Maastricht University (UM)
Looking for study notes at Maastricht University (UM)? On Stuvia you will find more than 6.204 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Maastricht University (UM).
Courses at Maastricht University (UM)
Notes available for the following courses at Maastricht University (UM)
Goederenrecht PRI4011 65PRI4011
Ondernemingsrecht PRI4007 28PRI4007
Burgerlijk procesrecht MET2205 23MET2205
Circulatie en Longen GEN3003 20GEN3003
Europees En Nationaal Constitutioneel Recht PUB4201 19PUB4201
Strafrechtelijke Sancties CRI4001 19CRI4001
GZW1024 Gezondheid, voeding en bewegen GZW1224 18GZW1224
BGZ2024 Food for life BGZ2024 17BGZ2024
Externaliserende stoornissen PSY4755 16PSY4755
GZW1023 Introductie Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksmethoden GZW1023 16GZW1023
Criminalistiek en Forensisch DNA CRI4025 15CRI4025
GZW3024 - Voortgezette Statistiek en Methoden van Onderzoek GZW3024 11GZW3024
Sociale zekerheid SZ 11SZ
Brain, Behavior and Movement BBS1004 10BBS1004
BBS2041 Human Intermediary Metabolism BBS2041 10BBS2041
Mens en machine PSY2026 10PSY2026
Research in Psychopathology GGZ2028 10GGZ2028
Methoden van Cognitieve Neurowetenschappen PSY3011 9PSY3011
Somatische symptoomstoornis PSY4765 PSY5765 9PSY5765
Bewustzijn en handelen PSY2025 8PSY2025
Popular books Maastricht University (UM)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Maastricht University (UM)

A. Nollkaemper • ISBN 9789054545446

L. Kay Bartholomew Eldredge, Christine M. Markham • ISBN 9781119035497

Harvey S. Rosen, Ted Gayer • ISBN 9780077154691

Michael Hogg, Graham Vaughan • ISBN 9781292409061

P.J. Huisman, F.J. van Ommeren • ISBN 9789013149975

Gary Schoenwolf, Steven B Bleyl • ISBN 9780323696043

Elaine N. Marieb, Katja Hoehn • ISBN 9781292260853

Mc Ardle, William D. Ardle • ISBN 9780781752701

Michael Hogg, Graham Vaughan • ISBN 9781292090450

ISBN 9789089534859
Dee Unglaub Silverthorn • ISBN 9781292259628

A.W. Heringa, J. van der Velde • ISBN 9789013146172

Martin J. Blaser, Md • ISBN 9780805098112

Emma Bell, Bill Harley • ISBN 9780198869443

Daniel Nettle • ISBN 9780199231515

Silverthorn dee • ISBN 9780321600615

Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel • ISBN 9781119504306

Michael Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry • ISBN 9780393912036

