Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)
Looking for study notes at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)? On Stuvia you will find more than 9.556 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION).
Courses at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)
Notes available for the following courses at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)
Geneeskunde T.48086 177T.48086
Psychologie T.54724 106T.54724
Inleiding in de Psychologie T.52004 77T.52004
Sociale Psychologie T.48979 76T.48979
Marketing 65
Management en organisatie 59
Inleiding Recht T.46321 53T.46321
Diagnostisch onderzoek OTP02 46OTP02
Psychopathologie T.48874 44T.48874
Biologische Psychologie T.46624 41T.46624
Persoonlijkheidsleer T.49109 34T.49109
Juridische Kaders T.51819 34T.51819
Recht & Ethiek T.51572 32T.51572
Methodisch werken T.52575 31T.52575
Visies op de stad L.23406 30L.23406
Ethiek LP 5.2: Verslag Ethisch Dilemma (DT.45613) 30LP 5.2: Verslag Ethisch Dilemma (DT.45613)
Arbeidsrecht Arbeidsrecht 29Arbeidsrecht
Gezondheidspsychologie 29
Algemeen Bestuursrecht L.21622 27L.21622
Cognitieve en neuropsychologie L.20999 26L.20999
Popular books Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)

Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge • ISBN 9789043037204

James W. Kalat • ISBN 9781337408202

Bronis Verhage, Eric Boot • ISBN 9789001853174

Karel Jan Alsem • ISBN 9789001593490

Hans Keissen, Hans Keissen • ISBN 9789001901189

Eddy Alkema, Joanneke Kuipers • ISBN 9789023258360

Edwin Woerdman • ISBN 9789001885434

H.C. Geugjes • ISBN 9789462907683

I.M. Huzen, M. Wormsbecher • ISBN 9789001593216

Parviz Samim • ISBN 9789462906310

C. Phillips • ISBN 9789001593346

Roel Grit • ISBN 9789001575663

Kenneth Merchant, Wim van der Stede • ISBN 9781292110554

P. van Gool • ISBN 9789013159431

Jan de Bas, Frank Brinkman • ISBN 9789046906736

M.J. Kronenberg, B. de Wilde • ISBN 9789013158779

David D. Riley, Kenny A. Hunt • ISBN 9781466587779

Jos Dobber, José Harmsen • ISBN 9789036811996

Marc Bakker • ISBN 9789058758620

Guy van Liemt, Gert Koot • ISBN 9789001820596

Govert Apol, Simone Kalff • ISBN 9789046906125
Majors at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)
Notes available for the following studies at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)
Aansluitminor Social Work & leraar basisonderwijs 1
Aansluitminor Social Work/leraar basisonderwijs 1
Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs 9
Accountancy 46
Accountancy / Bedrijfseconomie / Fiscaal Recht en Economie 87
AD ervaringsdeskundige 1
AD Ervaringsdeskundige Zorg en Welzijn 2
AD Pedagogisch Educatief Proffesional 1
Ad Sociaal Werk in de Zorg 1
Anesthesiemedewerker 1
Anesthesiemedewerker en Operatieassistent 2
Archeologie 28
Art and Technology 1
Bedrijfseconomie 43
Bedrijfskunde , Marketing , International Business and Management 32
Bedrijfskunde MER 58
Bedrijfskundige Informatica 1
Bestuurskunde en Overheidsmanagement 30
Bestuurskunde/ruimtelijke ontwikkeling 17
BIC2 Recht van de decentrale overheid 1
Biologie en Medisch Laboratoriumonderzoek 55
Biologische Psychologie 1
Bouwkunde 94
Bouwtechnische Bedrijfskunde 21
Chemie 1
Commercieel-Technische Bedrijfskunde 5
Commerciële Economie 376
Commerciële Economie - Sport En Marketing 12
Commerciële Economie 1
Commerciële Economie Sport En Marketing 6
Creative Business 298
Ervaringsdeskundige 1
Ervaringsdeskundigheid 1
Ervaringsdeskundigheid in Zorg en welzijn 1
Facility Management 399
Fashion and Textile Technologies 204
Fiscaal Recht en Economie 19
Forensisch Onderzoek 121
Fysio/podotherapie 5
Fysiotherapie 573
Geschiedenis minor 17
Gezondheid en Technologie 411
Gezondheid En Technologie/Verpleegkunde 69
Grondslagen van de marketing 1
HBO Integrale Veiligheidskunde/security Management 117
