Regio College
Looking for revision notes at Regio College? On Stuvia you will find more than 133 summaries, revision notes and other study resources for all modules at Regio College.
Modules at Regio College
Notes available for the following modules at Regio College
Popular books Regio College
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Regio College

ISBN 9789001811075

Arnon Grunberg • ISBN 9789038802053
Courses at Regio College
Notes available for the following courses at Regio College
Allround schoonheidsspecialiste 10
Doktersassistent 2
Financiële beroepen 12
Juridisch Administratief Dienstverlener 1
Marketing en Communicatie 2
MBO Persoonlijk begeleider 4
MBO Verpleegkunde 43
Medewerker Maatschappelijke Zorg 1
Regio College 1
Tandartsassistent 5
Toerisme en Hospitality 1
Toerisme En Recreatie 4
Travel en hospitality 1
Verzorgende Ig 43
Verzorgende Ig & verpleegkundige 3
Latest notes & summaries Regio College

This is an elaboration of my English speaking exam at B1 level for the course Tourism MBO 4. For this exam I had to make a travel proposal with 2 cities in Europe and present it.
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages's •
Regio College•Engels
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
This is an elaboration of my English speaking exam at B1 level for the course Tourism MBO 4. For this exam I had to make a travel proposal with 2 cities in Europe and present it.

don't you want to go to so much trouble for school suit here your summary!
- Book
- Summary
- • 3 pages's •
Regio College•Engels
English for International Tourism Upper Intermediate Coursebook and DVD-ROM Pack • Peter Strutt, Iwona Dubicka• ISBN 9781447923916
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
don't you want to go to so much trouble for school suit here your summary!