Mediapsychologie en sociologie
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Latest notes & summaries Mediapsychologie en sociologie
This document is a detailed summary of the book Media Psychology Gayle Brewer (9780230279209). I made this summary in regard to my home study from the LOI for the media psychology and sociology course. 
The summary notes the most important aspects, with all terms and their meanings.
- Book
- Summary
- • 58 pages's •
Mediapsychologie en -sociologie•Mediapsychologie en -sociologie
Media Psychology • Gayle Brewer• ISBN 9780230279209
Preview 4 out of 58 pages
This document is a detailed summary of the book Media Psychology Gayle Brewer (9780230279209). I made this summary in regard to my home study from the LOI for the media psychology and sociology course. 
The summary notes the most important aspects, with all terms and their meanings.