Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
Looking for study notes at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)? On Stuvia you will find more than 8.584 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU).
Courses at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
Notes available for the following courses at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
Strategic Human Resource Management MAN-BCU008A-2020-1-V 90MAN-BCU008A-2020-1-V
Burgerlijk Recht I JUR3-BUR1 86JUR3-BUR1
Internationaal privaatrecht JUR4-IPRNED 65JUR4-IPRNED
Wetenschapsfilosofie SOW-PWB3220-2020-PER1-V 47SOW-PWB3220-2020-PER1-V
Contractenrecht JUR-4BRVCONT 42JUR-4BRVCONT
Psychometrie en besliskunde SOW-PWB2300 42SOW-PWB2300
Europees Economisch Recht JUR-EURECO 39JUR-EURECO
Kwalitatieve Onderzoeksmethodologie MAN-BRP347 38MAN-BRP347
Statistics NWI-BP012C 36NWI-BP012C
Kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethodologie MANBPRA347 35MANBPRA347
Inleiding Pedagogiek SOW-PWB1060-2019-PER1-V 34SOW-PWB1060-2019-PER1-V
Strategie MAN-MIE002 33MAN-MIE002
Advanced Research Methods MAN-MPOL013A 33MAN-MPOL013A
Accounting MAN-BCU168EN-2019-4 32MAN-BCU168EN-2019-4
Corporate Finance MAN-BCU2020-2022 31MAN-BCU2020-2022
Inleiding internationaal recht JUR-1IINT 31JUR-1IINT
Methods of Research and Intervention MOR002 29MOR002
Motorische en perceptuele ontwikkeling SOW-PWB1260 29SOW-PWB1260
Methoden van onderzoek SOW-PSB1RS16N 28SOW-PSB1RS16N
Organisatie ontwerp MAN-BCU320 28MAN-BCU320
Popular books Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
ISBN 9789089532527
Lydia Janssen • ISBN 9789462907591
Boselie, Paul • ISBN 9780077145620
ISBN 9789024438082
T. Hartlief • ISBN 9789013162141
Bob De Wit • ISBN 9781473725157
Andy Field • ISBN 9781526419514
Frank Van Tubergen • ISBN 9780815353850
Cilia Witteman, Paul van der Heijden • ISBN 9789024441297
Jac Vennix • ISBN 9789043037884
David Buchanan, Andrzej Huczynski • ISBN 9781292251578
Herman Paul • ISBN 9789462363526
Joseph Hair, William Black • ISBN 9781473756540
Todd Rose • ISBN 9789400506978
John P. McKay, Clare Haru Crowston • ISBN 9781319040406
John P. Mckay, Clare Haru Crowston • ISBN 9781319031015
Michele Dillon • ISBN 9781119410911
Peter N. Stearns • ISBN 9780367279868
Henry Mintzberg, Bruce W. Ahlstrand • ISBN 9780273719588
Abul Abbas, Andrew Lichtman • ISBN 9780323757485
Michael Samers, Michael Collyer • ISBN 9781138924475
Majors at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
Notes available for the following studies at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
Aardrijkskunde 55
Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO 18
Accountancy 1
Accounting & Control 2
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen 6
Alle bacheloropleidingen 1
American studies 2
Amerikanistiek 1
Ancient history 2
Anthropology and Development Studies 3
Artificial Intelligence 24
Bachelor Biology 103
Bachelor Geneeskunde 2
Bachelor Geografie, Planologie en Milieu 56
Bachelor of Business Administration 202
Bachelor Psychologie 56
Bachelor Rechten 48
Bachelor Sociologie 54
Bedrijfscommunicatie 1
Bedrijfskunde 725
Bedrijfskunde Master Marketing 4
Behaviour Change 12
Beleidsadvisering 1
Bestuurskunde 266
Bestuursrecht 1
Biologie 97
Biology 54
Biology/ Medical Biology 1
Biomedische Wetenschappen 142
Biomedische Wetenschappen, Geneeskunde 25
BMS52- Disorders of movement 1
Bsc Medical Biology / Neurology / neurophysiology 8
Burgerlijk recht 7
Business Administration 116
Business Administration: Business Administration 13
Business Administration: Business Administration / Business Economics 8
Business Administration: Business Administration / International Business Administration 15
Business Administration: Business Economics 8
Business Administration: Innovation & Entrepreneurship 19
Business Administration: International Business Administration 2