Vince Penders • ISBN 9789086663897

ISBN 9780128125076

Michael C. Ashton • ISBN 9780128098455
Majors at Maastricht University (UM)
Notes available for the following studies at Maastricht University (UM)
Accounting 6
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen 11
Arbeid & gezondheid 16
Bachelor fiscaal recht 9
Bachelor Fiscaal recht en economie 19
Bachelor Psychology 458
BBS1005 1
Bewegingswetenschappen 2
Biomedical Sciences 385
Blok 3: introductie wetenschappelijke onderzoek 1
Business and sciences 71
Cognitive Neuroscience Research Master 13
Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being 2
Data Science And Artificial Intelligence 10
Data Science And Knowledge Engineering 6
Decentrale Selectie Geneeskunde 1
Digitale Technologie en Zorg 1
Econometrics and Operations Research 1
Economics 13
Economics and Business Economics 1
Educatieve Minor 4
Epidemiology 22
European Law School 146
European Public Health 70
European Studies 11
Executive Master of Finance and Control 1
Finance 1
Financial Economics 1
Fiscaal Recht 26
Fiscaal Recht en Economie 1
Fiscaal Recht/Nederlands Recht 6
Fiscal Economics 3
Forensics, Criminology and Law 29
Geneeskunde 493
Gezondheidswetenschappen 2005
Gezondheidswetenschappen/Premaster Mental Health 2
Global Health 16
Global Studies 2
Globalisation and Law 48
Governance & Leadership in European Public Health 2
Health and Digital Transformation 1
Health and Social Psychology 11
Health Food Innovation Management 62
Health Policy and Innovation Management 34
Health Science 1
Healthcare Innovation Management and Policy 135
Human decision science 3
Human Movement Sciences 10
International and European Tax Law 28
International Bachelor Medicine, Geneeskunde 27
International Business 107
International Business - Strategic Marketing 3
International Globalisation And Law 1
International laws 2
International Management 1
Legal psychology 9
Liberal Arts and Sciences 9
MA Epidemiology 3
Maastricht Science Programme 1
Maastricht University 2
Marketing & Finance 2
Master Accounting and Control 14
Master algemeen profiel 1
Master Algemeen Recht 3
Master Biomedical Sciences 15
Master Developmental Psychology 2
Master Epidemiology 1
Master European Law School 5
Master Fiscaal recht 136
Master Forensic Psychology 33
Master Forensica, Criminologie en Rechtspleging 127
Master Handels en Ondernemingsrecht 7
Master Handels- en Ondernemingsrecht 32
Master Health Education and Promotion 33
Master Health Policy, Innovation and Management 37
Master Human Movement Science 2
Master Learning & Development in Organisations 2
Master Legal Psychology 2
Master Mental Health 144
Master Nederlands Recht 35
Master Neuropsychology 46
Master of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology 3
Master ondernemingsrecht 1
Master privaatrecht 115
Master Recht, Arbeid & Gezondheid 22
Master Staats en Bestuursrecht 18
Master Staats- en Bestuursrecht 71
Master Strafrecht 9
Master Work and Organizational Psychology 2
Master Work Health and Career 12
Masterclass effectief leiderschap 1
Medicine 24
Minor Advanced Psychology 5
MSc Business Intelligence and Smart Services 3
MSc IB - Strategic Marketing 12
MSc/MD Arts klinisch onderzoeker 34
MSc/MD Arts-klinisch onderzoeker 30
Nursing 1
Opleiding tot Register Accountant 1
Policy, Management and Evaluation 1
Pre master Mental Health 9
Pre master Rechtsgeleerdheid 21
Pre-Master International Business Marketing-Finance 3
Pre-master Mental Health 10
Pre-master Rechtsgeleerdheid 8
QM1 1
Recht en Arbeid 15
Rechtsgeleerdheid 704
RM Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience 1
Statistics 1
Strategic Corporate Finance 1
Strategic Marketing 3
Summary Sensation and Perception 7th Wolfe 1
Sustainability Science, Policy and Society 9
University College Venlo 1
Latest content Maastricht University (UM)

Step-by-Step Guide to Solving International Criminal Law Issues This document provides a structured and practical approach to tackling key legal questions in International Criminal Law. It offers clear step-by-step frameworks for analyzing and solving complex issues, making it an essential resource for students and legal professionals. Topics Covered: Jurisdiction Admissibility Crime of Genocide War Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crimes of Aggression Forms of Perpetr...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 9 pages's •
Maastricht University•International Criminal Law
Summary and step-by-step guide International Crimbal Law• Bycindyreker
Preview 2 out of 9 pages
Step-by-Step Guide to Solving International Criminal Law Issues This document provides a structured and practical approach to tackling key legal questions in International Criminal Law. It offers clear step-by-step frameworks for analyzing and solving complex issues, making it an essential resource for students and legal professionals. Topics Covered: Jurisdiction Admissibility Crime of Genocide War Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crimes of Aggression Forms of Perpetr...

Complete Summary – International Criminal Law (56 Pages!) Are you studying International Criminal Law and looking for a comprehensive and structured summary? This 56-page document covers everything you need, including key case studies, overviews, and jurisprudence. It’s written in clear language and provides an in-depth understanding of the subject, making it the perfect study aid for exams or assignments. Covers all key topics Includes case studies & relevant jurisprudence Well...
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- Summary
- • 61 pages's •
Maastricht University•International Criminal Law
Summary and step-by-step guide International Crimbal Law• Bycindyreker
Preview 4 out of 61 pages
Complete Summary – International Criminal Law (56 Pages!) Are you studying International Criminal Law and looking for a comprehensive and structured summary? This 56-page document covers everything you need, including key case studies, overviews, and jurisprudence. It’s written in clear language and provides an in-depth understanding of the subject, making it the perfect study aid for exams or assignments. Covers all key topics Includes case studies & relevant jurisprudence Well...

