Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Biomedische Wetenschappen
Latest uploads for Biomedische Wetenschappen at Universiteit Leiden (UL). Looking for Biomedische Wetenschappen notes at Universiteit Leiden (UL)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Biomedische Wetenschappen at Universiteit Leiden (UL).
Courses Biomedische Wetenschappen at Universiteit Leiden (UL)
Notes available for the following courses of Biomedische Wetenschappen at Universiteit Leiden (UL)
Analytische Chemie 4011ANAL1T 1
Biochemie 1 3
Biofarmacie en -fysica 4012BIOFFY 1
Biomoleculen B1BI 11
Calculus 6
Celbiologie 3
Cellulaire Biochemie 4012CBICHY 2
Cellulaire communicatie 311100370Y 4
Cellular Signal Transduction - Minor DSDT 4012CELSTT 1
Clinical Research in Practice 1
Data analysis with R 1
Design and Analysis 3112065PPY 2
Farmacokinetiek en Farmacodynamiek 1
Farmacologie 1
Functional Genomics FunGem 2
Fysiologie 1
Histologie 1
Hormones And The Nervous System 311200170Y 3
Human Pathology 311202300Y 11
Humane biologie HB 8
Immunologie 4
Immunology IMM 6
Infectious Agents & Immunity IAI 4
Infectious Agents And Immunity B2AI 3
Introduction in the Neurosciences 311200120Y 16
Introduction to Computational Thinking 1
Introduction to Computational Thinking 2019 1
Medische Genetica 311100390Y 3
Metabolisme I B1M1 4
Metabolisme II 311100350Y 6
Methoden En Technieken 3
Minor 1
Minor clinical immunology G3-M01-1 1
Minor Farmacie 3
Moleculaire Biologie 311100330Y 4
Moleculaire Genetica 1 4011MOLGEY 2
Molecular Biology and Oncology B3MO 19
Ontwerp & Synthese O&S 2
Organische Chemie - Practicum 1
Organische chemie 2 2
Physiology Basic concepts 311200140Y 6
Physiology, Advanced Concepts 311200150Y 4
Physiology, Basic Concepts 311200140Y 3
Scheikunde 1 2
Start.BW 1
Statistiek 1 2
Thema Effecten van Geneesmiddelen 1 4011TE1DCY 1
Thema Effecten van geneesmiddelen 2 4011TEGE2Y 2
Toxicologie 4012TOX04Y 1
Popular books Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Biomedische Wetenschappen
Susan E. Mulroney, Adam Myers • ISBN 9780323358194
ISBN 9781119143185
Aviva Petrie, Caroline Sabin • ISBN 9781119167815
ISBN 9783030007102
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Leiden (UL) • Biomedische Wetenschappen
Samenvatting van het vak physiology advanced concepts (Sepsis & Heart Failure) gebaseerd op alle colleges inclusief leerdoelen.
- Summary
- • 38 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Physiology, Advanced Concepts
Preview 4 out of 38 pages
Samenvatting van het vak physiology advanced concepts (Sepsis & Heart Failure) gebaseerd op alle colleges inclusief leerdoelen.
Samenvatting van het vak PBCI over cardiovascular & respiratory system. Gebaseerd op alle colleges gegeven tijdens dit blok (inclusief leerdoelen)
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 59 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Physiology Basic Concepts
Physiology basic concepts deel I en II• By jasmijnvangool
Preview 4 out of 59 pages
Samenvatting van het vak PBCI over cardiovascular & respiratory system. Gebaseerd op alle colleges gegeven tijdens dit blok (inclusief leerdoelen)
Summary of the literature regarding the book Clinically Oriented Anatomy, relevant to the course Human Pathology
- Summary
- • 17 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Human Pathology
Preview 3 out of 17 pages
Summary of the literature regarding the book Clinically Oriented Anatomy, relevant to the course Human Pathology
Aantekeningen van alle colleges over neuroanatomie in het engels.
- Class notes
- • 16 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Introduction In The Neurosciences
Preview 3 out of 16 pages
Aantekeningen van alle colleges over neuroanatomie in het engels.
Compacte samenvatting van volledige boek "The Biology of Cancer" van 54 pagina's lang. Samenvatting is per hoofdstuk (dus per SSA) geschreven in het Engels. 
