Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Looking for study notes at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)? On Stuvia you will find more than 11.840 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG).
Courses at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Notes available for the following courses at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Ontwikkelingspsychologie PSBA1-18 93PSBA1-18
Algemene rechtswetenschappen RGPAR410AD 91RGPAR410AD
Leer- en Onderwijsproblemen PABA5253 88PABA5253
Neuropsychologie SPO52 84SPO52
Burgerlijk recht 2 RGBPR00110 75RGBPR00110
Strafrecht 2 RGPSR00110 74RGPSR00110
Bestuursrecht: Rechtsbescherming RGPBE00305 74RGPBE00305
Ethics in care and education PAMA5105 71PAMA5105
Inleiding onderzoek SPO49 63SPO49
Internationaal Privaatrecht RGMPR00506 63RGMPR00506
Burgerlijk Procesrecht RGPPR00110 61RGPPR00110
Recht van de Europese Unie RGPPR00110 60RGPPR00110
Inleiding pedagogiek PAPAB032 57PAPAB032
Staatsrecht RGPST00105 57RGPST00105
Internationaal en europees strafrecht RGPSR00110 54RGPSR00110
Psychopathologie Kind En Jeugdige PABA5273 54PABA5273
Sanctierecht RGMSR004o6 52RGMSR004o6
Biopsychologie PSBE1-04 51PSBE1-04
Theoretische Pedagogiek PABAP021A 50PABAP021A
Bijzondere Overeenkomsten RGMPRO3506 49RGMPRO3506
Popular books Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
John Hall Michael E. Hall • ISBN 9780323597128
Alan Agresti, Barbara Finlay • ISBN 9781292220314
Vicki Anderson, Elisabeth Northam • ISBN 9781848722026
K. Verschueren, H. Koomen • ISBN 9789044134438
Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw • ISBN 9781319154042
Uwe Flick • ISBN 9781526445650
Onbekend, I. Vanwesenbeeck • ISBN 9789036811101
Koo, Elizabeth Brannon • ISBN 9780878935734
C.A. de Kam, Loek Koopmans • ISBN 9789001738785
Daphne van Loon, Bieuwe F. van der Meulen • ISBN 9789044133172
Beth Morling • ISBN 9780393643602
Martin Valcke • ISBN 9789463790611
Marc Hooghe, Kris Deschouwer • ISBN 9789462361966
J.W.P. Verheugt • ISBN 9789082849554
M.H. Ten Wolde • ISBN 9789462512849
Jonathan Berk, Peter Demarzo • ISBN 9781292304151
Jonathan Wolff • ISBN 9780393923599
Frank C. Verhulst • ISBN 9789023256908
ISBN 9789013170320
Marshall Romney, Paul Steinbart • ISBN 9781292353364
Laura Batstra • ISBN 9789492798015
Majors at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Notes available for the following studies at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO 25
Academische Opleiding Leraar Basisonderwijs 2
Academische Opleiding Leraar Basisonderwijs / AOLB 197
Academische Pabo 66
Accountancy 10
Accountancy & Controlling 2
Accountancy and Controlling 41
American Studies 19
Applied Social Psychlogy 1
Applied Social Psychology 11
Art History 7
Artificial Intelligence 1
Arts, Culture and Media 7
Arts, Culture, Media 2
Astronomy 5
BA English Language and Culture 20
BA: Management accounting & control 1
Bachelor Pedagogische Wetenschappen 351
Bachelor Psychology 550
Bedrijfskunde 519
Bedrijfskunde: Accountancy & Controlling 59
Bedrijfskunde: Business & Management 41
Bedrijfskunde: Technology Management 19
Bewegingswetenschappen 319
Bijvak 1
Biologie 116
Biology / Life Science and Technology 118
Biomedical Engineering 36
Biomedical Engineering / Biomedische Technologie 1
Biomedical Sciences, Science, Business & Policy 1
Biomedische Wetenschappen 19
BKB001 1
BSc Economics & Business Economics 10
Bsc Economics And Business Economics 74
BSc Gedrag- en Neurowetenschappen 1
Business Administration 39
Business Administration - Health 1
Business Administration - MAC 3
Business administration, change management 1
Business Administration: SB&E 1
Business Economics 3
Change management 10
Change Mangement 1
Chemistry 3
Civiele Techniek 6
Clinical Forensic Psychology & Victimology 4
Clinical Neuropsychology 3
