Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION) • Sportmarketing
Latest uploads for Sportmarketing at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION). Looking for Sportmarketing notes at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Sportmarketing at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION).
Courses Sportmarketing at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)
Notes available for the following courses of Sportmarketing at Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION)
Algemene Economie 4
Budgettering 2
Business to Business Marketing 1
Business-to-Business Marketing 4
Citymarketing 3
Consumentengedrag 1
Consumentenpsychologie 4
De sportwereld voor het HBO 1
Dienstenmarketing 6
Digital Marketing 3
Engels 4
Eventmanagement 3
Exportmarketing 4
Financiering 2
Informatievaardigheden 1
Inleiding Marketing 1
Internationalisering Recht 5
Investeringen 3
Kostencalculaties 4
Management Control 4
Management en Organisatie 5
Marketing 1
Marketingcommunicatie 2
Marketingstrategie 3
Methodologie en Data-analyse 2
Product en prijsbeleid 1
Project Management 1
Project sales en accountplan 2
Promotie en plaatsbeleid 1
Retailmarketing 4
Sales 1
Sociale marketing 1 1
Sociale marketing 2 1
Sport en economie in de wereld 4
Sport en recht 4
Sportfan 5
Sportsponsoring 1
Strategische Marketing 6
Waardecreatie in de sport 1 1
Waardecreatie in de sport 2 1
Popular books Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION) • Sportmarketing

Karel Jan Alsem • ISBN 9789001593490

Radha Jethu-Ramsoedh, Maud Hendrickx • ISBN 9789001575427

Mr.H Wevers • ISBN 9789001899783

Jan de Leeuw, Jan de Leeuw • ISBN 9789054724117

W. Biemans • ISBN 9789001863104

D.J. de Jong, C.J. de Lange • ISBN 9789001889593

Daniel L. Wann, Jeffrey D. James • ISBN 9781138683167

Maarten Schrevel • ISBN 9789001794910

Jan de Leeuw • ISBN 9789054721666

A.W.W. Heezen, T. Ammeraal • ISBN 9789001034146
Latest notes & summaries Saxion Hogeschool (SAXION) • Sportmarketing

Full summary of the book 'A basic guid to international business law' for internationalization law.
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- • 11 pages's •
Saxion Hogeschool•Internationalisering Recht
A Basic Guide to International Business Law • Mr.H Wevers• ISBN 9789001899783
Kwartiel 4 tentamens• Byirisbalk
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Full summary of the book 'A basic guid to international business law' for internationalization law.

Abstract book "Meetings" for the subject of English. HBO Leerjaar 2. Commercial Economy Sports Marketing. This complete summary of the book "Meetings" are all items that occur during an (English) meeting dealt with. Sample sentences and conversations are fully described. The following issues will be addressed: What do we put on the agenda? 1. Welcome 2. Confirmation of the agenda (= confirmation of the agenda) 3. Minutes (last) meeting October 22 20 4. Announcements (= announcements) 5. Mail...
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Saxion Hogeschool•Engels
Archipelago meetings • Maarten Schrevel• ISBN 9789001794910
Preview 2 out of 10 pages
Abstract book "Meetings" for the subject of English. HBO Leerjaar 2. Commercial Economy Sports Marketing. This complete summary of the book "Meetings" are all items that occur during an (English) meeting dealt with. Sample sentences and conversations are fully described. The following issues will be addressed: What do we put on the agenda? 1. Welcome 2. Confirmation of the agenda (= confirmation of the agenda) 3. Minutes (last) meeting October 22 20 4. Announcements (= announcements) 5. Mail...