Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • Geschiedenis
Latest uploads for Geschiedenis at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). Looking for Geschiedenis notes at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Geschiedenis at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG).
Courses Geschiedenis at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Notes available for the following courses of Geschiedenis at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Ancient History LGX047P05 7
Culturele geschiedenis LGX258B10.2021-2022 4
Cultuurgeschiedenis LGX258B10 5
Dutch History LGX046P05 1
Early Modern History LGX048P05 3
Economic and Social History LGX257B10 5
Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis LGX257B10 8
Eigentijdse Geschiedenis LGX051P05 10
Europa: idee en constructie 1
Geschiedenis LGX047P05 1
Globalisering I LGX013P05 14
Globalisering II 5
Globalisering II: Eigentijdse Geschiedenis LGX012P05.2020-2021.1B 6
Globalisering: Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis LGX049P05 7
Globalization I: Economic and Social History LGX049P05 2
Heimwee en nostalgie LGX340B10 1
Historisch Onderzoek 1: Inleiding LGX040P05 3
Historisch Onderzoek 4: Bronnen LGX043P05 4
Historisch Onderzoek I LGX040P05 4
Historisch Onderzoek IV LGX043P05 4
History LGX335B10 1
HOIV: bronnen LGX043P05.2020-2021.2B 10
Hoorcolleges theorie I: perspectieven op geschiedenis 1
Kunstgeschiedenis 1
Medieval History LGX044P05 5
Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis LGX044P05.202302924 34
Moderne geschiedenis LGX045P05.2020-2021.2B 24
Nederlandse geschiedenis LGX046P05.2020-2021.2A 33
Oude Geschiedenis LGX047P05 17
Reasoning and Arguing 2
Regio's 1: Introductie LGX050P05 2
Regio's 1: Introductie LGX050P05 1
Regional Perspectives LGX039P05.2020-2021.2B 2
Regionale perspectieven LGX050P05 7
Regions I: Introduction 1
Staats- en Natievorming 1
Themacollege Culturele Geschiedenis LGX258B10.2021-2022 4
Themacollege Cultuur 1
Themacollege cultuurgeschiedenis LGX258B10.2021-2022 5
Themacollege ESG LGX257B10 3
Themacollege Politieke Geschiedenis 4
Theme Course Cultural History LGX258B10 2
Theorie 1: Perspectieven op Geschiedenis LGX289B05 2
Theorie 2: Historiografie van de Wereldgeschiedenis LGX271B05 1
Theorie 3: Geschiedtheorie in Praktijk LGX299B05 5
Theorie I: Perspectieven op Geschiedenis LGX289B05.2021-2022 14
Theorie II LGX299B05 9
Theorie II: Hist. van de Wereldgesch. 1
Theorie II: Historie Van De Wereldgeschiedenis LGX271B05 5
Theorie III LGX299B05.2020-2021.2A 10
Theory I LGX289B05 1
Theory I: Perspectives On History LGX289B05 2
Theory II 1
Theory III LGX299B05 3
Vroeg-moderne geschiedenis, Staats- en Natievorming I LGX048P05 2
Vroegmoderne Geschiedenis LGX048P05.2020-2021.2A 19
Popular books Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • Geschiedenis
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Latest notes & summaries Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • Geschiedenis
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7154786/679f7410a46fb_7154786_121_171.jpeg)
A full summery in English of 'A short hisotory of the middle ages' by Barbara Rosenwein.
- Summary
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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis
Preview 3 out of 27 pages
A full summery in English of 'A short hisotory of the middle ages' by Barbara Rosenwein.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7154769/679f735ef02cf_7154769_121_171.jpeg)
A summery of the book 'A concise history of the world since 1945' by W. M. Spellman. Completely in English. With a timeline of all the events mentioned in the book and during the lectures.
- Summary
- • 41 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Eigentijdse Geschiedenis
Preview 4 out of 41 pages
A summery of the book 'A concise history of the world since 1945' by W. M. Spellman. Completely in English. With a timeline of all the events mentioned in the book and during the lectures.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6983756/678398f822062_6983756_121_171.jpeg)
A summery of the Book Globalisation in World History by Stears (the third edition). Completely in English.
- Summary
- • 23 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Globalisering: Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis
Preview 3 out of 23 pages
A summery of the Book Globalisation in World History by Stears (the third edition). Completely in English.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6795100/67583989b9ac1_6795100_121_171.jpeg)
Volledige samenvatting van het vak Globalisation: Economic & Social History, inclusief een tijdlijn, samengevatte lecture notes (waarin werkcolleges zijn verwerkt), samengevatte hoofdstukken uit 'Globalization in World History' van Stearns, en een samenvatting van alle behandelde artikelen. Hiermee heb ik het vak gehaald met een 7.7! 
