Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA) • Human Resource Management
Latest uploads for Human Resource Management at Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA). Looking for Human Resource Management notes at Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Human Resource Management at Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA).
Courses Human Resource Management at Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA)
Notes available for the following courses of Human Resource Management at Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA)
Adviseren en implementeren 1
Arbeidsrecht 2000KPR_22 48
ArbeidsRecht Blok 1 - Jaar 1 HRM 8
Arbeidsrecht blok 2 - jaar 1 HRM 7
Arbeidsrecht Blok 3 3
Arbeidsrecht Blok 4 - jaar 1 HRM 3
Basisvaardigheden Excel 1
Bedrijfskundige Aspecten Van HRM 1
Blok 1 jaar 2 1
Business and Communication in English 1
Business communication in english 1
Duurzame Inzetbaarheid 2200DI_20 1
Employability 1
Employability Adviseur 1000EAD_22 1
Flexicurity 7
Gedrag in organisaties 6
Gespreksvaardigheden 1
HR Advies 2000HRA_22 3
HR Data 4
HR Metrics 5
HR Onderzoek 8
HR Onderzoek 2 2
HR Onderzoek 2 - Professioneel Schrijven HRM 1
HR Onderzoek 3 - Professioneel Schrijven HRM 4
HR Onderzoek 4 - Professioneel Schrijven HRM 7
HR Onderzoek Kritische literatuurverkenning 1
HR Onderzoek: Ontwerp en Uitvoering 2
HR Performance: Advies en Implementatie HRM_2021KN4_TD 7
HR-data 2000HRA_22 1
HRM - Blok 3 3
HRM - Reorganisatie en uitstroom 16
HRM - Werving en selectie 13
HRM 1 2
HRM blok 3 deeltentamen 1 1
HRM blok 3 deeltentamen 2 1
HRM Blok 3 Jaar 1 1
HRM Blok 3 Strategisch HRM en HR Data 14
HRM Blok 3: Doorstroom Jaar 1 3
HRM blok 4 deeltentamen 1 1
HRM blok 4 HR Performance 3
HRM doorstroom 3
HRM jaar 1 blok 1 1
HRM Leren en veranderen blok 2 2060PJ2_20 11
HRM lijn 3 2
HRM RECHT Blok 2 Jaar 1 1
HRM RECHT Jaar 1 Blok 4 1
HRM- Blok 1 jaar 2 flexicurity 5
HRO Kwalitatieve Dataverzameling & Analyse 1
Human Resource Management HRM 29
Inleiding recht 6
Junior Recruiter 1000JRE_22 3
Juridisch HRM Juridisch HRM 15
Kennis 4
Kennis 1 Flexicurity 2
Kennis 1 Orientatie HRM 8
Kennis 2 Werving En Selectie 11
Kennis 3 HRM Doorstroom 13
Kennis 4 - HRM 2
Kennis 4 Adviseren En Implementeren 2
Kennis 4 Reorganisatie & Uitstroom 10
Kennis en project flexicurity 2
Kennis Flexicurity 3
Kennis jaar 2 blok 4 1
Kennis Leren & Veranderen in organisaties, opleiding HRM, 2e studiejaar 4
Kennis Performance: Advies en Implementatie 5
Kennis Strategisch HRM en HR Data 21/22, blok 3 2
Leiderschap 3
Leren en Ontwikkelen 2000LEO_22 6
Leren En Veranderen - HRM - Blok 2 - Jaar 2 10
Minor Arbeidsrecht 6
Motor theorie rijbewijs A 1
Organisatiekunde 1
Organisatiekunde 1 2
Organisatiekunde 3 1
Organiseren 1
Oriëntatie op HRM 11
OViT 1
People Analytics 2000KPA_22 1
Praktijk 3 hrm 1
Praktijk 4 HRM 1
Praktisch Arbeidsrecht 2000KPR_22 1
Professioneel Handelen 4000PRH_22 1
Professioneel schrijven HRM 4000PRH_22 24
Project 19
Project Performance: Advies en Implementatie 2
Recht 2
Recht 1 Inleiding Recht Blok 1 1
Recht 2 De Overeenkomst 13
Recht 3 Sociale zekerheidsrecht 11
Recht 4: Ontslagrecht 16
Recruitment & Onboarding 2200oB__20 1
Samenvatting Leerboek HRM Kluijtmans 2017 1
Scriptie 4
Stage 2
Strategisch HRM 2000STH_22 10
Strategisch HRM en HR Data 8
Taal 1
Trainingsvaardigheden 1
Trends en ontwikkelingen 2
Vaardigheden Excel 1
Popular books Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA) • Human Resource Management

F. Kluijtmans, Prof.Dr.F. Adema • ISBN 9789001875916

Martijn Vroemen • ISBN 9789462762152

W.L. Roozendaal • ISBN 9789013162080

Peter Dona • ISBN 9789024409365

Henry Mintzberg, Bruce W. Ahlstrand • ISBN 9789043017701

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VekaBest Verkeersleermiddelen, Motor Theorieboek 2018 • ISBN 9789067992732

Jaap Boonstra, Kilian Bennebroek Gravenhorst • ISBN 9789462762503

Y. Gramsbergen-Hoogland, H. Van Der Molen • ISBN 9789001706258

Ferdie Migchelbrink • ISBN 9789088504280

Marion Treep • ISBN 9789462900592
Latest notes & summaries Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA) • Human Resource Management

This is a summary of the book Organisation and Management the 4th edition by Jos Marcus. Chapters 1 till 6, 8 and 9 are summarized. Including all visuals that are important for the exam. Our study group have all used this summary and succeeded the exam.
- Book
- Summary
- • 75 pages's •
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Organisation and management an international approach • X, N. van Dam• ISBN 9789001895648
Preview 3 out of 75 pages
This is a summary of the book Organisation and Management the 4th edition by Jos Marcus. Chapters 1 till 6, 8 and 9 are summarized. Including all visuals that are important for the exam. Our study group have all used this summary and succeeded the exam.

test test test
- Summary
- • 2 pages's •
Hogeschool van Amsterdam•Arbeidsrecht
Preview 1 out of 2 pages
test test test

test 2
- Summary
- • 2 pages's •
Hogeschool van Amsterdam•Inleiding Recht
Preview 1 out of 2 pages
test 2

This document contains an informative memo written for the client Lance Free (Q1 Assessment). This memo is based on an article that is mandatory reading material for the course 'Business and Communication in English' given in year 2 block 1 HRM at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam. The client Lance Free is linked to the students by the Hva. The assignment was created by @demiaatje, among other things. It contains a list of literature where the APA rules have been used as much as ...
- Essay
- • 5 pages's •
Hogeschool van Amsterdam•Business and Communication in English
Preview 1 out of 5 pages
This document contains an informative memo written for the client Lance Free (Q1 Assessment). This memo is based on an article that is mandatory reading material for the course 'Business and Communication in English' given in year 2 block 1 HRM at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam. The client Lance Free is linked to the students by the Hva. The assignment was created by @demiaatje, among other things. It contains a list of literature where the APA rules have been used as much as ...