HBO Psychologie 6
HBO Rechten 569
HBO Social Work 1
HBO Verpleegkunde Gezondheid en Technologie 191
HBO verpleegkundige 1
HBO-ICT Business IT & Management 10
Hoger Toeristisch en Recreatief Onderwijs 16
Hogere Juridische Opleiding 2
Hotel Management/Hogere Hotelschool 208
Human Resource Management 247
Industrieel Product Ontwerpen 1
Inleiding in de Psychologie 1
Integrale Veiligheidskunde 129
Interior Design en Styling 114
International Business and Languages 24
International Business and Management 13
International Business School 34
International Finance and Accounting 1
International Hotel Management 38
International Tourism Management 26
Internet marketing 7
Kunst en Techniek 2
Leraar Basisonderwijs 1
Lerarenopleiding Basisonderwijs / PABO 374
Lerarenopleiding Nederlands 1
Maatschappelijk Werk en Dienstverlening 13
Management, Economie en Recht 1
Master Advanced Nursing Practice 9
Master Educational Leadership 9
Master Facility and Real Estate Management 21
Master Facility and Real Estate Mangement 1
Master leren en innoveren 7
Master Musculoskeletaal 19
Mechatronica 1
Media Informatie Communicatie 43
Medische microbiologie 4
Milieukunde 1
Minor Acute zorg 1
Minor Algemene Ontwikkeling 5
Minor Armoede, Schuldhulpverlening & Participatie 4
Minor Bedrijfskunde voor HR 1
Minor circulaire economie 2
Minor digital intelligence 33
Minor geschiedenis 31
Minor ggz-agoog 5
Minor HRM voor leidinggevenden 25
Minor IMEO 4
Minor Makelaardij 51
Minor musculoskeletaal 1
Minor Neuropsychologie 1
Minor Nieuw Leiderschap 6
Minor Ontwikkelingspsychologie 1
Minor Ontwikkelingspsychologie En Orthopedagogiek 4
Minor politiek 1
Minor prestatiepsychologie 17
Minor Recht 16
Minor Spirit 28
Minor Supply Chain Management 3
Minor Sustainable International Business 3
Minor technologie in beweging 1
Minor Verwarde Personen 5
Minor Werken in gedwongen kader 8
Minor Your Legal Life 3
Minor Zorg en ontwikkelingskansen in het basisonderwijs 5
Minor: Circulaire Economie 1
Nederlands tweedegraads lerarenopleiding 1
Observeren & rapporteren 1
OHBOV05- Doelbewust voorlichten in de gezondheidsz 1
OK-route anesthesiemedewerker 3
Ondernemerschap 10
Ondernemerschap & Retailmanagement 1
Operatieassistent 7
Pabo 1
Performance psychology 1
Personeel en Arbeid 1
Podotherapie 13
Professionele gespreksvoering 1
Psychopathologie 2
Rekenen 1
Rekenen toets Verhoudingen, procenten, breuken en 1
Rekenen Wiskunde 1
Ruimtelijke ontwikkeling 100
Ruimtelijke Ordening en Planologie 36
S13- Innoveren met beleid 1
S21 – Cultureelsensitief werken in zorg en welzijn 1
Samenvatting microbiologie 1
Saxion Hogeschool 2
Security Management 22
SJD Compact 2
Small Business en Retail Management 18
Sociaal Juridische Dienstverlening 171
Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening 38
Social Work 966
Sociologie 1
Sportmarketing 107
Stedenbouwkundig Ontwerpen 9
Technisch informatica 1
Technische Bedrijfskunde 69
Technische Commerciële Textielkunde 20
Technische informatica 1
Technische Natuurkunde 5
Toegepaste Psychologie 772
Tourism & Leisure Management 63
Tweedegraads lerarenopleiding Nederlands 4
Tweedegraads lerarenopleinding Nederlands 1
Urban Studies 2
Vastgoed en Makelaardij 344
Vastgoedkunde 29
Verplee 1
Verpleegkunde 1095
Waardecreatie 1
Werktuigbouwkunde 3
Latest content Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)

In the document, you will find a complete business plan written for the course Entrepreneurship. Includes everything from the research phase to the financial picture
- Case
- • 35 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•entrepreneurship
Preview 4 out of 35 pages
In the document, you will find a complete business plan written for the course Entrepreneurship. Includes everything from the research phase to the financial picture

