Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen
Latest uploads for Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen at Universiteit Utrecht (UU). Looking for Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen notes at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen at Universiteit Utrecht (UU).
Courses Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Notes available for the following courses of Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Adolescent Development 200500046 37
Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen in de praktijk 23
Analyseren in kwalitatief onderzoek 1
Antropologie van de staat 1
Behandeling 1
Behandeling en interventies gericht op psychosociale problemen, leerproblemen en ontwikkelingsproblemen 1
Beleid en evaluatieonderzoek 201800411 2
Bestuur en beleid 2
Brein & Omgeving 202000009 1
Challenges in Work, Health and Well-being 201800084 4
Comparing Cultures 201800005 4
Conducting a Survey 1
Criminal Behavior during the Life Course 200700018 1
Criminologisch onderzoek 1
Cultural development 1
Cultuur, Communicatie en Nieuwe Media 8
Cultuurvergelijking 3
De multiculturele samenleving 1
Etniciteit & Nationalisme 2
Forensische Psychopathologie 2
Gedrag en gedragsproblemen op school 33
Grondslagen van het recht 201100073 4
Health in Society 201600027 7
Hersenontwikkeling: gedrag en leren 2
Inleiding bestuur- en organisatiewetenschappen 4
Inleiding Criminologie 2
Inleiding gedragswetenschappen 1
Inleiding in de ASW 1
Interdisciplinair onderzoek 2
Interdisciplinair onderzoek naar sociale problemen 7
International organised crime 1
Interventions & Policies I IP1 1
Introductie algemene sociale wetenschappen IASW 15
Introductie ASW 15
Introductie Gedragswetenschappen 200300480 21
Introductie Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschap IISW 2
Introductie Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschappen 201100003 1
Introductie Maatschappij-wetenschappen 200300488 4
Jeugdcriminaliteit 2
Jeugdcriminaliteit en Jeugdbescherming 200600036 2
Jongeren en Seksualiteit 3
Justitiele interventies 200400090 10
Kennismaking met onderzoeksmethoden en statistiek KOM 1
Kennismaking Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek 201800022 4
Key Challenges To The Welfare State 201800294 2
Kind en omgeving: pedagogische verkenningen 16
Maatschappijwetenschappen: de moderne samenleving 1
Macht van Smaak en Geld 10
Methoden en Statistiek 2 7
Methoden, technieken en statistiek 1 / MTS 1 19
Methoden, technieken en statistiek 2 / MTS 2 13
Methoden, technieken en statistiek 3 / MTS 3 4
Methoden, technieken en statistiek 4 / MTS 4 MTS4 7
Moderne Samenleving 1
MTS-4 201300032 1
Multicultural Society 1
Onderwijspsychologie 9
Organisatie en Interactie 1
Over de grenzen van de disciplines 200300531 32
Popmuziek en popcultuur 25
Popmuziek, Popcultuur en media 1
Rejecting Minorities REMI 7
Risicogedrag en verslaving 2
Risk behavior and addiction 201800007 2
Risk behavior and addiction in adolescence RBA 12
Samenvatting inleiding Forensische psychiatrie en psychologie 1
Scriptie gedragsverandering invloed media 1
Seksualiteit vanuit. kp perspectief 202400185 2
Self-regulation SR 1
Sociale media en zelfbeeld jongeren 1
Sociale Stand van Nederland 3
Sociology Of Organisations 1
Solidariteit tussen jong en oud in arbeid, zorg en welzijn 2
Solidarity and Social Justice SSJ 5
Theory Construction and Statistical Modeling 5
Toepassen Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek 20180025 3
Toepassen van Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek 201800025 1
Toepasssen van Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek 5
Verdieping Criminologie 2
Verdieping in Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek 201900054 3
Weerstand tegen minderheden 1
Wild Years 6
Youth & Sexuality 2
Youth culture in a digital world 4
Popular books Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen
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Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/60118a45121ae_965918.jpg)
Lecture notes from the course Comparing Cultures.