Business Administration: Strategic Management 2
Business And Financial Economics 2
Chemistry 9
Chemistry of life 1
Cognitive Neuroscience Research Master 2
Com 1
Communicatie & Beïnvloeding 4
Communicatie En Beïnvloeding 33
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen 319
Communicatiewetenschap 139
Communication science 1
Conflict Studies 7
Corporate Communication 1
Corporate Finance and Control 5
Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingsociologie 1
Culturele antropologie en ontwikkelingssociologie 45
Culturele antropologie en ontwikkelingsstudies 1
Decentrale Selectie Geneeskunde 1
Economics 1
Economics & Business Economics 1
Economics and Business Economics 5
Economics and Businesseconomics 1
Economics Master: Accounting and Control 1
Economie 147
Economie en Bedrijfseconomie 2
Economie en bedrijsfeconomie 86
Economie, Bedrijfskunde, Economics, Business Economics, Bedrijfseconomie, Business Administration 3
Engelse taal en cultuur 14
English Language and Culture 2
Environment & Society Studies 4
Environment and Society Studies 2
European Law School 27
European Union Politics and Governance 1
Farmacologie toxicologie 1
Filosofie 17
Financial economics 5
Fiscaal recht 19
Gender and diversity studies 16
Gender Studies 12
Geneeskunde 609
Generieke module intensief 3
Geografie planologie en milieu 21
Geografie, planelogie en milieu 1
Geografie, planologie, milieu 3
Geografie, planologie, milieu GPM 1
Geography and Planning 1
Geography planning and environment 1
Geologie, Planologie en Milieu 1
Geschiedenis 283
Geschiedenis B1 10
Gezondheidszorgpsychologie 10
Gezondheidszorgpsychologie Master 1
GPM 15
Griekse en Latijnse Taal en Cultuur 3
Human Biology 6
Human Geography 3
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3
Internationaal en Europees Recht 1
International Business Administration 17
International business communciation 1
International Business Communication 170
International Economics and Business 5
Islam 2
Kinderverpleegkunde 1
Kunstgeschiedenis 7
Linguistics 1
Literair Bedrijf 3
Management, Economie en Recht 16
Marketing 3
Maste Strategic Management 3
Master notarieel recht 1
Master Accounting & Control 6
Master Bestuurskunde 20
Master Biomedical Sciences 24
Master Burgerlijk recht 150
Master business administration 28
Master Business Administration, Organizational Design & Development 1
Master Business Analysis and Modelling 1
Master Communicatie & Beïnvloeding 1
Master Communicatie en Beïnvloeding 18
Master Economics 2
Master Economics, Behavior and Policy 3
Master Economics: Accounting and Control 3
Master Environment & Society 6
Master Financieel Recht 6
Master Fiscaal Recht 12
Master Gedragsverandering 1
Master Gezondheidszorgpsychologie 3
Master Human Biology 7
Master Information Science 1
Master Innovation & Entrepreneurship 3
Master Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1
Master Marketing 41
Master Medical Biology 40
Master Nederlands recht, specialisatie Strafrecht 1
Master Notarieel Recht 48
Master Ondernemingsrecht 24
Master Onderwijswetenschappen 5
Master Organisational Design and Development 8
Master Organizational Design & Development 4
Master Organizational Design and Development 1
Master Pedagogiek 1
Master Rechten 15
Master SHRL 3
Master staats- en bestuursrecht 9
Master Strafrecht 39
Master Strategic Human Resources Leadership 2
Master Strategic Management 14
Master Taal en spraakpathologie 5
Master Work, Health, and Organizational Psychology 2
Mastere Ondernemingsrecht 1
MED-BMS50 Neural control of movement 1
Medical Biology - Human Biology 1
Medical Biology/ Molecular Life Sciences 5
Minor Gender in kunst, cultuur en geschiedenis 1
Minor Journalistiek 1
Minor sustainable challenges 1
Minor Wellbeing and Society 2
Minor/ Pre-master Communicatie- En Informatiewetenschappen 1
Moleculaire Levenswetenschappen 7
Molecular Life Science 8
