NHL Hogeschool (NHL)
Looking for study notes at NHL Hogeschool (NHL)? On Stuvia you will find more than 87 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at NHL Hogeschool (NHL).
Courses at NHL Hogeschool (NHL)
Notes available for the following courses at NHL Hogeschool (NHL)
Pedagogiek 22
Kennistoets 2: Ontwikkelingspsychopathologie 1
Popular books NHL Hogeschool (NHL)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at NHL Hogeschool (NHL)
Phillip L. Hunsaker • ISBN 9789043035019
Bart Wernaart • ISBN 9789001893248
Majors at NHL Hogeschool (NHL)
Notes available for the following studies at NHL Hogeschool (NHL)
Accountancy 1
Bestuurskunde en Overheidsmanagement 8
Commerciële Economie 1
Communicatie 3
Creative Business 1
Finance, Tax And Advice 1
Havo 5 filosofie Denken over Democratie 1
HBO Bachelor Pedagogiek 41
HBO Communicatie 1
HBO-Rechten 1
Human Resource Management 1
Integrale Veiligheid 8
International Business Bachelor 2
International Hospitality Management 5
Lerarenopleiding 2e graad Biologie 2
Lerarenopleiding 2e graad Gezondheidszorg en Welzijn 1
Maritiem Officier 1
Master Leraar Algemene Economie 1
Ondernemerschap en retailmanagement 2
Verpleegkunde 5
Latest notes & summaries NHL Hogeschool (NHL)
The notes give an explanation of what Research and Recondary Research are. It describes the first step of Research Design: the definition of the problem. It gives examples for subquestions for the Problem Definition and includes the Research Process.
- Class notes
- • 5 pages's •
NHL Hogeschool•International Business
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
The notes give an explanation of what Research and Recondary Research are. It describes the first step of Research Design: the definition of the problem. It gives examples for subquestions for the Problem Definition and includes the Research Process.
This document contain the summary of 8 chapter of the book, and part of finance and research. In addition, notes from lectures are integrated, and there are some trial questions.
- Book
- Summary
- • 80 pages's •
NHL Hogeschool•International Business
Principles of Marketing, Global Edtion • Phil T. Kotler, Philip Kotler• ISBN 9781292341132
Preview 4 out of 80 pages
This document contain the summary of 8 chapter of the book, and part of finance and research. In addition, notes from lectures are integrated, and there are some trial questions.
International Hospitality Management, year 4: Management Project, Research Area 4 (HRM & Organization), graded with 8 
Topic: COVID-19 Related Stress of Millennial Indonesian Hospitality Workers in Bali, Indonesia
- Thesis
- • 57 pages's •
NHL Hogeschool•Management Project
Preview 4 out of 57 pages
International Hospitality Management, year 4: Management Project, Research Area 4 (HRM & Organization), graded with 8 
Topic: COVID-19 Related Stress of Millennial Indonesian Hospitality Workers in Bali, Indonesia
International Hospitality Management, year 3: Minor International Branding, Process Assessment, graded with 9.3
- Thesis
- • 36 pages's •
NHL Hogeschool•International Branding
Preview 2 out of 36 pages
International Hospitality Management, year 3: Minor International Branding, Process Assessment, graded with 9.3
International Hospitality Management year 3: Minor International Branding, Literature Review Branding, graded 9.7
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
NHL Hogeschool•International Branding
Preview 1 out of 18 pages
International Hospitality Management year 3: Minor International Branding, Literature Review Branding, graded 9.7
Career Transition portfolio of year 3 of International Hospitality Management. 
The portfolio was graded with a 10
- Thesis
- • 53 pages's •
NHL Hogeschool•Career Development
Preview 1 out of 53 pages
Career Transition portfolio of year 3 of International Hospitality Management. 
The portfolio was graded with a 10
International Hospitality Management, year 3: Understanding Research, final report, graded 8.5
- Thesis
- • 57 pages's •
NHL Hogeschool•Understanding Research
Preview 2 out of 57 pages
International Hospitality Management, year 3: Understanding Research, final report, graded 8.5