- Ser y estar 
- Hay 
- Saber y poder 
- La comparación 
- El perfecto 
- Verbos reflexivos 
- El gerundio
I have made a summary for the book Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age. This summary is the most important parts of the whole book.
- Book
- Summary
- • 21 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio
Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age • Tracy L. Tuten• ISBN 9781526423344
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
I have made a summary for the book Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age. This summary is the most important parts of the whole book.
A very clear overview of the most important things in this subject. It is clearly written (in English), with loads of images and icons to support the text, and easy to remember this way!
- Book
- Summary
- • 46 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Organisatiekunde
Organisational behaviour • Gert Alblas, Ella Wijsman• ISBN 9789001898953
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A very clear overview of the most important things in this subject. It is clearly written (in English), with loads of images and icons to support the text, and easy to remember this way!
Stage 1 (STH1) verslag TIO! In het Engels, over een hotel in Italië.
- Essay
- • 23 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•STH1
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Stage 1 (STH1) verslag TIO! In het Engels, over een hotel in Italië.
Samenvatting van alle belangrijke onderwerpen en bladzijdes Strategische marketing (MGS). Boek "A Framework for Marketing Management" hoofdstuk 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12.
- Book
- Summary
- • 2 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Strategische marketing
A Framework for Marketing Management, Global Edition • Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller• ISBN 9781292093147
Preview 1 out of 2 pages
Samenvatting van alle belangrijke onderwerpen en bladzijdes Strategische marketing (MGS). Boek "A Framework for Marketing Management" hoofdstuk 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12.
Samenvatting "A Framework for Marketing Management" hoofdstuk 1 t/m 9, 11 t/m 12, 14 t/m 18.
- Book
- Summary
- • 23 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Strategische marketing
A Framework for Marketing Management, Global Edition • Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller• ISBN 9781292093147
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Samenvatting "A Framework for Marketing Management" hoofdstuk 1 t/m 9, 11 t/m 12, 14 t/m 18.
The full final thesis for Welcome to the World, a tourism booking platform in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Researching the customer journey of their online video platform. (English).
- Thesis
- • 82 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Afstudeerscriptie Final Thesis
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The full final thesis for Welcome to the World, a tourism booking platform in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Researching the customer journey of their online video platform. (English).
The professional development 2 project for International Business Management at Tio University Utrecht.
- Essay
- • 10 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Professional Development 2
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The professional development 2 project for International Business Management at Tio University Utrecht.
The English variant of the project for the International Advertising and Media subject. Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management. 
Regarding the company: Friesland Campina (Melkunie) about Milk.
- Essay
- • 20 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•International Advertising And Media
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The English variant of the project for the International Advertising and Media subject. Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management. 
Regarding the company: Friesland Campina (Melkunie) about Milk.
The full project part of the Cross-Cultural Communication (CCC) subject for Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management.
- Essay
- • 5 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Cross Cultural Communication
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
The full project part of the Cross-Cultural Communication (CCC) subject for Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management.
IBM (e) 1e jaar engels talige samenvating met alles kort samengevat over het vak E-Commerce. Afbeelding met utleg zit er ook in!
- Summary
- • 32 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•E-commerce 1
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IBM (e) 1e jaar engels talige samenvating met alles kort samengevat over het vak E-Commerce. Afbeelding met utleg zit er ook in!
This final portfolio includes all the weekly portfolios and is the final project for the course Trading Securities (INTE), given in the 3rd year at Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management. About the stock markets, trading strategies, stocks, bonds, options, mortgages, the AEX, Dow Jones and Nasdaq exchange. They are trading through the Plus 500 site.
- Other
- • 8 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•INTE Trading Securities
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This final portfolio includes all the weekly portfolios and is the final project for the course Trading Securities (INTE), given in the 3rd year at Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management. About the stock markets, trading strategies, stocks, bonds, options, mortgages, the AEX, Dow Jones and Nasdaq exchange. They are trading through the Plus 500 site.
The English project of the "Smart Smoking Case" a design that was fictional created, by a fictional company. The essay is part of the SCN(E) course at Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management.
- Essay
- • 11 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•SCN Concept Ontwikeling
Preview 2 out of 11 pages
The English project of the "Smart Smoking Case" a design that was fictional created, by a fictional company. The essay is part of the SCN(E) course at Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management.
The in-class case for CCD(E) "Creative solutions for Empty Buildings in the City-Centre". Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management.
- Case
- • 20 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Creative Concept Design
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The in-class case for CCD(E) "Creative solutions for Empty Buildings in the City-Centre". Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management.
Full research proposal for the course: Methods & Technics 2 in English. Approved by Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management!
- Essay
- • 4 pages's •
Hogeschool Tio•Methods And Techniques 2
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Full research proposal for the course: Methods & Technics 2 in English. Approved by Tio University Utrecht, International Business Management!