Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie
Latest uploads for Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie at Universiteit Utrecht (UU). Looking for Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie notes at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie at Universiteit Utrecht (UU).
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Courses Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Notes available for the following courses of Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Anthropology & Sustainability 201800038 1
Anthropology of Violence 202100015 3
Antropologie van de Dood 202200004 4
Antropologie van de staat 1
Antropologie Van Gender, Seksualiteit En Het Lichaam 201500014 6
Art, Culture and Society MC2V19002 3
CA4: globalization and sociocultural complexity 201100013 1
Conflict Analysis 1
Cultural Anthropology 3: globalization and sociocultural complexity 201100013 8
Cultural Anthropology 3: History and Theory in Anthropology CA3 10
Cultural anthropology 4: 201100013 2
Cultural Anthropology 4: Globalization 1
Cultural Anthropology 4: History And Theory Of Anthropology 201100013 2
Culture, violence, trauma and death 202100015 1
Culturele Antropologie 1 CA1 19
Culturele Antropologie 2 201100020 11
Culturen en samenlevingen- een inleiding in de CA 1
Etniciteit en nationalisme 200300019 14
Etnografische traditie 1
Globalization And Sociocultural Complexity 201100013 1
Health in Society 201900017 3
Inleiding Culturele Antropologie 1
Kennismaking Met Onderzoeksmethoden En Statistiek 201800022 20
Kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden- achtergronden en toepassing 3
Methoden, technieken en statistiek 1 / MTS 1 1
Migranten En Integratie 1
Migrants and Integration 1
Nationalisme en racialisering 2
Political Ecologies 202200003 1
Political Ecologies: Nature, Humans and Non-Humans 202200003 4
Politieke Antropologie 202100016 8
Rejecting Minorities 201500044 2
Religion, Media & Popular Culture 201400040 9
Sociale uitsluiting en stedelijk geweld in Latijns Amerika 2
The Multicultural Society 1
TOE 13
Toepassing Van Onderzoeksmethoden En Statistiek 201800028 3
Wijsgerige Antropologie FI2V19013 1
Popular books Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie

Beth Morling • ISBN 9780393617542

Benedict Anderson • ISBN 9781784786755
Philippe Bourgois, Richard Perry University Professor of Anthropology • ISBN 9780521017114

Thomas Hylland Eriksen • ISBN 9780745336343

Chris Klassen • ISBN 9780195449181

Serena Nanda, Richard L. Warms • ISBN 9781260098273

Emily Channell-Justice • ISBN 9781487509743

Benedict Anderson • ISBN 9780860915461

Conrad Phillip Kottak, Kottak • ISBN 9781259094910

Conrad Phillip Kottak • ISBN 9780071221559

Gloria Wekker • ISBN 9780822360759

Thomas Hylland Eriksen • ISBN 9780857857422
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie

A summary of the lectures and working group question (which include a summary of articles). I used this to control f during the take home exam.
- Summary
- • 47 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Cultural Anthropology 3: History And Theory In Anthropology
Preview 4 out of 47 pages
A summary of the lectures and working group question (which include a summary of articles). I used this to control f during the take home exam.

Complete summary of the Rejecting Minorities (MK: Rejecting Minorities) course, now renamed Understanding Prejudice. Includes all video lectures, lectures and additions from working groups. All theories are described and explained using examples: Social Identity Theory (SIT), Realistic Group Conflict Theory (RGCT), Contact Theory (CT), Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA), Integrated Threat Theory (ITT), and Theories of Socialization.
- Summary
- • 33 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Rejecting Minorities
Preview 4 out of 33 pages
Complete summary of the Rejecting Minorities (MK: Rejecting Minorities) course, now renamed Understanding Prejudice. Includes all video lectures, lectures and additions from working groups. All theories are described and explained using examples: Social Identity Theory (SIT), Realistic Group Conflict Theory (RGCT), Contact Theory (CT), Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA), Integrated Threat Theory (ITT), and Theories of Socialization.

Notes from all CA3 lectures from 2022.
- Class notes
- • 29 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Cultural Anthropology 3: History And Theory In Anthropology
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Notes from all CA3 lectures from 2022.

Mandatory Assignment of CA4 
Bookreview of Overheating, by Eriksen.
- Book
- Summary
- • 2 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Cultural Anthropology 4: History And Theory Of Anthropology
Overheating • Thomas Hylland Eriksen• ISBN 9780745336343
Preview 1 out of 2 pages
Mandatory Assignment of CA4 
Bookreview of Overheating, by Eriksen.

In this document you will find all the lecture notes of the course 'Multicultural Society', super useful if you want to prepare your exam properly.
- Class notes
- • 11 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•The Multicultural Society
Preview 2 out of 11 pages
In this document you will find all the lecture notes of the course 'Multicultural Society', super useful if you want to prepare your exam properly.

Hoorcolleges + aantekeningen Migrants and Integration
- Class notes
- • 67 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Migrants and Integration
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Hoorcolleges + aantekeningen Migrants and Integration

In this document, all the articles for the course 'migrants and integration' are summarized. The summary is written in English. The articles included are all the articles from week 1-7 for the schoolyear 2021/2022.
- Summary
- • 43 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Migranten En Integratie
Preview 4 out of 43 pages
In this document, all the articles for the course 'migrants and integration' are summarized. The summary is written in English. The articles included are all the articles from week 1-7 for the schoolyear 2021/2022.

Questions and answers of my take-home exam for Religion,Media and Popular culture. Grade: 8,0
- Book
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 12 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Religion, Media & Popular Culture
Religion and Popular Culture • Chris Klassen• ISBN 9780195449181
Preview 1 out of 12 pages
Questions and answers of my take-home exam for Religion,Media and Popular culture. Grade: 8,0

These are the notes of the lectures of the course 'Religion, Media and Popular Culture' that is given at Utrecht University. 
It is an English language subject, so most notes are in English. There are some things here and there in Dutch.
- Book
- Class notes
- • 26 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Religion, Media & Popular Culture
Religion and Popular Culture • Chris Klassen• ISBN 9780195449181
Preview 3 out of 26 pages
These are the notes of the lectures of the course 'Religion, Media and Popular Culture' that is given at Utrecht University. 
It is an English language subject, so most notes are in English. There are some things here and there in Dutch.

Paper for Religion, Media and Popular Culture 
This paper can be used as an inspiration when writing your own paper. Especially when you're writing about the sacralization of pop stars or religion IN popular culture in general. In addition, I reference to 8 articles that are part of the mandatory course materials.
- Essay
- • 13 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Religion, Media & Popular Culture
Preview 2 out of 13 pages
Paper for Religion, Media and Popular Culture 
This paper can be used as an inspiration when writing your own paper. Especially when you're writing about the sacralization of pop stars or religion IN popular culture in general. In addition, I reference to 8 articles that are part of the mandatory course materials.