Tilburg University (UVT) • Personeelswetenschappen
Latest uploads for Personeelswetenschappen at Tilburg University (UVT). Looking for Personeelswetenschappen notes at Tilburg University (UVT)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Personeelswetenschappen at Tilburg University (UVT).
Courses Personeelswetenschappen at Tilburg University (UVT)
Notes available for the following courses of Personeelswetenschappen at Tilburg University (UVT)
Arbeidsrecht 5
Assessment in Organisations 1
Assessment in organizations 760017-B-6 1
Coaching en ontwikkeling 760038-B-6 11
Construct en analyse van vragenlijsten 424522-B-6 1
Constructie en analyse van vragenlijsten - MTO-D 424522 3
Economie voor MAW 3
Financial and Project Management 440026-B-6 4
Financial Project Management 2
FPM - Financial and project management 3
FPM Financial and project management 2
Globalization and social risks 424016-b-6 3
HRM, work design and technology 1
Individual assessment in organizations 760017 5
Inleiding Psychologie 500304-B-5 1
Inleiding Sociologie 400114 3
Inleiding statistiek 424504-B-5 2
Innovation, Organization & Entrepreneurship 2
Kernvragen Organisatiewetenschappen 1
Managing social capital 760040-B-6 11
MAW-NL: Constructie en analyse van vragenlijsten 1
Methoden voor Kwalitatief Onderzoek 1
Methodenleer 1
MTO D: Constructie en Analyse van Vragenlijsten 424522-B-6 1
MTO E 424239-B-6 5
MTO-A inleiding methodenleer 424501-B-5 1
MTO-B-MAW: inleiding statistiek 424503-B-5 1
MTO-C: Technieken voor causale analyse 424520-B-6 6
MTO-D constructie en analyse van vragenlijsten 424522-B-6 1
MTO-D: Constructie en Analyse van Vragenlijsten 424522 1
MTO-E-MAW: methoden voor kwalitatief onderzoek 424239-B-6 1
MTO-E: Qualitative research methods 4
Ontwikkeling van persoonlijke relaties 1
Organisatiewetenschappen 1
Organizational Behavior 422057-B-5 4
Organizational Psychology 575032-B-6 1
Performance Management 1
Qualitative research methods 424012-B-6 1
Social Philosophy 1
Sociale filosofie 2
Sociologie 2
SPSS 424503-B-5 1
Strategic Human Resource Management 760009-B-6 6
Strategie & organisatie 3
Strategie en organisatie 441009-B-6 2
Wetenschapsfilosofie 425025-B-6 3
Wetenschapsfilosofie MAW 425025-B-6 2
Wetenschapsfilosofie voor MAW 425025-B-6 3
Work & Health Psychology 761004-B-6 1
Work And Health Psychology 761004-B-6 1
Work health psychology 1
Work Psychology 575038-B-6 1
Work, Well-being and Performance 1
WWP: An introduction to contemporary work psycholo 1
Popular books Tilburg University (UVT) • Personeelswetenschappen

Yvonne Burger, Erik de Haan • ISBN 9789023255437

Alex Vanderstraeten • ISBN 9780198808602

Scott Highhouse, Dennis Doverspike • ISBN 9781138914599

Yvonne Burger, Erik de Haan • ISBN 9789023243892

David de Vaus • ISBN 9780415530187

Irene van Staveren • ISBN 9781138016125
Latest notes & summaries Tilburg University (UVT) • Personeelswetenschappen

Notes and examples from the lectures of "economie voor maw"
- Book
- Class notes
- • 41 pages's •
Tilburg University•Economie Voor MAW
Economics • Paul Krugman, Robin Wells• ISBN 9781319181949
Preview 4 out of 41 pages
Notes and examples from the lectures of "economie voor maw"

Summary and notes from the lectures, which partly cover the book "Organizational Behavior" from David A. Buchanan and Andrzej A. 
Huczynski, 10th edition.
- Class notes
- • 36 pages's •
Tilburg University•Organizational Behavior
Preview 4 out of 36 pages
Summary and notes from the lectures, which partly cover the book "Organizational Behavior" from David A. Buchanan and Andrzej A. 
Huczynski, 10th edition.