Full summary of the course Globalisation: Economic & Social History, including a timeline, summarised lecture notes (in which seminar notes are included),...
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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Globalisering: Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis
Globalization in World History • Peter N. Stearns• ISBN 9780367279868
Preview 4 out of 37 pages
Volledige samenvatting van het vak Globalisation: Economic & Social History, inclusief een tijdlijn, samengevatte lecture notes (waarin werkcolleges zijn verwerkt), samengevatte hoofdstukken uit 'Globalization in World History' van Stearns, en een samenvatting van alle behandelde artikelen. Hiermee heb ik het vak gehaald met een 7.7! 
Full summary of the course Globalisation: Economic & Social History, including a timeline, summarised lecture notes (in which seminar notes are included),...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/6321289/66fe7b5d6f948_6321289_121_171.jpeg)
Samenvatting van An Introduction to the Ancient World van Lukas de Blois and R.J. van der Spek. Handboek bij oude geschiedenis.
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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Oude Geschiedenis
An Introduction to the Ancient World • R.J. J. van der van der Spek, Lukas De Blois• ISBN 9781134047918
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
Samenvatting van An Introduction to the Ancient World van Lukas de Blois and R.J. van der Spek. Handboek bij oude geschiedenis.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/4918779/660eb415bddc7_4918779_121_171.jpeg)
A concise overview of all seven lectures, with all thinkers and concepts included. For some thinkers a little more information with citations included. Please note that Bruno Latour and Spiegel are missing from the summary, but everything else is included.
- Class notes
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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Theory III
Preview 3 out of 30 pages
A concise overview of all seven lectures, with all thinkers and concepts included. For some thinkers a little more information with citations included. Please note that Bruno Latour and Spiegel are missing from the summary, but everything else is included.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/4469644/65c7a27c97d84_4469644_121_171.jpeg)
This summary contains all the information of the readings needed for the Logic exam, part of the course Reasoning & Arguing. This way, you won't waste too much of your time on the readings. It's for the course Reasoning and Arguing, from the first-year course of Ba Philosophy and for the course for the university minor Philosophy.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Reasoning and Arguing
Summary Reasoning & Arguing• By dijkstrajildou
Preview 1 out of 1 pages
This summary contains all the information of the readings needed for the Logic exam, part of the course Reasoning & Arguing. This way, you won't waste too much of your time on the readings. It's for the course Reasoning and Arguing, from the first-year course of Ba Philosophy and for the course for the university minor Philosophy.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/4469631/65c7a1cd3c729_4469631_121_171.jpeg)
This summary contains all the information of the weekly readings needed for the Arguing exam, part of the course Reasoning & arguing. This way, you won't waste too much of your time on the readings. It's for the course Reasoning and Arguing, from the first-year course of Ba Philosophy and for the course for the university minor Philosophy. It also contains an overview of all the fallacies you need to know.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 62 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Reasoning and Arguing
Summary Reasoning & Arguing• By dijkstrajildou
Preview 4 out of 62 pages
This summary contains all the information of the weekly readings needed for the Arguing exam, part of the course Reasoning & arguing. This way, you won't waste too much of your time on the readings. It's for the course Reasoning and Arguing, from the first-year course of Ba Philosophy and for the course for the university minor Philosophy. It also contains an overview of all the fallacies you need to know.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/4469504/65c79bed2d566_4469504_121_171.jpeg)
This summary contains all information from the lectures, including useful overviews en short explanations. It also contains an extra overview of all the important names you need to know for the exam. With this summary you will guaranteed achiece a nice grade!
- Summary
- • 108 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Theorie II: Hist. van de Wereldgesch.
Preview 4 out of 108 pages
This summary contains all information from the lectures, including useful overviews en short explanations. It also contains an extra overview of all the important names you need to know for the exam. With this summary you will guaranteed achiece a nice grade!
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/4365038/65b7d87a02644_4365038_121_171.jpeg)
Zeer uitgebreide uitwerking van de hoorcolleges, ook de artikelen tot in aardig detail besproken.
- Class notes
- • 70 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Theory I
Preview 4 out of 70 pages
Zeer uitgebreide uitwerking van de hoorcolleges, ook de artikelen tot in aardig detail besproken.