Nationale Handelsacademie (NHA) (NHA)
Looking for study notes at Nationale Handelsacademie (NHA) (NHA)? On Stuvia you will find more than 51 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Nationale Handelsacademie (NHA) (NHA).
Courses at Nationale Handelsacademie (NHA) (NHA)
Notes available for the following courses at Nationale Handelsacademie (NHA) (NHA)
Financiering niveau 5 1
Popular books Nationale Handelsacademie (NHA) (NHA)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Nationale Handelsacademie (NHA) (NHA)
A. Lammers • ISBN 9789463172844
J. Heijnsdijk • ISBN 9789001766689
ISBN 9789006858846
ISBN 9789006859010
Alie Weerman • ISBN 9789024416981
Majors at Nationale Handelsacademie (NHA) (NHA)
Notes available for the following studies at Nationale Handelsacademie (NHA) (NHA)
Bedrijfskunde 10
Counseling 7
Gedragswetenschappen 1
Gespecialiseerd pedagogisch medewerker kinderopvang 4
Inleiding psychologie 1
Kindercoach 1
MBA moderne bedrijfsadministratie 1
Middle management 1
Positieve Psychologie 1
Psychosociaal Counselor 4
Secretaresse 1
Sport massage 1
Strafrecht 1
Verpleegkunde 10
Verpleegkunde HBO 1
Wft basis 1