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen 182
Communicatiekunde 1
Corporate reporting 1
Cultural Geography 8
Culture and Cognition 1
Developing for Markets 1
Development Studies 3
Econometrics & Operations Research 1
Econometrics and Operational Research 1
Econometrics and Operations Research 28
Economic Development 2
Economics 13
Economics & Business Economics 1
Economics and Business Economics 2
Economics And Business Economics/ International Business/ Sociale Geografie En Planologie/ Human Geography And Planning 4
Economics Business Economics 1
Economie en bedrijfseconomie 65
Economie en bedrijfskunde 2
Economische Geografie 2
Educational Sciences / Onderwijswetenschappen 6
Elementaire bestuurskunde 1
English Language and Culture 20
Environmental and infrastructure Planning 8
Environmental Psychology 5
Ethics in Care and Education 2
European And International Law 10
European Economic Law 7
Europese Talen en Culturen 15
Executive master of accountancy 14
Executive Master of Finance and Control 1
Faculty Of Spatial Sciences 1
Farmacie 289
Filosofie 14
Finance 9
Fiscaal Recht 9
Frans 1
Gedrag en Neurowetenschappen 2
Gedrag in Organisaties 1
Gedrags- en maatschappijwetenschappen 1
Geneeskunde 363
Geneeskunde: Global Health 1
Geschiedenis 325
Human geography 1
Human Geography & Planning 10
Human Geography and Planning 30
Human geography, and Spatial planning and Design 1
Human Resource Management 14
Human Resource Management, MSc 1
Industrial Engineering and Management 14
Informatiekunde 4
Informatiewetenschappen 1
Inleiding in de onderwijsociologie 1
Inleiding tot de voornaamste moderne literaturen 1
Interculturele Pedagogiek 1
Internationaal en Europees Recht 69
International & European Law 3
International Bachelor Medicine, Geneeskunde 24
International Business 158
International Business and Management 2
International Business strategy 1
International economics and business 1
International Financial Management 3
International human rights law 15
International Relations & Organizations 1
International Relations and International Organization 60
Internationale Betrekkingen en International Organisatie 6
Intr. to International and European Law 1
Introduction to International and European law 2
IT-recht 2
Journalistiek 8
Juridische bestuurskunde 26
Klinische Neuropsychologie 2
Kunst, Cultuur En Media 17
Kunst, Cultuur, Media 1
Kunstgeschiedenis 8
Kunstmatige intelligentie 3
L.L.B International and European Law 1
L.L.B. International And European Law 10
Leraar voorbereidend hoger onderwijs 1
Lerarenopleiding Pedagogiek 1
Liberal Arts and Sciences 9
Life Science 33
Life Science and Technology 8
LLB International And European Law 30
LLM International Commercial Law 8
Ma English Language and Culture 6
Ma History Today 1
Ma Nederlands Recht - specialisatie Privaatrecht 2
Management Accounting and Control 3
Marketing 52
Marketing Analytics & Data Science 32
Marketing Analytics and Data Science 1
Marketing Management 29
Marketing Research Methods 1
Master Accountancy 1
Master Accountancy & Controlling 7
Master Arbeidsrecht 11
Master Business Administration 18
Master Business Administration Health 1
Master Change managmeent 1
Master Finance 16
Master Klinische neuropsychologie 45
Master Klinische Psychologie 14
Master Management Accounting and Control 1
Master Marketing Management 35
Master Nederlands Recht 93
Master Nederlands Recht - Specialisatie Strafrecht 1
Master Notarieel Recht 8
Master onderwijsinnovatie 3
Master Onderwijswetenschappen 1
Master Ontwikkelingspsychologie 5
Master Orthopedagogiek, Pedagogische Wetenschappen 1
Master Pedagogische Wetenschappen 12
Master privaatrecht 34
Master Psychologie 19
Master Psychologie - Talent Development And Creativity 26
Master Real Estate Studies 17
Master Sociologie 10
Master Staats- en bestuursrecht 10
