Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE)
Looking for study notes at Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE)? On Stuvia you will find more than 1.207 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE).
Courses at Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE)
Notes available for the following courses at Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE)
Advanced Auditing Onbekend 166Onbekend
Externe Verslaggeving SC-EV 81SC-EV
Auditing Beginselen AUDBEG 45AUDBEG
Academic Research in Accountancy FAT 44FAT
Financial Accounting Theory FATPre-MSc 36FATPre-MSc
Financial Accounting FIACC 26FIACC
Management Accounting MACC 15MACC
Corporate Governance CoGO 14CoGO
BIV inleiding BIV 12BIV
Beginselen Accountancy BACC 9BACC
Externe Verslaggeving voor Accountants EVAC 7EVAC
Ondernemingsrecht ONRE 6ONRE
Rimac 1
EVAC externe verslaggeving voor accountants BIV-IC 1BIV-IC
BIV-Inleiding 1
Popular books Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE)

G.A.C. Aarts • ISBN 9789463173209

Peter Epe • ISBN 9789001590567

ISBN 9789013172003

William R. Scott, Patricia O\'Brien • ISBN 9780134166681

E.H.J. Vaassen, Roger Meuwissen • ISBN 9789001738693

J.W.P. Verheugt • ISBN 9789082849509

Henk Fuchs, S.J.M. van Vlimmeren • ISBN 9789001878436

Richard Brealey, Stewart Myers • ISBN 9781260565553

Marshall B. Romney, Paul J. Steinbart • ISBN 9781292220086
Frank Hartmann, Kalle Kraus, Göran Nilsson, Vijay Govindarajan, Robert Newton Anthony • ISBN 9781526848314

Brealey, R.A. • ISBN 9780077189990

G.C.M. Majoor, B.A. Heikoop • ISBN 9789001278366

Prof.Dr. M.N. Hoogendoorn, Prof.Dr. R.G.A. Vergoossen • ISBN 9789001738419

Jerold Zimmerman • ISBN 9781260565478

R. Pruijm, R. Renes • ISBN 9789001033620

Moore Mcdowell, Rodney Thom • ISBN 9780077132736

Richard Baldwin, Charles Wyplosz • ISBN 9781526847218

W.J. Broerse, D.J.J. Heslinga • ISBN 9789001889357

Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon • ISBN 9781292296562

IFRS • ISBN 9781911629863

Gijs Hiltermann, Remy Stapper • ISBN 9789082444087
Majors at Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE)
Notes available for the following studies at Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE)
Accountancy 651
Accountancy and Controlling 2
Bachelor of Business Administration 10
Bachelor of science in accountancy 89
Bachelor of science in business administration 1
Bedrijfskunde 3
Bisl 1
BSC accountancy 12
Business Administration 6
Business Administration & Business Management 1
Executive Master of Finance and Control 5
Financial auditing FAU 2
Fiscaal Recht 40
Instroomprogramma post master RA 1
Instroomprogramma post-master RA 1
Master Accountancy 160
Master of accountancy 4
Master Of Management 32
Master of Science in Accountancy 20
Master of science in Controlling 37
Post Master Accountancy 3
Post-Master RA 1
Premaster / Postbachelor Controlling 1
Premaster Accountancy 88
Premaster Controlling 1
Register Accountant 13
Register Controller 1
Schakeltraject Accountancy & Controlling 19
Latest content Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NYENRODE)

The summary contains an overview of the material you need to know for the DSA exam. It contains the points you need to know about the theory, plus Python codes.
- Summary
- • 80 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Data Science Auditing
Preview 4 out of 80 pages
The summary contains an overview of the material you need to know for the DSA exam. It contains the points you need to know about the theory, plus Python codes.

This is a very comprehensive summary of ALL the material for the International Money and Finance exam. It includes a lot of notes from the classes, summaries of the required video's, summaries on the required papers, all the lecture slides and two summaries of chapter 1 and 2 of the Fundamentals of Multinational Finance book.
- Summary
- • 107 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•International Money and Finance
Preview 4 out of 107 pages
This is a very comprehensive summary of ALL the material for the International Money and Finance exam. It includes a lot of notes from the classes, summaries of the required video's, summaries on the required papers, all the lecture slides and two summaries of chapter 1 and 2 of the Fundamentals of Multinational Finance book.

This is a very extensive summary, including many notes from all classes, summaries of all required articles, and from the chapter 11, 12, 13 of the McKinsey book. Also all slides are included, provided with notes.
- Summary
- • 141 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Mergers, Acquisitions & Private Equity
Preview 4 out of 141 pages
This is a very extensive summary, including many notes from all classes, summaries of all required articles, and from the chapter 11, 12, 13 of the McKinsey book. Also all slides are included, provided with notes.

A very extensive summary with all the highlights from the mentioned chapters.
- Book
- Summary
- • 87 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Business Strategy & Alignment
Exploring Strategy, Text and Cases • Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington• ISBN 9781292282459
Preview 4 out of 87 pages
A very extensive summary with all the highlights from the mentioned chapters.