Summary including explanation of methods/ explanation of terms. Includes everything in the book international hospitality and understanding cultures. For a complete overview, add “dimensions per country”
- Summary
- • 9 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•International Hospitality
Preview 2 out of 9 pages
Summary including explanation of methods/ explanation of terms. Includes everything in the book international hospitality and understanding cultures. For a complete overview, add “dimensions per country”

Summary: International hospitality, including methods/ explanation, concepts and comparison of all different cultures and characteristics
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- Summary
- • 2 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•International Hospitality
Voordeelbundel Samenvatting + onderdeel dimensies per land culturen• Bymelaniewoker
Preview 1 out of 2 pages
Summary: International hospitality, including methods/ explanation, concepts and comparison of all different cultures and characteristics

List of references to the research paper - Technology trends in the hospitality Industry for the course WORLD of Hotel management grade 1
- Other
- • 2 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•World Of Hotel Management
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List of references to the research paper - Technology trends in the hospitality Industry for the course WORLD of Hotel management grade 1

This document is a small study into trends in the hospitality industry focused on Technology trends. Includes all components that a research should include (literature, research, use of methods, analysis, conclusions written according to guidelines). For the bibliography associated with this research study, add it separately.
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- Case
- • 6 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•World Of Hotel Management
Research World of hotel management• Bymelaniewoker
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
This document is a small study into trends in the hospitality industry focused on Technology trends. Includes all components that a research should include (literature, research, use of methods, analysis, conclusions written according to guidelines). For the bibliography associated with this research study, add it separately.

Summary of Accounting grade 1 chapter 1-2 (digital textbook) including examples/tables and terms
- Summary
- • 17 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Accounting
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Summary of Accounting grade 1 chapter 1-2 (digital textbook) including examples/tables and terms

Summary: Saxion organizational behavior textbook Quarter 1.1 grade 1
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Organizational Behaviour
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Summary: Saxion organizational behavior textbook Quarter 1.1 grade 1

Principles of marketing Summary: Principles of Marketing Table of Contents 1 What is marketing? 4 1.1 Meaning of marketing 4 1.1.1 difference between sales and marketing 4 1.1.2 Definition of marketing 4 1.1.3 Marketing Mix 4 1.1.4 Target group selection and the exchange process 4 1.2 commercial economics or marketing? 5 1.2.1 Role of economic science 5 1.3 Marketing perspectives 5 1.3.1. Macro marketing 5 1.3.2 Mesomarketing 6 1.3.3 Micromarketing 6 1.4 Development of the marketi...
- Book
- Summary
- • 44 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Grondslagen van de marketing
Grondslagen van de marketing • Bronis Verhage• ISBN 9789001853181
Preview 4 out of 44 pages
Principles of marketing Summary: Principles of Marketing Table of Contents 1 What is marketing? 4 1.1 Meaning of marketing 4 1.1.1 difference between sales and marketing 4 1.1.2 Definition of marketing 4 1.1.3 Marketing Mix 4 1.1.4 Target group selection and the exchange process 4 1.2 commercial economics or marketing? 5 1.2.1 Role of economic science 5 1.3 Marketing perspectives 5 1.3.1. Macro marketing 5 1.3.2 Mesomarketing 6 1.3.3 Micromarketing 6 1.4 Development of the marketi...

This is a very complete (127 pag.) digital marketing plan for a bar that wants to attract more customers online. It is a practical product: it has been used in real life. I've made sure to give you many pages to see up front as there is so much to see. Core time savers: all visuals, all interviews written out completely, all models and all social media depictions (Facebook, TikTok, YouTube etc.). It's divided into 3 parts: professional product, substantiation and assessment. (intro, core and eva...
- Book
- Thesis
- • 127 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Digital Marketing Strategy example
Digital Marketing • Annmarie Hanlon• ISBN 9781526426673
Preview 10 out of 127 pages
This is a very complete (127 pag.) digital marketing plan for a bar that wants to attract more customers online. It is a practical product: it has been used in real life. I've made sure to give you many pages to see up front as there is so much to see. Core time savers: all visuals, all interviews written out completely, all models and all social media depictions (Facebook, TikTok, YouTube etc.). It's divided into 3 parts: professional product, substantiation and assessment. (intro, core and eva...