Master strafrecht 54
Master strafrecht & Criminologie 18
Master Supply Chain Management 44
Master Talent Development & Creativity 1
Master Work, Organisation And Personnel Psychology 4
Mathematics 1
Media studies 50
Mediality to Inter-Mediality 1
Medicine 1
Midden-Oosten Studies 50
Middle Eastern Studies - Master 1
Minor Psychology of Cognition, Development and Performance 4
Minor American History 1
Minor Anthropology, what it means to be human 2
Minor Art and Religions 1
Minor Challenging Youth 4
Minor Culture and Cognition 1
Minor Development Studies 7
Minor Einstein\'s Physics: Space-time and Parallel 3
Minor Entrepreneurship 6
Minor Finance 1
Minor Future Planet Innovation 1
Minor Future Planet Innovation Studies 1
Minor Governance and Law 1
Minor Journalism/Journalistiek 1
Minor kunst en religie 1
Minor Media en Journalistieke Cultuur 1
Minor Misdaad en Straf 55
Minor Neuroscience 10
Minor Philosophy 8
Minor politiek en bestuur 18
Minor Psychology in Society 62
Minor Recht 5
Minor recht en bestuur 1
Minor Sport Science 14
Msc Accountancy & Controlling 2
MSc BA Change Management 8
MSC BA Health 14
MSc BA Strategic Innovation Management 20
Msc Biomedical Sciences 11
Msc Biomolecular Sciences 1
MSc Business Administration 1
MSc Business Administration Health 1
MSc Business Administration: Health 10
MSc Computing Science 1
MSc Economic development & Globalization 24
MSc Human Resource Management 45
MSc IE 1
Msc International Business and Management 25
MSc Marketing Analytics and Data Science 5
MSc Marketing Intelligence/Management 9
Msc Marketing Management 22
MSc Small Business & Entrepreneurship 3
Msc Socio-Spatial Planning 6
MSc Supply Chain Management 6
Msc. Finance 1
Natuurkunde 12
Nederlands recht 144
Nederlands Recht - Privaatrecht 35
Nederlands Recht Privaatrecht 1
Nederlands Recht, master Strafrecht en Criminologi 10
Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur 77
Neerlandistiek 6
Notarieel Recht 21
NVO Orthopedagogiek 1
Ondernemingsrecht 24
Onderwijsinnovatie 14
Onderwijskunde 12
Onderwijskunde Master 9
Onderwijswetenschappen 7
Ondewijsinnovatie 1
Ontwikkelingspsychologie 1
Organisatie en Technologie 10
Organizing for Innovation 1
Orthopedagogiek 338
P 1
Pedagogical sciences 1
Pedagogiek 208
Pedagogiek en onderwijswetenschappen 2
Pedagogische wetenschappen 614
Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Onderwijskunde 10
Pedagogische Wetenschappen of SPO Orthopedagogiek 2
Pedagogische wetenschappen, Academische Pabo 4
Pharamcy 1
Pharmacy 113
Philosophy 1
Philosophy minor 1
Physics 2
Population studies 6
Pre master business administration 13
Pre Master Geneeskunde 1
Pre Master Marketing 10
Pre master Orthopedagogiek SPO/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 3
Pre master recht en bestuur 5
Pre master Rechtsgeleerdheid 1
Pre MSc Accountancy and Controlling 2
Pre msc business administration 21
Pre MSc Change Management Business Administration 1
Pre MSC International Business 6
Pre MSc Strategic Innovation Management 5
Pre MSc Supply Chain Management 1
Pre-master 1
Pre-master A&C 4
Pre-master Bedrijfskunde 1
Pre-master Biomedical Sciences 2
Pre-master BMS 1
Pre-Master Business Administration 5
Pre-Master Economics & Business 1
Pre-Master Finance 9
Pre-master Fiscaal Recht 3
Pre-master Geneeskunde 1
Pre-Master Marketing 34
Pre-master MPS 1
Pre-master MPS en Pharmacy 1
Pre-master MPS/BMS And BSc Farmacie/Pharmacy 1
Pre-master Orthopedagogiek 24
Pre-master Orthopedagogiek - SPO 2
Pre-master Orthopedagogiek - SPO/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 60
Pre-master Orthopedagogiek / SPO 1
Pre-master Orthopedagogiek / SPO - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 7
Pre-master Orthopedagogiek SPO 1
Pre-master orthopedagogiek SPO RUG 1
Pre-master Orthopedagogiek/Schakelprogramma SPO 2