Molecular Life Sciences 57
Molecular Mechanisms Of Disease 3
Molecular Sciences 1
Msc Biology 3
MSc Business Administration 2
Msc Medical Biology 88
MSc. Neurobiology 1
Natuurkunde 1
Nederlands Recht 5
Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur 38
Neurobiology 6
Notarieel recht 129
NT2 docent 1
NWI-BM001D Molecular And Cellular Neurobiology 1
OD&D 2
Ondernemingsrecht 2
Onderwijskunde en Pedagogische Wetenschappen 152
Organizational Design and Development 3
Pedagogische Wetenschappen 527
Pedagogische Wetenschappen - Speciale Leerbehoeften 4
Pedagogische Wetenschappen Master 22
Pedagogische Wetenschappen van Primair Onderwijs 6
Philosophy, Politics And Society 5
Planning, Land and Real Estate Development 4
Political Representation and its Challenges 1
Political Science 37
Politicologie 129
Pre master business administration 34
Pre Master Communicatiewetenschappen 7
Pre Master Environment & Society 2
Pre-master Business Administration 16
Pre-master Communicatie & Beïnvloeding 1
Pre-master Communicatie En Beïnvloeding 22
Pre-master Communicatie- En Informatiewetenschappen 2
Pre-master ESS, HG, SP 1
Pre-master human biology 3
Pre-master Orthopedagogiek 12
Premaster biomedical sciences 1
Premaster BMW 1
Psychologie 740
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen 5
Rechtsgeleerdheid 1371
Religie, Politiek en Samenleving 2
Religiestudies 2
Religiewetenschappen 3
Research Master Behavioural Science 2
Romaanse talen 1
Romaanse Talen en culturen 5
Scheikunde 4
Science management and innovation 2
Science, Magament and Innovation 1
Science, Management & Innovation 1
Science, Management and Innovation 3
Social and Cultural Science 2
Sociale Geografie en Planologie 17
Sociology, Philosophy and Ethics of Research 1
Spatial Planning 43
Spoedeisende hulp verpleegkundige 2
Staats en bestuursrecht 1
Strafrecht 1
Strafrecht en Criminologie 2
Strategic Human Resource Leadership 4
Strategic human resource management 1
Strategic human resources leadership 2
Strategic Management 15
Taalwetenschap 6
Taalwetenschappen 2
Tandheelkunde 93
Tandheelkunnde 1
Toegepaste Psychologie 1
Verpleegkunde 2
Vervolgopleiding Inwendige Aandoening 2
Vervolgsopleiding Kinderverpleegkundige 1
Voeding en Gezondheid C 1
Wiskunde 1
Latest notes & summaries Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
This document includes comprehensive information for the exam, covering all lecture notes and SPSS output. in 2024, I achieved an 8 using these notes, and I believe they will greatly help you achieve a great result as well!
- Summary
- • 76 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Methodology Marketing and Strategic Management
Preview 4 out of 76 pages
This document includes comprehensive information for the exam, covering all lecture notes and SPSS output. in 2024, I achieved an 8 using these notes, and I believe they will greatly help you achieve a great result as well!
Oefententamenvragen voor het vak Gedrag en Omgeving 1. Bevat 25 vragen inclusief antwoorden achteraan het bestand. Gebruiken om jezelf te overhoren en om te leren voor het tentamen.
- Other
- • 6 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Gedrag & Omgeving 1
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
Oefententamenvragen voor het vak Gedrag en Omgeving 1. Bevat 25 vragen inclusief antwoorden achteraan het bestand. Gebruiken om jezelf te overhoren en om te leren voor het tentamen.
Oefententamenvragen voor het vak Methode van Professioneel Handelen. Bevat 25 vragen waarmee je kan leren voor het vak. Antwoorden staan achterin.
- Other
- • 6 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Methoden van professioneel handelen
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
Oefententamenvragen voor het vak Methode van Professioneel Handelen. Bevat 25 vragen waarmee je kan leren voor het vak. Antwoorden staan achterin.