Summary of all cases combined with all lectures. Is written in English
- Summary
- • 82 pages's •
Maastricht University•Use It or Lose It
Preview 4 out of 82 pages
Summary of all cases combined with all lectures. Is written in English

This is a summary of all cases together with lectures. Includes images from the lectures. I myself got an 8.2 for this exam with this summary
- Summary
- • 76 pages's •
Maastricht University•Food for Life
Preview 5 out of 76 pages
This is a summary of all cases together with lectures. Includes images from the lectures. I myself got an 8.2 for this exam with this summary

according to learning goals, with self drawn diagrams, book diagrams, explanations from tutorial, the anatomy and applications
- Summary
- • 19 pages's •
Maastricht University•Functionele Neuroanatomie
Preview 3 out of 19 pages
according to learning goals, with self drawn diagrams, book diagrams, explanations from tutorial, the anatomy and applications

According to learning goals, neuroanatomy, subcortical fibers, intracellular transport, broddman areas, layers, brain connectivity, nodes, hubs, salience network, central exectuvie network, default mode network
- Summary
- • 14 pages's •
Maastricht University•Functionele Neuroanatomie
Preview 2 out of 14 pages
According to learning goals, neuroanatomy, subcortical fibers, intracellular transport, broddman areas, layers, brain connectivity, nodes, hubs, salience network, central exectuvie network, default mode network

According to the learning goals, explaining the neuroanatomy, the pathways, the loops, the applications, including the Marr-Albus theory, the forward and inverse models, schizophrenia
- Summary
- • 26 pages's •
Maastricht University•Functionele Neuroanatomie
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
According to the learning goals, explaining the neuroanatomy, the pathways, the loops, the applications, including the Marr-Albus theory, the forward and inverse models, schizophrenia

written according to the learning goals, with the several models, the indirect and direct pathways and anatomys drawn out, parkinson's disease
- Summary
- • 19 pages's •
Maastricht University•Functionele Neuroanatomie
Preview 3 out of 19 pages
written according to the learning goals, with the several models, the indirect and direct pathways and anatomys drawn out, parkinson's disease

Including diagrams, apraxias, motor areas, pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts
- Summary
- • 22 pages's •
Maastricht University•Functionele Neuroanatomie
Preview 3 out of 22 pages
Including diagrams, apraxias, motor areas, pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts

including factor analysis, rational strategy, empirical strategy, NEO perosnality inventory, HEXACO, inkblot test
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- • 23 pages's •
Maastricht University•Personality and individual differences
Preview 3 out of 23 pages
including factor analysis, rational strategy, empirical strategy, NEO perosnality inventory, HEXACO, inkblot test

about mental ability, its genetic and social influences, the Flynn effect, group factors, theories
- Summary
- • 23 pages's •
Maastricht University•Personality and individual differences
Preview 3 out of 23 pages
about mental ability, its genetic and social influences, the Flynn effect, group factors, theories

methods of measuring
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- • 24 pages's •
Maastricht University•Personality and individual differences
Preview 3 out of 24 pages
methods of measuring

including the extra documents provided by course coordinators, diagrams of neurochemical cascade of LTP in cell, hebbian learning, synapse anatomy, landmarks
- Summary
- • 17 pages's •
Maastricht University•Leren en Geheugen
Preview 3 out of 17 pages
including the extra documents provided by course coordinators, diagrams of neurochemical cascade of LTP in cell, hebbian learning, synapse anatomy, landmarks

with LTM, patients HM, NA, etc. Anatomy of memory storage, case studies, false memory, theories, hippocampus, amnesia
- Summary
- • 31 pages's •
Maastricht University•Leren en Geheugen
Preview 4 out of 31 pages
with LTM, patients HM, NA, etc. Anatomy of memory storage, case studies, false memory, theories, hippocampus, amnesia

with the landmarks, articles and book chapters.
- Summary
- • 33 pages's •
Maastricht University•Leren en Geheugen
Preview 4 out of 33 pages
with the landmarks, articles and book chapters.

music perception with musical illusions, synesthesia, neuroanatomy of music
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- • 19 pages's •
Maastricht University•Perception
Task 3-8 Perception• Bymaartjeneuro
Preview 3 out of 19 pages
music perception with musical illusions, synesthesia, neuroanatomy of music

with anatomy of ear, cochlear implants, frequency, fourier analysis
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- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Maastricht University•Perception
Task 3-8 Perception• Bymaartjeneuro
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
with anatomy of ear, cochlear implants, frequency, fourier analysis

With depth cues, monocular cues, binocular cues, perceiving size and article
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- Summary
- • 22 pages's •
Maastricht University•Perception
Task 3-8 Perception• Bymaartjeneuro
Preview 3 out of 22 pages
With depth cues, monocular cues, binocular cues, perceiving size and article

Task 4 perception - visual shapes to objects. with all gestalt principles, extra articles and summaries
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- Summary
- • 20 pages's •
Maastricht University•Perception
Task 3-8 Perception• Bymaartjeneuro
Preview 3 out of 20 pages
Task 4 perception - visual shapes to objects. with all gestalt principles, extra articles and summaries

Task 3: Columns and pathways
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- • 23 pages's •
Maastricht University•Perception
Task 3-8 Perception• Bymaartjeneuro
Preview 3 out of 23 pages
Task 3: Columns and pathways