Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM)
Looking for study notes at Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM)? On Stuvia you will find more than 433 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM).
Courses at Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM)
Notes available for the following courses at Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM)
Eindstage 6
Popular books Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM)
Raoul Engelbert, Harriet Wittink • ISBN 9789031377275
Majors at Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM)
Notes available for the following studies at Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM)
Fysiotherapie 433
Latest notes & summaries Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie (THIM)
The qualitative research is part of the scientific portfolio (R&I module) at THIM van der Laan University of Applied Sciences. This study was rated with an 8.4. The document outlines the teacher's feedback.
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- Thesis
- • 24 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•wetenschappelijk portfolio
Wetenschappelijk portfolio (R&I)• By 123456789A
Preview 3 out of 24 pages
The qualitative research is part of the scientific portfolio (R&I module) at THIM van der Laan University of Applied Sciences. This study was rated with an 8.4. The document outlines the teacher's feedback.
Critically Appraised Topic, as part of Thim's scientific portfolio. I've added the teacher's feedback so you can use it as a tool. The topic is: What is the effect of VR based rehabilitation on upper limb recovery in stroke patients compared to conventional methods? 
Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
- Package deal
- Thesis
- • 21 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Wetenschappelijk portfolio
Wetenschappelijk portfolio (R&I)• By 123456789A
Preview 5 out of 21 pages
Critically Appraised Topic, as part of Thim's scientific portfolio. I've added the teacher's feedback so you can use it as a tool. The topic is: What is the effect of VR based rehabilitation on upper limb recovery in stroke patients compared to conventional methods? 
Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
An excellent example for Module 4, ILO 6 Acute knee problems and rehabilitation counseling. Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
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- Other
- • 28 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Inleveropdrachten
Module 4 - Inleveropdrachten• By 123456789A
Preview 3 out of 28 pages
An excellent example for Module 4, ILO 6 Acute knee problems and rehabilitation counseling. Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
An excellent example for the ILO 5 Work-related complaints in module 4 (NEXT 4). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
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- Other
- • 19 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Inleveropdrachten
Module 4 - Inleveropdrachten• By 123456789A
Preview 3 out of 19 pages
An excellent example for the ILO 5 Work-related complaints in module 4 (NEXT 4). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
An excellent example for the ILO 4 Indicated and care-related prevention in module 4 (NEXT 4). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
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- Other
- • 6 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Inleveropdrachten
Module 4 - Inleveropdrachten• By 123456789A
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
An excellent example for the ILO 4 Indicated and care-related prevention in module 4 (NEXT 4). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
An excellent example for the ILO 3 intercultural communication in module 4 (NEXT 4). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
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- Other
- • 45 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Inleveropdrachten
Module 4 - Inleveropdrachten• By 123456789A
Preview 4 out of 45 pages
An excellent example for the ILO 3 intercultural communication in module 4 (NEXT 4). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
An excellent example for the ILO 2 interprofessional cooperation/IPO in module 4 (NEXT 4). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
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- Other
- • 22 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Inleveropdrachten
Module 4 - Inleveropdrachten• By 123456789A
Preview 3 out of 22 pages
An excellent example for the ILO 2 interprofessional cooperation/IPO in module 4 (NEXT 4). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
An excellent example for the ILO 3 Corona caucus in module 3 (NEXT 3). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
- Other
- • 7 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Inleveropdrachten
Preview 2 out of 7 pages
An excellent example for the ILO 3 Corona caucus in module 3 (NEXT 3). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
An excellent example for the ILO 2 - Healthy Aging in module 3 (NEXT 3). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
- Other
- • 15 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Inleveropdrachten
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
An excellent example for the ILO 2 - Healthy Aging in module 3 (NEXT 3). Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
An excellent example for the ILO Motor Learning in module 3 (NEXT 3). 
Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
- Other
- • 12 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Inleveropdrachten
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
An excellent example for the ILO Motor Learning in module 3 (NEXT 3). 
Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own report.
An excellent example for the ILO critically appraised topic (CAT) in module 2 (NEXT 2). 
Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own CAT.
- Essay
- • 19 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Next 2
Preview 3 out of 19 pages
An excellent example for the ILO critically appraised topic (CAT) in module 2 (NEXT 2). 
Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own CAT.
An excellent example for the first ILO (Group Lesson) in module 1 (NEXT 1). 
Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own group lesson.
- Other
- • 9 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Module 1
Preview 2 out of 9 pages
An excellent example for the first ILO (Group Lesson) in module 1 (NEXT 1). 
Note: it is not allowed to copy or paraphrase text as plagiarism is strictly controlled. However, it can be useful as a guideline/tool for your own group lesson.
Dit document omvat alle klinische en theoretische informatie die jij nodig hebt om het menselijke lichaam van A tot Z te begrijpen. Echt een aanrader voor de studerende en met werkende fysiotherapeut. 
Wil jij in jezelf investeren? Dan is dit een aanrader! 
Deze samenvatting bevat veel illustraties en: 
- Origo en Insertie per spier 
- Neurologische aansturing 
- Functie per spier 
* Clinical Gems (vanuit klinische ervaring per spier een aantal meest voorkomende klachten en aandoenin...
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- Summary
- • 123 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Anatomie
Anatomie van het gehele lichaam• By Ritchiesteinmann
Preview 8 out of 123 pages
Dit document omvat alle klinische en theoretische informatie die jij nodig hebt om het menselijke lichaam van A tot Z te begrijpen. Echt een aanrader voor de studerende en met werkende fysiotherapeut. 
Wil jij in jezelf investeren? Dan is dit een aanrader! 
Deze samenvatting bevat veel illustraties en: 
- Origo en Insertie per spier 
- Neurologische aansturing 
- Functie per spier 
* Clinical Gems (vanuit klinische ervaring per spier een aantal meest voorkomende klachten en aandoenin...
Dit document omvat alle klinische en theoretische informatie die jij nodig hebt om het menselijke lichaam van A tot Z te begrijpen. Echt een aanrader voor de studerende en met werkende fysiotherapeut. 
Wil jij in jezelf investeren? Dan is dit een aanrader! 
Deze samenvatting bevat veel illustraties en: 
- Origo en Insertie per spier 
- Neurologische aansturing 
- Functie per spier 
* Clinical Gems (vanuit klinische ervaring per spier een aantal meest voorkomende klachten en aandoenin...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 222 pages's •
Thim Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie•Module 1 Anatomie: Anatomische Structuren
Anatomie van het gehele lichaam• By Ritchiesteinmann
Preview 8 out of 222 pages
Dit document omvat alle klinische en theoretische informatie die jij nodig hebt om het menselijke lichaam van A tot Z te begrijpen. Echt een aanrader voor de studerende en met werkende fysiotherapeut. 
Wil jij in jezelf investeren? Dan is dit een aanrader! 
Deze samenvatting bevat veel illustraties en: 
- Origo en Insertie per spier 
- Neurologische aansturing 
- Functie per spier 
* Clinical Gems (vanuit klinische ervaring per spier een aantal meest voorkomende klachten en aandoenin...