Oefententamenvragen voor het vak Behavior & Environment 2. Bevat 25 vragen inclusief antwoorden waarmee ik heb geleerd voor dit vak.
- Other
- • 6 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•B&E 2: Behaviour in Working Organizations
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
Oefententamenvragen voor het vak Behavior & Environment 2. Bevat 25 vragen inclusief antwoorden waarmee ik heb geleerd voor dit vak.
This document contains a summary of all the lectures and literature needed for the exam. It does NOT include the guest lecture since that will not be a part of the exam. It uses a lot of bulletpoints and examples to make the information clear. I hope this helps you study for the exam!
- Summary
- • 26 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Psychological Ethics
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
This document contains a summary of all the lectures and literature needed for the exam. It does NOT include the guest lecture since that will not be a part of the exam. It uses a lot of bulletpoints and examples to make the information clear. I hope this helps you study for the exam!
Extensive summary of the omics lectures
- Summary
- • 61 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Omics
Preview 4 out of 61 pages
Extensive summary of the omics lectures
This is a summary of the course, it is provided with notes from the lecture and if necessary things were added from the book. Also in the end some examples of exam questions.
- Summary
- • 66 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Accounting for Performance Management
Preview 4 out of 66 pages
This is a summary of the course, it is provided with notes from the lecture and if necessary things were added from the book. Also in the end some examples of exam questions.
Summary Accounting for Sustainable Societies
- Summary
- • 42 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Accounting for Sustainable Societies
Preview 4 out of 42 pages
Summary Accounting for Sustainable Societies
Summary of the course: Gender and Diversity in Organisations. 
- in the beginning three overviews (seven weeks, book and articles) 
- summary of the chapters 
- short summary of articles
- Book
- Summary
- • 36 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Gender and Diversity in Organisations
The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion • Gill Kirton, Anne-Marie Greene• ISBN 9781032029375
Preview 4 out of 36 pages
Summary of the course: Gender and Diversity in Organisations. 
- in the beginning three overviews (seven weeks, book and articles) 
- summary of the chapters 
- short summary of articles
1 sheet paper with all the R codes used in the course to bring it on the day of the exam. It has also examples using the codes, that are very similar to the exercises of the exam.
- Summary
- • 2 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Introduction to R
Preview 1 out of 2 pages
1 sheet paper with all the R codes used in the course to bring it on the day of the exam. It has also examples using the codes, that are very similar to the exercises of the exam.
Summary of all the lectures of translational genomics well organised
- Summary
- • 72 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Translational genomics
Preview 4 out of 72 pages
Summary of all the lectures of translational genomics well organised
All the lectures of molecular therapy organised and summarized, good for study the final exam
- Summary
- • 106 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Molecular therapy
Preview 4 out of 106 pages
All the lectures of molecular therapy organised and summarized, good for study the final exam
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS41- Advanced models of human disease (key criteria to choose a animal model, mouse models, anatomy and physiology of mice, methods to model disease in mice, Cre-loxP system, transgenesis, CRISPR/Cas9, mouse strains, nomenclature, genetic drift, drosophila models, differences between drosopila and humans, P-element-mediated transformation, ΦC31 integrase-mediated transgenesis, mutants, UAS-Gal4 system, pros and cons of ...
- Summary
- • 20 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•BMS41 - Advanced models of human disease
Preview 5 out of 20 pages
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS41- Advanced models of human disease (key criteria to choose a animal model, mouse models, anatomy and physiology of mice, methods to model disease in mice, Cre-loxP system, transgenesis, CRISPR/Cas9, mouse strains, nomenclature, genetic drift, drosophila models, differences between drosopila and humans, P-element-mediated transformation, ΦC31 integrase-mediated transgenesis, mutants, UAS-Gal4 system, pros and cons of ...
The summary contains all relevant information from the lectures and key insights from "Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 8th Edition" by John Hull. Additionally, it includes essential recaps from courses such as Corporate Finance and Accounting. The summary also features a 2-page formula sheet with all the formulas you need to memorize for the exam. 
