Schoevers College
Looking for study notes at Schoevers College? On Stuvia you will find more than 41 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Schoevers College.
Courses at Schoevers College
Notes available for the following courses at Schoevers College
Popular books Schoevers College
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Schoevers College
Gabrielle Kuiper, Danique Kamp • ISBN 9789046904688
Eric Tiggeler • ISBN 9789058754264
Majors at Schoevers College
Notes available for the following studies at Schoevers College
Associate degree Office Management 15
Directiesecretaresse 3
HBO Bachelor Executive Officemanagement 13
HBO Officemanagement 4
Module Project Management 1
Officemanagent 1
Secretaresse 1
Teamleider 1
Verpleegkundige 1
Latest notes & summaries Schoevers College
Compleet uitgeschreven casus 2 (huisvesting zoeken in Londen voor advocatenkantoor). 
Beoordeling 9 
Cijfer 9 (100%) 
Motivatie en verbeterpunten 
 Pronunciation: paths, decide 
 Before vs beforehand 
 A fitness gym 
Overall: very clear and structured presentation. You managed to persuade your listener by giving solid advice and by using proper arguments. Both vocab and grammar were on point and your pronunciation was outstanding. Only minor mistakes occurred (see above mentioned...
- Case
- • 3 pages's •
Schoevers College•Advanced English
Preview 1 out of 3 pages
Compleet uitgeschreven casus 2 (huisvesting zoeken in Londen voor advocatenkantoor). 
Beoordeling 9 
Cijfer 9 (100%) 
Motivatie en verbeterpunten 
 Pronunciation: paths, decide 
 Before vs beforehand 
 A fitness gym 
Overall: very clear and structured presentation. You managed to persuade your listener by giving solid advice and by using proper arguments. Both vocab and grammar were on point and your pronunciation was outstanding. Only minor mistakes occurred (see above mentioned...