Stenden Hogeschool
Looking for study notes at Stenden Hogeschool? On Stuvia you will find more than 19 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Stenden Hogeschool.
Courses at Stenden Hogeschool
Notes available for the following courses at Stenden Hogeschool
Majors at Stenden Hogeschool
Notes available for the following studies at Stenden Hogeschool
Arbeidsrecht 1
Commerciële economie 1
Hbo recht 1
Hbo rechten 1
Hoge Hotelschool 2
Inleiding HBO Recht samenvatting Stenden 1
Integrale veiligheidskunde voltijd 1
Integrale Veiligheidskunde voltijd 2024 1
International Hotel and Hospitality Management 1
Pedagogiek 2
Revenue management 1
Social Work 2
Staatsrecht 1
Stenden Human Resource Management alle colleges 1
Strafrecht HBO Rechten Stenden 1
Zorg en welzijn 1
Latest notes & summaries Stenden Hogeschool
Dit is een thesis proposal (Eng.) voor stenden Int. Hosp. Man. 2024. Onderwerp: hoe krijg je verbeterde job satisfaction op de werkvloer voor medewerkers? met theoretsiche, emperische en analytische deelvragen. Begrippen: job- and psychological characteristics, basic needs JS, measuring JS, management en JS, major factors influencing JS. Ik heb heel bewust voor een relatief eenvoudig onderwerp gekozen waar je veel kanten mee opkunt. ook is er veel literatuur over te vinden. ten derde was de bege...
- Book
- Thesis
- • 37 pages's •
Stenden Hogeschool•Thesis proposal Job Satisfaction
Employees\' Empowerment, Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave • Kasa Wogene• ISBN 9783845473932
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Dit is een thesis proposal (Eng.) voor stenden Int. Hosp. Man. 2024. Onderwerp: hoe krijg je verbeterde job satisfaction op de werkvloer voor medewerkers? met theoretsiche, emperische en analytische deelvragen. Begrippen: job- and psychological characteristics, basic needs JS, measuring JS, management en JS, major factors influencing JS. Ik heb heel bewust voor een relatief eenvoudig onderwerp gekozen waar je veel kanten mee opkunt. ook is er veel literatuur over te vinden. ten derde was de bege...
This are all colleges notes on Revenue Management from Stenden year 2023/2024. Written in English and easy to understand with visuals.
- Book
- Class notes
- • 22 pages's •
Stenden Hogeschool•revenue management
Revenue management: maximizing revenue in hospitality operations • • ISBN 9780866124461
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This are all colleges notes on Revenue Management from Stenden year 2023/2024. Written in English and easy to understand with visuals.
This is a thesis from Stenden Hoge Hotelschool Leeuwarden from 2021. Subject: how to increase emploee job satisfaction. Research question: ‘To what degree do employees of X experience job satisfaction and is there a relationship with increased absenteeism?’. Both literary- and fieldpractice was conducted. All results and quesions from fieldresult are given in easy to read charts. All questions from the semi structured interviews are there too. This is a good thesis to start your research wit...
- Thesis
- • 138 pages's •
Stenden Hogeschool•thesis increasing jobsatisfaction
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This is a thesis from Stenden Hoge Hotelschool Leeuwarden from 2021. Subject: how to increase emploee job satisfaction. Research question: ‘To what degree do employees of X experience job satisfaction and is there a relationship with increased absenteeism?’. Both literary- and fieldpractice was conducted. All results and quesions from fieldresult are given in easy to read charts. All questions from the semi structured interviews are there too. This is a good thesis to start your research wit...