- Class notes
- • 42 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Comparing Cultures
Preview 4 out of 42 pages
Lecture notes from the course Comparing Cultures.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/600d882ea9e9a_961197.jpg)
Complete summary of all lectures and articles, written in a way that i've you didnt see a lecture, you could just read this.
- Summary
- • 75 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Challenges In Work, Health And Well-being
Preview 4 out of 75 pages
Complete summary of all lectures and articles, written in a way that i've you didnt see a lecture, you could just read this.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/60087c8a2d303_955973.jpg)
Summary of the following articles 
1.	De Swaan, A. (1988). 
2.	Zee van der, Jouke and M.W. Kroneman (2007). 
3.	Dekker, P., et al (2004). 
4.	Leoni, T. (2016). 
5.	OECD (2010). 
6.	M. Sarner (2018) 
7.	Portoghese, Igor et al (2014) 
8.	W.B. Schaufeli (2007) 
9.	Schaufeli, W.B. (2018). 
10.	N. Reynolds (2014). 
11.	J.C. Vroman (2016). 
12.	CIPD (2018). 
13.	Robin Kramar (2014). 
14.	De Cuyper, N., & De Witte, H. 
15.	Fagan, C., Kanjuo-Mrcela, A., Norman, H. (2012). 
16.	J.E. Strijk et a...
- Summary
- • 18 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Challenges In Work, Health And Well-being
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
Summary of the following articles 
1.	De Swaan, A. (1988). 
2.	Zee van der, Jouke and M.W. Kroneman (2007). 
3.	Dekker, P., et al (2004). 
4.	Leoni, T. (2016). 
5.	OECD (2010). 
6.	M. Sarner (2018) 
7.	Portoghese, Igor et al (2014) 
8.	W.B. Schaufeli (2007) 
9.	Schaufeli, W.B. (2018). 
10.	N. Reynolds (2014). 
11.	J.C. Vroman (2016). 
12.	CIPD (2018). 
13.	Robin Kramar (2014). 
14.	De Cuyper, N., & De Witte, H. 
15.	Fagan, C., Kanjuo-Mrcela, A., Norman, H. (2012). 
16.	J.E. Strijk et a...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5ff4613105686_935941.jpg)
This document contains an overview I used to study for the final exam of Rejecting Minorities. It has all the lecture notes, seminar notes and some additional information from the texts we had to read.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 54 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Rejecting Minorities
bundel rejecting minorities• By mjkouwenhoven
Preview 4 out of 54 pages
This document contains an overview I used to study for the final exam of Rejecting Minorities. It has all the lecture notes, seminar notes and some additional information from the texts we had to read.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5ff461e96853f_935950.jpg)
This document contains my notes from all the lectures and seminars of this subject. I also added some additional information from the texts we had to read to get an extensive overview of the course materials
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 44 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Rejecting Minorities
bundel rejecting minorities• By mjkouwenhoven
Preview 4 out of 44 pages
This document contains my notes from all the lectures and seminars of this subject. I also added some additional information from the texts we had to read to get an extensive overview of the course materials
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5fcf5355766c7_906619.jpg)
College aantekeningen van alle hoorcolleges van Tobias Stark voor het vak Rejecting Minorities. Dit document bevat ook uitleg van verschillende onderzoeken die in de colleges werden besproken. Alles is erg duidelijk uitgelegd, met veel gebruik van voorbeelden. 
Lecture notes from all the lectures given by Tobias Stark for the course Rejecting minorities. This document also contains explanations of differens researches that were discussed in the lectures. Everything is explained very cleary,...
- Class notes
- • 38 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Rejecting Minorities
Preview 4 out of 38 pages
College aantekeningen van alle hoorcolleges van Tobias Stark voor het vak Rejecting Minorities. Dit document bevat ook uitleg van verschillende onderzoeken die in de colleges werden besproken. Alles is erg duidelijk uitgelegd, met veel gebruik van voorbeelden. 
