Looking for study notes at Landstede? On Stuvia you will find more than 263 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Landstede.
Courses at Landstede
Notes available for the following courses at Landstede
Examen 10
Popular books Landstede
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Landstede
ISBN 9789037235494
ISBN 9789492548207
Boom Beroepsonderwijs • ISBN 9789037259797
Edward van Balen • ISBN 9789006631579
ISBN 9789006771121
Boom Beroepsonderwijs • ISBN 9789037256703
Lydia Janssen • ISBN 9789037235517
Fredrike Bannink • ISBN 9789079729685
ISBN 9789037249811
Boom Beroepsonderwijs • ISBN 9789037259780
ISBN 9789493252714
Boom Beroepsonderwijs • ISBN 9789037259766
Majors at Landstede
Notes available for the following studies at Landstede
Allround Schoonheidsspecialiste 8
Bedrijfsadministrateur 28
Beveiliger niveau 2 2
Bouw & Architectuur 1
Directiesecretaresse/Managementassistent 2
Evenementen Organisatie, Marketing Communicatie 7
Examen cgi crisissituatie 1
Franse literatuurgeschiedenis 1
Gespecialiseerd pedagogisch medewerker 6
Handhaving Toezicht & Veiligheid 6
HTV 17
Human Resource Management 1
Juridisch administratief 2
Juridisch Administratief Dienstverlener 13
Juridisch Administratief Dienstverlening 8
Juridisch administratief medewerker 5
Juridisch medewerker zakelijke dienstverlening 6
Leidinggevende in vakmanschap 1
Maatschappelijke zorg 5
Maatschappelijke zorg niv 3 en 4 2
Maatschappelijke zorg niveau 4 2
MBO Verpleegkunde Niveau 4 55
Onderwijsassistente 12
Paraveterinair 11
Persoonlijk begeleider specifieke doelgroep 1
Reageren op voorziene crisissituaties 1
Schoonheidsspecialiste 3
Sport en Bewegen 32
Verpleegkunde 1
Verpleegkundige 2
Verzorgende ig 10
Verzorgende IG niveau 3 7
Verzorgende IG niveau 3 / mz niv 4 1
Verzorgende IG niveau 3/ mz niv 3 en 4 1
Latest notes & summaries Landstede
Marketing and communication are two essential skills for any business looking to succeed in the modern world. With the right knowledge and skills, businesses can reach their goals, grow, and succeed. Understanding how to reach and engage with customers is key to success, which is why studying marketing and communication can be such a rewarding experience.
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Marketing and communication are two essential skills for any business looking to succeed in the modern world. With the right knowledge and skills, businesses can reach their goals, grow, and succeed. Understanding how to reach and engage with customers is key to success, which is why studying marketing and communication can be such a rewarding experience.