It provides clear explanations of complex topics like Collateralized Debt Obligations, the Black-Scholes model, binomial trees, ...
- Book
- Summary
- • 58 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Project: Financial Instruments
Fundamentals Of Futures And Options Markets • John Hull• ISBN 9780273756095
Preview 4 out of 58 pages
The summary contains all relevant information from the lectures and key insights from "Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets, 8th Edition" by John Hull. Additionally, it includes essential recaps from courses such as Corporate Finance and Accounting. The summary also features a 2-page formula sheet with all the formulas you need to memorize for the exam. 
It provides clear explanations of complex topics like Collateralized Debt Obligations, the Black-Scholes model, binomial trees, ...
This summary is detailled, making it easy to understand every concept of this course. It is a summary of all the lectures, powerpoints and readings. I obtained an 8.5 on the final exam.
- Summary
- • 91 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Theory and History of European Integration
Preview 4 out of 91 pages
This summary is detailled, making it easy to understand every concept of this course. It is a summary of all the lectures, powerpoints and readings. I obtained an 8.5 on the final exam.
A summary of the book Strategic Human Resource Management, a balanced approach, by Paul Boselie and Beatrice van der Heijden. The lecture notes of the lectures at Radboud University are integrated in this summary.
- Book
- Summary
- • 78 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Strategic Human Resource Management
Strategic Human Resource Management • Paul Boselie• ISBN 9780077119980
Preview 4 out of 78 pages
A summary of the book Strategic Human Resource Management, a balanced approach, by Paul Boselie and Beatrice van der Heijden. The lecture notes of the lectures at Radboud University are integrated in this summary.
Door alleen deze aantekeningen van de hoorcolleges over de stof uit het boek goed te leren heb ik een 8.2 behaald voor het tentamen.
- Book
- Summary
- • 52 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•Organisation and Management
Organizational Behaviour • Andrzej Huczynski, David A. Buchanan• ISBN 9780273708353
Preview 4 out of 52 pages
Door alleen deze aantekeningen van de hoorcolleges over de stof uit het boek goed te leren heb ik een 8.2 behaald voor het tentamen.
Summary of lectures and articles
- Summary
- • 30 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•MAN-MOD012
Preview 3 out of 30 pages
Summary of lectures and articles
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS76- Cell motility in physiology and pathology (actin organization/dynamics, polarization, protrusion, adhesion, contraction, tail retraction, environmental guidance of cell movement, haptokinesis, haptotaxis, chemotaxis, topotaxis, durotaxis, single amoeboid migration, single mesenchymal migration, collective cell migration, plasticity, mode transition, wound healing, experimental approaches to study wound healing, chro...
- Summary
- • 24 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•BMS76 - Cell motility in physiology and pathology
Preview 4 out of 24 pages
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS76- Cell motility in physiology and pathology (actin organization/dynamics, polarization, protrusion, adhesion, contraction, tail retraction, environmental guidance of cell movement, haptokinesis, haptotaxis, chemotaxis, topotaxis, durotaxis, single amoeboid migration, single mesenchymal migration, collective cell migration, plasticity, mode transition, wound healing, experimental approaches to study wound healing, chro...
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS72 - Cancer development and immune defense (stem cell biology, hematopoiesis, leukemia, ChIP, AML/MDS, clonal evolution, epigentics, histone acetylation/methylation, DNA methylation, epigenetics in cancer, NK cells, T cells, dendritic cells, allogeneic stem cell transplantation, CAR T cell therapy, cancer-immunity cycle, cancer immunoediting, cancer immunogram en dendritic cell-based vaccines). This summary contains all...
- Summary
- • 19 pages's •
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen•BMS72 - Cancer development and immune defense
Preview 4 out of 19 pages
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS72 - Cancer development and immune defense (stem cell biology, hematopoiesis, leukemia, ChIP, AML/MDS, clonal evolution, epigentics, histone acetylation/methylation, DNA methylation, epigenetics in cancer, NK cells, T cells, dendritic cells, allogeneic stem cell transplantation, CAR T cell therapy, cancer-immunity cycle, cancer immunoediting, cancer immunogram en dendritic cell-based vaccines). This summary contains all...