Data Science Regulation & Law
Tilburg University (UVT)
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Data Science Regulation & Law (620087-M-6) - Summary
- Summary • 75 pages • 2024
- $8.27
- 10x sold
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MSc Data Science & Society - Data Science Regulation & Law (620087-M-6) - Summary of both the text book and the lectures. Very representative to the assignment and the final exam. Used this summary for both the assignment (30%) and the final exam (70%). Final grade: 9.5/10.

Data Science Regulation & Law (620087-M-6)
- Summary • 64 pages • 2023
- $9.49
- 34x sold
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Grade: 8.6. Extensive summary for the course Data Science Regulation & Law. The summary contains the content of the lectures of all clusters, including additional notes and explanations. The course is part of the MSc Data Science & Society at Tilburg University.
Overview of cluster 2, contract and tort law

Samenvatting GDPR regulation and law cluster 4 en 5
- Summary • 30 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $7.26
- 4x sold
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A comprehensive summary with examples of cluster 4 and 5 of the course regulation and law at tilburg university.
Cluster 1 tot en met 5 van het vak regulation and law aan de universiteit van tilburg. inclusief voorbeelden en alle lecture slides.
Vier vakken van de master data science & society. Analytics for Business and Governance, Machine Learning, Interactive Data Transformation, en Regulation and Law.

summary regulation and law
- Summary • 37 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $8.94
- 6x sold
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The summary contains all lectures from the first three clusters, including examples from the college slides, and the readers to be read prior to lectures.
Complete semester course

Data Science Regulation and Law Cluster 4 & 5.
- Summary • 27 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $7.82
- 14x sold
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Summary of Data Science Regulation & Law Cluster 4 & 5.

Data Science Regulation and Law Cluster 1-3.
- Summary • 26 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $7.82
- 12x sold
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Complete summary of all clusters of Data Science Regulation and Law

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