Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Media en Cultuur
Latest uploads for Media en Cultuur at Universiteit Utrecht (UU). Looking for Media en Cultuur notes at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Media en Cultuur at Universiteit Utrecht (UU).
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Courses Media en Cultuur at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Notes available for the following courses of Media en Cultuur at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Cognitieve neurowetenschap voor geesteswetenschapp TL2V14113 8
De Gevoelige Communicator 1
De Verhalende Mens 3
Dramaturgie en Scenografie ME3V15020 4
Gender, Etniciteit en cultuurkritiek MC2V18001 5
Geschiedenis van het medialandschap ME1V15001 24
Green Media ME3V19001 1
Green Media and Civic Engagement ME3V19001 1
Inleiding Beeld, Media en Communicatie 3
Inleiding Film ME2V15002 20
Inleiding Nieuwe Media en Digitale Cultuur ME2V15011 31
Inleiding Televisie ME2V15003 20
Inleiding Theater & Dans 2
Inleiding Theater en Dans ME2V15004 3
Intermedialiteit 1
Intermediality ME2V18001 9
Introduction to new media and digital culture 1
ME2V18003 ME2V18003 1
Mediavergelijking en intermedialiteit ME2V20001 7
Mediavergelijking en Intermedialiteit ME2V20001 ME2V20001 1
Nieuwe Media Filosofie ME3V15018 1
Onderzoeksmethoden voor media- en cultuurwetenschappen 7
Storytelling animal ME2V22001 1
Televisiegeschiedenis online 1
Televisieproductie 1
Television in Transition 2
Vertellen en Verbeelden ME1V15002 10
Popular books Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Media en Cultuur
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Kristin Thompson, David Bordwell • ISBN 9781265924706
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/1001004006826430.jpg)
Kristin Thompson, David Bordwell • ISBN 9780071267946
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Jukka Kortti • ISBN 9781350307087
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Kristin Thompson, David Bordwell • ISBN 9780070064454
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Lyn Gorman, David Mclean • ISBN 9781405149358
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Aristoteles • ISBN 9789025302078
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Jon Dovey, Seth Giddings • ISBN 9780415223782
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John Parham • ISBN 9781137009463
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Scharff, Dusek • ISBN 9781118547250
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Media en Cultuur
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/64480f16c65ee_2654675.jpg)
Technological Determinism: The idea of technological determinism is defined by McLuhan, Technological Determinism state that media technology shapes how we as individuals in a society think, 
feel, and act, and how our society operates as we move from one technological age to another. The belief is that media development forces social and historical changes.
- Summary
- • 7 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•ME2V18003
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Technological Determinism: The idea of technological determinism is defined by McLuhan, Technological Determinism state that media technology shapes how we as individuals in a society think, 
feel, and act, and how our society operates as we move from one technological age to another. The belief is that media development forces social and historical changes.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/64480f0f0376b_2654645.jpg)
Intermedia: The term intermedia describes a combination of more media, for example, text and image. Defining works that fall conceptually between media that are already known. With complex 
problems, you need more complicated art, the best version of media is the media that are between other media. Humans like more complex art because humans can relate to complex people. (Dick Higgins).
- Class notes
- • 6 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Intermediality
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
Intermedia: The term intermedia describes a combination of more media, for example, text and image. Defining works that fall conceptually between media that are already known. With complex 
problems, you need more complicated art, the best version of media is the media that are between other media. Humans like more complex art because humans can relate to complex people. (Dick Higgins).
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/61a8f9b5e69ee_1420334.jpg)
These are the study questions from week 1-3. They are answered in order to have a discussion about the questions, so some answers are just bullet points that serves as a starting point to talk about.
- Book
- Class notes
- • 15 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Introduction to new media and digital culture
New Media • Jon Dovey, Seth Giddings• ISBN 9780415431606
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These are the study questions from week 1-3. They are answered in order to have a discussion about the questions, so some answers are just bullet points that serves as a starting point to talk about.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/603ce2c24b805_1003455.jpg)
These are all the weekly assignments from the course Intermediality. These were completed in the school year 2019/20, so keep that in mind as some questions may be different from your current year.
- Other
- • 10 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Intermediality
Preview 2 out of 10 pages
These are all the weekly assignments from the course Intermediality. These were completed in the school year 2019/20, so keep that in mind as some questions may be different from your current year.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5f0b141c77417_764052.jpg)
This summary of the course Green Media and Civic Engagement contains detailed elaborations of the theory discussed in the lectures and seminars from week 1 to 3, contains the most important parts from week 4 to 7 (as a brief summary) and contains all my Reflection Notes assignment elaborations, to help you in making your assignments!
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 12 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Green Media and Civic Engagement
Green Media and Popular Culture • John Parham• ISBN 9781137009463
Bundel Green Media and Civic Engagement en Gender, Etniciteit en Cultuurkritiek (Media en Cultuur Blok 2, jaar 2)• By Lieve12
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
This summary of the course Green Media and Civic Engagement contains detailed elaborations of the theory discussed in the lectures and seminars from week 1 to 3, contains the most important parts from week 4 to 7 (as a brief summary) and contains all my Reflection Notes assignment elaborations, to help you in making your assignments!
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5e713f3ee281c_670429.jpg)
Mindmap voor het vak 'Television in Transition (Universiteit Utrecht; Media & Cultuur, Jaar 2, Blok 3).

