Prince ii
Looking for study notes at Prince ii? On Stuvia you will find more than 3 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Prince ii.
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Courses at Prince ii
Notes available for the following courses at Prince ii
Prince II 3
Popular books Prince ii
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Prince ii
Van Haren Publishing • ISBN 9789401805858
Latest notes & summaries Prince ii
The complete summary for taking the PrinceII Agile exam. Divided into three parts: PrinceII, Agile and PrinceII Agile. Also deals with Scrum, the different Scrum roles, the PrinceII Agile roles, how PrinceII is tailored to Agile and what phases you have in a PrinceII and in a PrinceII Agile project.
- Summary
- • 25 pages's •
Prince II•Prince II
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The complete summary for taking the PrinceII Agile exam. Divided into three parts: PrinceII, Agile and PrinceII Agile. Also deals with Scrum, the different Scrum roles, the PrinceII Agile roles, how PrinceII is tailored to Agile and what phases you have in a PrinceII and in a PrinceII Agile project.