Pre-master Pedagogiek/Onderwijskunde 4
Pre-Master program FEB 8
Pre-master Real Estate Studies 1
Pre-master Sociologie 15
Pre-master SPO 1
Pre-Master Supply Chain Management 12
Pre-master Technology And Operations Management 9
Pre-master/minor Rechtsgeleerdheid 12
Pre-MSc BA | Human Resource Management 2
Pre-MSc BA Change Management 8
Pre-MSc BA Health 6
Pre-Msc Economic Development & Globalization 1
Pre-MSc FEB 1
Pre-MSc Human Resource Management 5
Pre-MSC International Business 5
Pre-Msc SCM 9
Pre-MSc Strategic Innovation Management 6
Pre-MSc Supply Chain Management 9
Pre-MSc Technology and Operations Management 4
Premaster Fiscaal Recht 1
Premaster Geneeskunde 5
Premaster onderwijskunde (SPO) 1
Premaster orthopedagogiek SPO 8
Premaster Orthopedaogiek 1
Premaster PEDOK 8
Premaster Supply Chain Management 4
Premaster: orthopedagogiek 1
Privaatrecht 2
Privaatrecht master 3
Private International Business Law 1
Psychologie 642
Psychologie GZ postmaster 1
Psychology 3
Psychology in Society 4
Public international law 2
Real Estate Studies 2
Recht en bestuur 15
Recht en ICT 21
Rechten, pre-master 3
Rechts 1
Rechtsgeleerdheid 1638
Rechtsgeleerdheid - master Privaatrecht 64
Rechtsgeleerdheid, Master arbeidsrecht 2
Rechtsgeleerdheid, Master IT-Recht 5
Rechtsgeleerdheid, Master Strafrecht 39
Rechtsgeleerdheid: Fiscaal Recht 32
Rechtsgeleerdheid: Internationaal en Europees recht 41
Rechtsgeleerdheid: IT recht 20
Rechtsgeleerdheid: Juridische Bestuurskunde 19
Rechtsgeleerdheid: master privaatrecht 1
Rechtsgeleerdheid: Nederlands Recht 257
Rechtsgeleerdheid: Notarieel Recht 7
Rechtsgeleerdheid: Ondernemingsrecht 5
Religiewetenschappen 2
Research Master Behavioral and Social Sciences 2
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 8
Schakelprogramma Onderwijswetenschappen 1
Schakelprogramma ORTHO1 3
Scheikunde 1
Small Business & Entrepreneurship 4
Sociale Geografie 2
Sociale Geografie en Planologie 44
Sociale Geografie En Planologie / Human Geography And Planning 2
Society, Sustainability and Planning 11
Socio-Spatial Planning 8
Sociologie 222
Sophiek02 5
Spatial Planning And Design 11
Spatial planning and design/ human geography 1
Spatial planning and desing, Humanism and planning 1
SPO 11
SPO - Pre master - Orthopedagogiek 1
SPO Pre-master Orthopedagogiek 13
SPO premaster Orthopedagogiek 3
SPO Schakelprogramma Orthopedagogiek 1
Sport and Performance Psychology 1
Sport Science 1
Staats- en Bestuursrecht 4
Sterrenkunde minor 1
Strategic innovation management 26
Supply chain management 31
Taalwetenschappen 57
Talent Development and Creativity 1
Tandheelkunde 458
Technische Planologie 42
Technische Planologie/Spatial planning and design 8
Technology and Operations Management 3
Theologie 1
Toelatingsexamen Premaster Geneeskunde 2
UCG1AC02 1
University Minor 1
Latest notes & summaries Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Providing an extensive summary of the course Neuropsychological Assessment, containing all the information from the slides and lecturers, including images and tables.
- Summary
- • 22 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Neuropsychological Assessment
Preview 3 out of 22 pages
Providing an extensive summary of the course Neuropsychological Assessment, containing all the information from the slides and lecturers, including images and tables.
RUG medicine Ba y2; theme 1; Systemic diseases. 
Content; week 1-5 all diseases (there wasn’t a single disease on the exam that isn’t in this table) 
-	Week 1; Skin problems (rash) (e.g., eczema, psoriasis) 
-	Week 2; Joint complaints (e.g. RA, SpA) 
-	Week 3; Butterfly erythema (e.g. SLE) 
-	Week 4; Complaints due to kidney disorders (e.g. AKI, CKI) 
-	Week 5; Infections (e.g. Pneumonia, TB, HIV, Rhinitus, Erysepilas) 
>> In total 93 diseases covered (also tips for diseases that ...