Summary of all lectures Strategic Human Resource Management: 41 pages long. Contains all themes that the course is about, explained in an extensive manner. The notes of the powerpoint sheets are also written down in this document. Based on that, additional explanations and examples, and example questions are added in order to improve understanding on the material. Very helpful for studying. 
See also my document with the summary of all articles that are spoken about during the lectures, and whi...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 41 pages's •
Tilburg University•Strategic Human Resource Management
Summaries Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) | Bachelor Personeelwetenschappen & Premaster Human Resource Studies• By sophievandendungen
Preview 4 out of 41 pages
Summary of all lectures Strategic Human Resource Management: 41 pages long. Contains all themes that the course is about, explained in an extensive manner. The notes of the powerpoint sheets are also written down in this document. Based on that, additional explanations and examples, and example questions are added in order to improve understanding on the material. Very helpful for studying. 
See also my document with the summary of all articles that are spoken about during the lectures, and whi...

Summary of articles for lectures of SHRM, which also belongs to mandatory exam material. This summary is 66 pages long, and is very structured. A distinction is made between the week themes, and the summary is organized in that way. Apart from this summary, I studied my own notes of the lectures and the summary of the work group articles (see my other documents on Stuvia of SHRM). Language: English.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 66 pages's •
Tilburg University•Strategic Human Resource Management
Summaries Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) | Bachelor Personeelwetenschappen & Premaster Human Resource Studies• By sophievandendungen
Preview 4 out of 66 pages
Summary of articles for lectures of SHRM, which also belongs to mandatory exam material. This summary is 66 pages long, and is very structured. A distinction is made between the week themes, and the summary is organized in that way. Apart from this summary, I studied my own notes of the lectures and the summary of the work group articles (see my other documents on Stuvia of SHRM). Language: English.

Summary of articles for the work groups of SHRM, which also belongs to mandatory exam material. This summary is 21 pages long, and is very structured. A distinction is made between the week themes, and the summary is organized in that way. Apart from this summary, I studied my own notes of the lectures and the summary of the articles that belong to the lectures (see my other documents on Stuvia of SHRM). Language: English.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 21 pages's •
Tilburg University•Strategic Human Resource Management
Summaries Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) | Bachelor Personeelwetenschappen & Premaster Human Resource Studies• By sophievandendungen
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
Summary of articles for the work groups of SHRM, which also belongs to mandatory exam material. This summary is 21 pages long, and is very structured. A distinction is made between the week themes, and the summary is organized in that way. Apart from this summary, I studied my own notes of the lectures and the summary of the articles that belong to the lectures (see my other documents on Stuvia of SHRM). Language: English.

This document contains an extensive elaboration/summary of all lectures+corresponding chapters of the book related to the course Work and health psychology. This helps for optimal preparation for the exam
- Book
- Summary
- • 30 pages's •
Tilburg University•Work And Health Psychology
An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology • • ISBN 9781119945529
Preview 3 out of 30 pages
This document contains an extensive elaboration/summary of all lectures+corresponding chapters of the book related to the course Work and health psychology. This helps for optimal preparation for the exam

This document contains an extensive elaboration/summary of all lectures related to the course MTO-E-MAW: Methods v qualitative research. This helps for optimal preparation for the exam
- Class notes
- • 33 pages's •
Tilburg University•MTO E
Preview 4 out of 33 pages
This document contains an extensive elaboration/summary of all lectures related to the course MTO-E-MAW: Methods v qualitative research. This helps for optimal preparation for the exam

This document includes an elaboration/summary of all questions of the Kahoots related to the course MTO-E-MAW: Methods v qualitative research. This helps for optimal preparation for the exam
- Class notes
- • 9 pages's •
Tilburg University•MTO E
Preview 2 out of 9 pages
This document includes an elaboration/summary of all questions of the Kahoots related to the course MTO-E-MAW: Methods v qualitative research. This helps for optimal preparation for the exam

Summary of all lectures from the course Qualitative Research Methods (MTO-E) 2020-2021.
- Summary
- • 30 pages's •
Tilburg University•MTO-E: Qualitative research methods
Preview 3 out of 30 pages
Summary of all lectures from the course Qualitative Research Methods (MTO-E) 2020-2021.

Summary of all core reading articles of the course Managing Social Capital. Articles from the workgroups are not included.
- Summary
- • 53 pages's •
Tilburg University•Managing social capital
Preview 4 out of 53 pages
Summary of all core reading articles of the course Managing Social Capital. Articles from the workgroups are not included.