Lecture notes from all the lectures given by Tobias Stark for the course Rejecting minorities. This document also contains explanations of differens researches that were discussed in the lectures. Everything is explained very cleary,...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5f99cd14716a5_866221.jpg)
A summary of all the articles belonging to the course Risk behaviour and addictions in adolescence.
- Summary
- • 28 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Risk behavior and addiction in adolescence
Preview 3 out of 28 pages
A summary of all the articles belonging to the course Risk behaviour and addictions in adolescence.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5f9975311060c_865747.jpg)
Of all the required readings for the course Rejecting Minorities, a short overview is provided. The main points of every article are noted and explained when necessary, using the words of the authors as much as possible. This document does not provide lengthy or detailed explanations of every article, pre-knowledge of central concepts is required. However, this overview will certainly come in handy when taking the online exam from home.

(Dutch) In dit document staat per artikel een korte samenv...
- Summary
- • 5 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Rejecting minorities
Preview 2 out of 5 pages
Of all the required readings for the course Rejecting Minorities, a short overview is provided. The main points of every article are noted and explained when necessary, using the words of the authors as much as possible. This document does not provide lengthy or detailed explanations of every article, pre-knowledge of central concepts is required. However, this overview will certainly come in handy when taking the online exam from home.

(Dutch) In dit document staat per artikel een korte samenv...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5f93f05bd2c14_859093.jpg)
Very extensive summary of all the articles from the 8 lectures of Risk behavior and addiction in adolescence. The summary consists of the articles from: - Gladwin et al. - Dobbs - Sussman - Lopez-Leon & Raley - Brand et al. - Van den Eijnden et al. - Ryan et al. - Koning et al. - Kildare & Middlemiss - Kobus - Arnett - Teunissen et al. - Volkow et al. - Catellanos-Ryan & Conrod - Romer - Paschall et al. - Simons-Morton et al. - De Looze et al. (x2) - Onrust et al. - Kleinjan & Engels - Flaherty ...
- Summary
- • 50 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•risk behavior and addiction
Preview 1 out of 50 pages
Very extensive summary of all the articles from the 8 lectures of Risk behavior and addiction in adolescence. The summary consists of the articles from: - Gladwin et al. - Dobbs - Sussman - Lopez-Leon & Raley - Brand et al. - Van den Eijnden et al. - Ryan et al. - Koning et al. - Kildare & Middlemiss - Kobus - Arnett - Teunissen et al. - Volkow et al. - Catellanos-Ryan & Conrod - Romer - Paschall et al. - Simons-Morton et al. - De Looze et al. (x2) - Onrust et al. - Kleinjan & Engels - Flaherty ...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5f8db2e0ec601_853348.jpg)
The extensive summary consists of all the lectures and articles of the course. Articles that are in this summary:
•	Elder et al. 2003
•	Steffensmeier et al. 1989
•	Moffitt 1993
•	Chen & Adams 2010
•	Laub & Sampson 1993
•	Sampson and Laub 2005
•	Wilcox & Gialopsos 2015
•	Brantingham, P. J., & Brantingham, P. L. 1981 (7-26)
•	Brantingham, P. L., & Brantingham, P. J. 1981 (26 – 54)
•	Ruiter, S. 2017 
•	Van de Weijer et al. 2014
•	Wright & Cullen 2001
•	Rees & Pogarsky 20...
- Summary
- • 69 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Criminal Behavior during the Life Course
Preview 8 out of 69 pages
The extensive summary consists of all the lectures and articles of the course. Articles that are in this summary:
•	Elder et al. 2003
•	Steffensmeier et al. 1989
•	Moffitt 1993
•	Chen & Adams 2010
•	Laub & Sampson 1993
•	Sampson and Laub 2005
•	Wilcox & Gialopsos 2015
•	Brantingham, P. J., & Brantingham, P. L. 1981 (7-26)
•	Brantingham, P. L., & Brantingham, P. J. 1981 (26 – 54)
•	Ruiter, S. 2017 
•	Van de Weijer et al. 2014
•	Wright & Cullen 2001
•	Rees & Pogarsky 20...