This is a summary about the book: The Accounting Cycle.
- Summary
- • 15 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Managerial Finance
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
This is a summary about the book: The Accounting Cycle.

An extensive summary on the book!
- Book
- Summary
- • 156 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Business Strategy and Alignment
Exploring Strategy, Text and Cases • Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington• ISBN 9781292282459
Preview 4 out of 156 pages
An extensive summary on the book!

A comprehensive summary!
- Book
- Summary
- • 88 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Digitization in Business and Society
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Global Edition • Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon• ISBN 9781292403571
Preview 4 out of 88 pages
A comprehensive summary!

This document is a very comprehensive summary consisting of all the relevant information for the Operations & Supply Chain Management Exam!
- Summary
- • 58 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Operations & Supply Chain Management
Preview 4 out of 58 pages
This document is a very comprehensive summary consisting of all the relevant information for the Operations & Supply Chain Management Exam!

This document is a summary of ALL the chapters and material discussed during the Management Science course.
- Summary
- • 98 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Management Science
Preview 4 out of 98 pages
This document is a summary of ALL the chapters and material discussed during the Management Science course.

This document is a summary of all the material necessary for the written exam. It focuses on chapters 2, 3, 4, and 12 as these are part of the written exam.
- Summary
- • 34 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Management Science
Preview 4 out of 34 pages
This document is a summary of all the material necessary for the written exam. It focuses on chapters 2, 3, 4, and 12 as these are part of the written exam.

This document is a concise summary of all the topics for the open book written exam. A very convenient document to print out for the exam.
- Summary
- • 7 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Management Science
Preview 2 out of 7 pages
This document is a concise summary of all the topics for the open book written exam. A very convenient document to print out for the exam.

This summary will help you understand your exam for operation and supply chain. This summary was made in 2024. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.
- Class notes
- • 42 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•OSCM
Preview 4 out of 42 pages
This summary will help you understand your exam for operation and supply chain. This summary was made in 2024. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.

When reading this book summary I guarantee you will not need to read the whole book. It will save you a lot of time and help you in your exams! This is for the Nyenrode Business University.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 73 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•OSCM
Operations and Process Management • Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones• ISBN 9781292176185
Book and class notes Operation and Supply Chain Management• Byfleur8817
Preview 4 out of 73 pages
When reading this book summary I guarantee you will not need to read the whole book. It will save you a lot of time and help you in your exams! This is for the Nyenrode Business University.

This summary is made from summarising the finance classes. It includes formulas and the theory behind it. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.
- Class notes
- • 25 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Foundations of Finance
Preview 3 out of 25 pages
This summary is made from summarising the finance classes. It includes formulas and the theory behind it. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.

This is an in depth summary on how to do research and it will also help you with your written exam about the subject! This is for the Nyenrode Business University.
- Book
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Introduction of Business Research
Introducing Research Methodology • Uwe Flick• ISBN 9781529717310
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
This is an in depth summary on how to do research and it will also help you with your written exam about the subject! This is for the Nyenrode Business University.

This practice exam is to learn to fill in the blanks. It will help you get familiar. Note: there will be some mistakes in the document. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.
- Package deal
- Other
- • 37 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Organisational behaviour
Organizational Behaviour Short together with long summary and practice material• Byfleur8817
Preview 4 out of 37 pages
This practice exam is to learn to fill in the blanks. It will help you get familiar. Note: there will be some mistakes in the document. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.

When you want to practice your multiple choice questions for the OB exam. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 67 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Organisational behaviour
Organizational Behaviour Short together with long summary and practice material• Byfleur8817
Preview 4 out of 67 pages
When you want to practice your multiple choice questions for the OB exam. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.

This Organizational Behaviour summary dives deeper into the material compared to the shorter version. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 33 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Organisational behaviour
Organizational Behaviour • Daniel King, Scott Lawley• ISBN 9780199603091
Organizational Behaviour Short together with long summary and practice material• Byfleur8817
Preview 4 out of 33 pages
This Organizational Behaviour summary dives deeper into the material compared to the shorter version. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.

Master your Organizational Behaviour exam with this concise summary. Perfect for students who do not want to read the full book. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 51 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Organisational behaviour
Organizational Behaviour • Daniel King, Scott Lawley• ISBN 9780192893475
Organizational Behaviour Short together with long summary and practice material• Byfleur8817
Preview 4 out of 51 pages
Master your Organizational Behaviour exam with this concise summary. Perfect for students who do not want to read the full book. This is for the Nyenrode Business University.

This is a very useful summary with all the highlights from the chapters!
- Book
- Summary
- • 143 pages's •
Nyenrode Business Universiteit•Management Science
Hillier, F: ISE Introduction to Management Science • Frederick Hillier, Mark Hillier• ISBN 9781260091854
Preview 4 out of 143 pages
This is a very useful summary with all the highlights from the chapters!