Looking for study notes at Undefined? On Stuvia you will find more than 358 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Undefined.
Courses at Undefined
Notes available for the following courses at Undefined
Zwemmen SPEC 21
Geschiedenis 14
Scheikunde 10
Biologie 5
IB Biology 5
Aardrijkskunde 4
Natuukunde 3
Nederlands 3
Engels 2
Duits 2
Kunst 2
Finance 1
Fiscaal 1
Economics, Finance, Economic Policy 1
Basketbal en volleybal 1
Maatschappijwetenschappen 1
Recht 1
Schadebehandelaar Motorrijtuigen 1
Data Structures 1
TC3 1
Popular books Undefined
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Undefined

ISBN 9789001779573

G. van den Berg • ISBN 9789011111073

Bas Schuijt • ISBN 9789086741014
Latest notes & summaries Undefined

This is a great overview of the course Data Structures. All algorithms and data structures are managed in a nice overview. Also other important things for the course.
- Summary
- • 4 pages's •
undefined•Data Structures
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This is a great overview of the course Data Structures. All algorithms and data structures are managed in a nice overview. Also other important things for the course.

finance 2 trial exam
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages's •
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finance 2 trial exam

This document focuses on the 2016 Syllabus of Biology HL in the IB. The topic that is summarized is Ecology - chapter 4 of the syllabus
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- Summary
- • 12 pages's •
undefined•IB Biology
IB Biology• By StraatenLI
Preview 1 out of 12 pages
This document focuses on the 2016 Syllabus of Biology HL in the IB. The topic that is summarized is Ecology - chapter 4 of the syllabus

This summary concentrates on the 2016 Syllabus from Biology HL in the IB. It concentrates on chapter 2 and 7, which is the Chemicals of Life and Molecular biology of the Gene
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- Summary
- • 40 pages's •
undefined•IB Biology
IB Biology• By StraatenLI
Preview 2 out of 40 pages
This summary concentrates on the 2016 Syllabus from Biology HL in the IB. It concentrates on chapter 2 and 7, which is the Chemicals of Life and Molecular biology of the Gene

This document focuses on the 2016 Syllabus of Biology HL in the IB. The topic that is summarized is Evolution - topic 5 of the syllabus

- Package deal
- Summary
- • 14 pages's •
undefined•IB Biology
IB Biology• By StraatenLI
Preview 2 out of 14 pages
This document focuses on the 2016 Syllabus of Biology HL in the IB. The topic that is summarized is Evolution - topic 5 of the syllabus

This document focuses on the 2016 Syllabus of Biology HL in the IB. The topics that are summarized are human health and physiology - chapters 6 and 11 of the syllabus
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- Summary
- • 42 pages's •
undefined•IB Biology
IB Biology• By StraatenLI
Preview 3 out of 42 pages
This document focuses on the 2016 Syllabus of Biology HL in the IB. The topics that are summarized are human health and physiology - chapters 6 and 11 of the syllabus

A summary of the first unit of the International Baccalaureate Biology syllabus of 2016. It discusses all of the first unit, covering Introduction to cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Membrane structure, Membrane transport, the origin of cells and cell division
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- Summary
- • 25 pages's •
undefined•IB Biology
IB Biology• By StraatenLI
Preview 2 out of 25 pages
A summary of the first unit of the International Baccalaureate Biology syllabus of 2016. It discusses all of the first unit, covering Introduction to cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Membrane structure, Membrane transport, the origin of cells and cell division

Thesis: The global financial crisis of 2008, which commenced from the burst of the housing bubble in the United States, was the worst recession since the Great Depression of the late 1920s. Seven years after this crisis arose, research has identified the main causes and culprits of the crisis (which will also be discussed in this paper): an increase homeownership push, low interest rates, easy lending and weak banking and rating agency regulation. To alleviate the pressure of the financial crisi...
- Essay
- • 33 pages's •
undefined•Economics, Finance, Economic Policy
Preview 4 out of 33 pages
Thesis: The global financial crisis of 2008, which commenced from the burst of the housing bubble in the United States, was the worst recession since the Great Depression of the late 1920s. Seven years after this crisis arose, research has identified the main causes and culprits of the crisis (which will also be discussed in this paper): an increase homeownership push, low interest rates, easy lending and weak banking and rating agency regulation. To alleviate the pressure of the financial crisi...