Mindmap for the course Television in Transition (Utrecht University; Media & Culture, Year 2, Block 3).
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- Other
- • 1 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Television in Transition
Television in Transition - Weekly Assignment/Weekopdrachten + Mindmap (Utrecht University; Media & Culture, Year 2, Block 3)• By SandervanKaam
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Mindmap voor het vak 'Television in Transition (Universiteit Utrecht; Media & Cultuur, Jaar 2, Blok 3).

Mindmap for the course Television in Transition (Utrecht University; Media & Culture, Year 2, Block 3).
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5e713ec689fd9_670426.jpg)
Alle weekopdrachten voor het vak 'Television in Transition (Universiteit Utrecht; Media & Cultuur, Jaar 2, Blok 3).

All the weekly assignments for the course Television in Transition (Utrecht University; Media & Culture, Year 2, Block 3).
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- Answers
- • 15 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Television in Transition
Television in Transition - Weekly Assignment/Weekopdrachten + Mindmap (Utrecht University; Media & Culture, Year 2, Block 3)• By SandervanKaam
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
Alle weekopdrachten voor het vak 'Television in Transition (Universiteit Utrecht; Media & Cultuur, Jaar 2, Blok 3).

All the weekly assignments for the course Television in Transition (Utrecht University; Media & Culture, Year 2, Block 3).
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5e53ebc125fc8_660152.jpg)
Een heldere samenvatting van het boek Emotion door Michelle Shiota en James Kalat (third edition). De samenvatting is geschreven in het Engels en geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste punten uit het boek.
- Book
- Summary
- • 17 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•De Gevoelige Communicator
Emotion • Michelle N. Shiota, James W. Kalat• ISBN 9780190635510
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Een heldere samenvatting van het boek Emotion door Michelle Shiota en James Kalat (third edition). De samenvatting is geschreven in het Engels en geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste punten uit het boek.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5dadcf7368d74_598386.jpg)
Fully answered questions of the weekly assignment in the course Intermediality, Week 1.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Class notes
- • 2 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Intermediality
Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction • Jonathan D. Culler• ISBN 9780191620638
Intermediality Weekly assignments• By lgorinaite
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Fully answered questions of the weekly assignment in the course Intermediality, Week 1.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/5dadcefb3a0a1_598384.jpg)
Fully answered questions of the weekly assignment in the course Intermediality, Week 2.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 1 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Intermediality
Intermediality Weekly assignments• By lgorinaite
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Fully answered questions of the weekly assignment in the course Intermediality, Week 2.