- Summary
- • 13 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Systemic diseases / Systeemziekten
Preview 3 out of 13 pages
RUG medicine Ba y2; theme 1; Systemic diseases. 
Content; week 1-5 all diseases (there wasn’t a single disease on the exam that isn’t in this table) 
-	Week 1; Skin problems (rash) (e.g., eczema, psoriasis) 
-	Week 2; Joint complaints (e.g. RA, SpA) 
-	Week 3; Butterfly erythema (e.g. SLE) 
-	Week 4; Complaints due to kidney disorders (e.g. AKI, CKI) 
-	Week 5; Infections (e.g. Pneumonia, TB, HIV, Rhinitus, Erysepilas) 
>> In total 93 diseases covered (also tips for diseases that ...
All material for the exam Buildings Brands for Impact 
- Lecture notes 
- Article summaries 
- Book chapter summaries (Chapter 1-4, 13)
- Book
- Summary
- • 75 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Building Brands for Impact
Strategic Brand Management: Global Edition • Kevin Lane Keller• ISBN 9780273779414
Preview 4 out of 75 pages
All material for the exam Buildings Brands for Impact 
- Lecture notes 
- Article summaries 
- Book chapter summaries (Chapter 1-4, 13)
This Summary is based on the book Modern Physical Organic Chemistry and the slides and notes from the professors' lectures. 
The summary is about chapter 7.3 Hammond Postulate 
Chapter 8 Isotope effects, substituent effect, hammett plots, LFER 
Chapter 9.3 Bronsted acid-base catalysis 
Chapter 10 Mechanisms of reactions involving additions or/and eliminations 
Chapter 11 Organic Reaction mechanisms part 2 
Chapter 15 Pericyclic reactions
- Book
- Summary
- • 99 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Reaction Mechanism
Modern Physical Organic Chemistry • Eric V. Anslyn, Dennis A. Dougherty• ISBN 9781891389313
Preview 4 out of 99 pages
This Summary is based on the book Modern Physical Organic Chemistry and the slides and notes from the professors' lectures. 
The summary is about chapter 7.3 Hammond Postulate 
Chapter 8 Isotope effects, substituent effect, hammett plots, LFER 
Chapter 9.3 Bronsted acid-base catalysis 
Chapter 10 Mechanisms of reactions involving additions or/and eliminations 
Chapter 11 Organic Reaction mechanisms part 2 
Chapter 15 Pericyclic reactions
This summary contains all the key information from the lectures. Additionally, I have summarized each article and included them in this document; there are 13 in total. Furthermore, I have added examples from a past exam and included all important images to provide a more complete overview of the material.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 44 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Strategic & Organizational Design
Summary + Exam questions Strategic & Organizational Design• By IvarEconomics
Preview 4 out of 44 pages
This summary contains all the key information from the lectures. Additionally, I have summarized each article and included them in this document; there are 13 in total. Furthermore, I have added examples from a past exam and included all important images to provide a more complete overview of the material.
Summary of Statistics course LCX046B05
- Summary
- • 13 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Statistics
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Summary of Statistics course LCX046B05
Summary of social media course LIX017B05 
Exam grade = 8.8
- Summary
- • 6 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Social Media
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Summary of social media course LIX017B05 
Exam grade = 8.8
Summary of the course Conversation Analysis LCX011X05
- Summary
- • 14 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Conversation Analysis I
Preview 2 out of 14 pages
Summary of the course Conversation Analysis LCX011X05
Summary of Persuasive Communication LCX022P05
- Summary
- • 17 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Persuasive Communication
Preview 3 out of 17 pages
Summary of Persuasive Communication LCX022P05
This is a summary based on the course "deception in clinical settings" given at the RUG in 2024/2025. It contains all the mandatory readings and the lecture notes (new version will be uploaded soon with the remaining notes of lecture 7).
- Summary
- • 83 pages's •
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen•Deception in clinical settings
Preview 6 out of 83 pages
This is a summary based on the course "deception in clinical settings" given at the RUG in 2024/2025. It contains all the mandatory readings and the lecture notes (new version will be uploaded soon with the remaining notes of lecture 7).