An essay regarding bold leadership, referring to a societal problem, the causes and consequenses of it and a case company which is contributing to decreasing this societal problem. Including, Kate Raworhts Doughnut Model, Kees Klomp's model, value creations, how other hospitality businesses can contribute and my own perspective on it.
- Essay
- • 4 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•verander management / bold leadership
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An essay regarding bold leadership, referring to a societal problem, the causes and consequenses of it and a case company which is contributing to decreasing this societal problem. Including, Kate Raworhts Doughnut Model, Kees Klomp's model, value creations, how other hospitality businesses can contribute and my own perspective on it.

Summary for the course Introduction to Information & Information Systems, taught in quartile 2 of the first year of Integral Safety Engineering. By learning this summary in combination with the sheets, I finished the test with a 10!
- Summary
- • 7 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Introduction to Information & Information Systems
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Summary for the course Introduction to Information & Information Systems, taught in quartile 2 of the first year of Integral Safety Engineering. By learning this summary in combination with the sheets, I finished the test with a 10!

Envision It is a report that you must make during the operational internship in grade 2. This report is useful as an example, inspiration and structure. I finished this report with an 8.5!
- Essay
- • 15 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Operational Internship
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Envision It is a report that you must make during the operational internship in grade 2. This report is useful as an example, inspiration and structure. I finished this report with an 8.5!

Business English 3 is a portfolio that consists of 4 news digests, 1 individual news digest, discussion preparation material, presentation material, topic glossary, personal reflection and news digest feedback. You can use this document for inspiration and the structure of your English portfolio. I finished this portfolio with a 9!
- Essay
- • 30 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Business English 3
Preview 3 out of 30 pages
Business English 3 is a portfolio that consists of 4 news digests, 1 individual news digest, discussion preparation material, presentation material, topic glossary, personal reflection and news digest feedback. You can use this document for inspiration and the structure of your English portfolio. I finished this portfolio with a 9!

This document concerns all notes from each college's powerpoints. In addition, all mandatory literature is described and summarized. This document therefore has everything you need for the exam.
- Summary
- • 36 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Urban Land Use & Mobility
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This document concerns all notes from each college's powerpoints. In addition, all mandatory literature is described and summarized. This document therefore has everything you need for the exam.

This is a detailed summary of Basic Textiles 1.1, reader 3 in English. You can use this for the Fashion and Textile Technologies exam in the first year or for the retake.
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- Summary
- • 45 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Basic Textiles 1.1
Summary Basic textiles 1.1 readers 1, 2 and 3• Byroxykraan
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This is a detailed summary of Basic Textiles 1.1, reader 3 in English. You can use this for the Fashion and Textile Technologies exam in the first year or for the retake.

This is a detailed summary of Basic Textiles 1.1, reader 1 in English. You can use this for the Fashion and Textile Technologies exam in the first year or for the retake.
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- Summary
- • 31 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Basic Textiles 1.1
Summary Basic textiles 1.1 readers 1, 2 and 3• Byroxykraan
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This is a detailed summary of Basic Textiles 1.1, reader 1 in English. You can use this for the Fashion and Textile Technologies exam in the first year or for the retake.

The document is about the questions and answers in the Lean Sigma exam (chapter 7)
- Book
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Supply Chain minor
Climbing the mountain - Lean Six Sigma Green Belt • H.C. Theisens• ISBN 9789492240323
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
The document is about the questions and answers in the Lean Sigma exam (chapter 7)

The documents cover the exam (chapter 6) of Lean Six Sigma GreenBelt of the Minor Supply Chain Management.
- Book
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Supply Chain Management
Climbing the mountain - Lean Green Belt • Ir. H.C. Theisens• ISBN 9789492240255
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The documents cover the exam (chapter 6) of Lean Six Sigma GreenBelt of the Minor Supply Chain Management.

The document is about the plan of approach of my internship
- Essay
- • 12 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•International business
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The document is about the plan of approach of my internship

Nice and complete summary for the course “Introduction to Information & Information Systems”. There are also three practice questions. It's a layered structure through the fabric treated over the past few weeks.
- Summary
- • 12 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Introduction to information & Information systems
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
Nice and complete summary for the course “Introduction to Information & Information Systems”. There are also three practice questions. It's a layered structure through the fabric treated over the past few weeks.