Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ)
Looking for study notes at Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ)? On Stuvia you will find more than 2.446 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ).
Courses at Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ)
Notes available for the following courses at Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ)
Anatomie, fysiologie en pathologie 110
Marketing 30
Bedrijfsadministratie 26
Marketingcommunicatie 13
Online Marketing 9
Service Design 7
Basisboek facility management 7
Verpleegplan 7
Evidence based practice 5
Capita Selecta 5
Neuromarketing 4
Blok 5 Bloed en infecties 4
Communicatie 4
Internationaal recht 4
Verloskunde 4
Internationale Economie 3
Blok 1 Ouders worden 2
Marketing & Nieuwe Media 2
Goederenrecht GR 2GR
Brand management 1
Popular books Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ)
Rienk Stuive • ISBN 9789001898977
Bronis Verhage • ISBN 9789001886868
Frits Kluijtmans • ISBN 9789001878269
Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur • ISBN 9789462760158
Boris Blumberg, Donald R. Cooper • ISBN 9780077157487
Roel Grit • ISBN 9789001809645
W.J. Broerse, D.J.J. Heslinga • ISBN 9789001889319
Mijna Hadders-Algra, Karel Maathuis • ISBN 9789023250807
Bernard Drion, Hester van Sprang • ISBN 9789001868833
Aubrey C. Daniels, David Daniels • ISBN 9781259644900
ISBN 9789036814508
Jan Wijnand Hoek, Mariël Koopmans • ISBN 9789089539984
ISBN 9789462153639
Jan Wijnand Hoek, Mariël Koopmans • ISBN 9789024438006
Neil Webers • ISBN 9789052617688
Frank Oomkes, Alan Garner • ISBN 9789059317031
Lindenhaeghe • ISBN 9789491679223
Sjors van Leeuwen, Sjoerd Van Leeuwen • ISBN 9789462200982
Jan-Hein Tempelman, Rijk Schildmeijer • ISBN 9789082102611
Theo van Houten • ISBN 9789001895716
D.L. Egmond, R. Schuitemaker • ISBN 9789036805919
Majors at Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ)
Notes available for the following studies at Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ)
Accountancy 35
Accountancy en bedrijfseconomie 38
Anesthesiemedewerker 1
Applied Science 33
Bedrijfseconomie 44
Biometrie 6
Bouwkunde 1
Build Environment 7
Business studies 100
Business Studies / People And Business Management 50
Catering 1
Chemie 1
Commercieel Management 16
Commerciële Economie 90
Commerciële Marketing 1
Communication 1
Communication & Multimediadesign 2
De natuur van mensen 1
Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving 1
Ergotherapie 9
European Studies 31
Facility Management 443
Finance And Control 10
Fysiotherapie 292
HBO recht 136
HBO verpleegkunde 359
HBO Verpleegkunde Deeltijd 2
Hbo verpleegkunde technische stroom 14
Hoger Hotelonderwijs 101
Hogere Juridische Opleiding 32
Hotelmanagement School 40
International Business 2
International Business Administration 82
Lerarenopleiding Basisonderwijs / PABO 4
Logopedie 10
Maatschappelijk werk en dienstverlening 1
Minor Eventmanagement 3
Oriëntaalse Talen en Communicatie 4
Pabo 12
People and Business Management 65
People And Business Management / Business Studies 1
Personeel en Arbeid 2
Pre-master International Business 6
Premaster 1
Premaster Zuyd 3
Psychologie, angststoornissen 1
Social Work 111
T-stroom 1
Technische Bedrijfskunde 5
Technische Verpleegkunde 44
Verloskunde 177
Vertaalacademie 2
Latest notes & summaries Hogeschool Zuyd (HZ)
This document is a summary of all the lessons of Gastronomic Hospitality module. The first four chapters of " The Essence of Gastronomy " are summarized, these are the most important ones according to teachers.
- Book
- Summary
- • 44 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•Gastronomie
The Essence of Gastronomy • Peter Klosse• ISBN 9781482216769
Preview 4 out of 44 pages
This document is a summary of all the lessons of Gastronomic Hospitality module. The first four chapters of " The Essence of Gastronomy " are summarized, these are the most important ones according to teachers.
Summary MAC hotel management school Maastricht. First year Module 3.
- Book
- Summary
- • 15 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•Management Accounting
Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting • Schmidgall, Raymond S.• ISBN 9780866124973
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
Summary MAC hotel management school Maastricht. First year Module 3.
This is the summary of chapter 1 - 14 + 18 for the 4th Edition of the book Business Research Methods.
- Book
- Summary
- • 61 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•Business Research Methods Fourth Edition Boris Blumberg
Business Research Methods • Boris Blumberg, Donald R. Cooper• ISBN 9780077157487
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This is the summary of chapter 1 - 14 + 18 for the 4th Edition of the book Business Research Methods.
All the important products you should know for your exam with photos
- Summary
- • 37 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•Gastronomie
Preview 4 out of 37 pages
All the important products you should know for your exam with photos
During the first year of HSMS you will be graded on your knowledge of gastronomy. I made a document with important questions you should know.
- Book
- Class notes
- • 15 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•Gastronomie
The Essence of Gastronomy • Peter Klosse• ISBN 9781482216769
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
During the first year of HSMS you will be graded on your knowledge of gastronomy. I made a document with important questions you should know.
Samenvatting van de eerste 13 hoofdstukken van het boek Revenue Management Principles. Dit boek was in 2019 leerstof voor de Minor Revenue.
- Book
- Summary
- • 83 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•Revenue Minor - Revenue Management Principles Summary
Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry • David K. Hayes, Allisha A. Miller• ISBN 9780470393086
Preview 4 out of 83 pages
Samenvatting van de eerste 13 hoofdstukken van het boek Revenue Management Principles. Dit boek was in 2019 leerstof voor de Minor Revenue.
Samenvatting van het tweede blok statistiek van de pre master aan Zuyd Hogeschool, met uitgebreide bespreking van de begrippen en de procedures.
- Book
- Summary
- • 49 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•Statistiek / statistics
Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS • Andy Field• ISBN 9781526419521
Preview 4 out of 49 pages
Samenvatting van het tweede blok statistiek van de pre master aan Zuyd Hogeschool, met uitgebreide bespreking van de begrippen en de procedures.
Samenvatting van 5 hoofdstukken van het bekende boek van Kotler: the principles of marketing.
- Book
- Summary
- • 15 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•Marketing
Principles of Marketing • Dr. Philip T. Kotler, Gary Armstrong• ISBN 9781292220178
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
Samenvatting van 5 hoofdstukken van het bekende boek van Kotler: the principles of marketing.
Summary of Longman academic writing series Fifth edition with examples. Small bits are translated into Dutch to identify certain terms.
- Book
- Other
- • 12 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•English Grammar Verdiepingstaal
Longman Academic Writing Series 4 • Alice Oshima, Ann Hogue• ISBN 9780134663319
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
Summary of Longman academic writing series Fifth edition with examples. Small bits are translated into Dutch to identify certain terms.
Oral Module 3, about the wEvent
- Summary
- • 32 pages's •
Hogeschool Zuyd•M3: Innovative Hopitality
Preview 4 out of 32 pages
Oral Module 3, about the wEvent