Boek: The Biology of Cancer (second edition), geschreven door Robert A. Weinberg. ISBN: 5282.
- Book
- Summary
- • 55 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Molecular Biology And Oncology
The Biology of Cancer • Robert A. Weinberg• ISBN 9780815345282
Preview 4 out of 55 pages
Compacte samenvatting van volledige boek "The Biology of Cancer" van 54 pagina's lang. Samenvatting is per hoofdstuk (dus per SSA) geschreven in het Engels. 
Boek: The Biology of Cancer (second edition), geschreven door Robert A. Weinberg. ISBN: 5282.
Samenvatting van het vak infectious agents and immunology. Bevat ook samenvattingen van de gegeven werkgroepen. Samenvatting is opgesplitst per deelonderwerp: viruses, bacteria, immune response, parasites, vaccination and Covid
- Summary
- • 19 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Infectious Agents & Immunity
Preview 3 out of 19 pages
Samenvatting van het vak infectious agents and immunology. Bevat ook samenvattingen van de gegeven werkgroepen. Samenvatting is opgesplitst per deelonderwerp: viruses, bacteria, immune response, parasites, vaccination and Covid
Een samenvatting van alle hoorcolleges en onderwerpen van het blok Introduction into the Neurosciences. 
T1 Neuroanatomy 
T2 Sensory Neurophysiology 
-->(Nerve and muscle excitation, vibration sense of skin, retinal light sensitivity, visual field) 
T3 Systemic Neuroanatomy 
--> (somatomotor system, subcortical motor system, visual system, auditory and vestibular system, brainstem, limbic system, development/memory/learning) 
T4 Advanced Neurophysiology
- Summary
- • 91 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Introduction In The Neurosciences
Preview 4 out of 91 pages
Een samenvatting van alle hoorcolleges en onderwerpen van het blok Introduction into the Neurosciences. 
T1 Neuroanatomy 
T2 Sensory Neurophysiology 
-->(Nerve and muscle excitation, vibration sense of skin, retinal light sensitivity, visual field) 
T3 Systemic Neuroanatomy 
--> (somatomotor system, subcortical motor system, visual system, auditory and vestibular system, brainstem, limbic system, development/memory/learning) 
T4 Advanced Neurophysiology
All the answers of the working group question (WG1 to WG10). Of some WGs I also worked out the objectives, for the WGs I did not I thought the answers to the questions were enough to understand the objectives.
- Book
- Other
- • 43 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Immunology
The Immune System • Peter Parham• ISBN 9780815345275
Preview 4 out of 43 pages
All the answers of the working group question (WG1 to WG10). Of some WGs I also worked out the objectives, for the WGs I did not I thought the answers to the questions were enough to understand the objectives.
Summary of the lectures given + the guest lectures. Some additional information added from the working groups. Lectures: viruses, emerging viruses, parasites, viral innate immune response, general infectious agents & immunity, controlled human infection models, one health, introduction to bacteria, mycobacterial infections, antibiotic resistance, microbiota, wound infections in the clinic, viral vs bacterial biomarkers in the clinic, immune modulation & protection, successful innate and adaptive...
- Summary
- • 53 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Infectious Agents & Immunity
Preview 4 out of 53 pages
Summary of the lectures given + the guest lectures. Some additional information added from the working groups. Lectures: viruses, emerging viruses, parasites, viral innate immune response, general infectious agents & immunity, controlled human infection models, one health, introduction to bacteria, mycobacterial infections, antibiotic resistance, microbiota, wound infections in the clinic, viral vs bacterial biomarkers in the clinic, immune modulation & protection, successful innate and adaptive...
Samenvatting bestaande uit: 
Infectious Agents: Life cycle parasites, Viruses (life cycle, structure, evolution), Emerging viruses, Bacteria (classification, structure, interaction) 
Immune responses: Innate and adaptive cellular immune responses, Viral cellular immune responses, Immune modulation and protection, Antibiotics
- Summary
- • 21 pages's •
Universiteit Leiden•Infectious Agents & Immunity
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
Samenvatting bestaande uit: 
Infectious Agents: Life cycle parasites, Viruses (life cycle, structure, evolution), Emerging viruses, Bacteria (classification, structure, interaction) 
Immune responses: Innate and adaptive cellular immune responses, Viral cellular immune responses, Immune modulation and protection, Antibiotics