Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Minor Criminology
Latest uploads for Minor Criminology at Universiteit Utrecht (UU). Looking for Minor Criminology notes at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Minor Criminology at Universiteit Utrecht (UU).
Courses Minor Criminology at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Notes available for the following courses of Minor Criminology at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Advanced Criminology RGBUSTR011 23
Crime, Power, Media 1
Criminological Research for Social Science Student RGBUSTR007 6
Criminologisch onderzoek voor sociale wetenschappers RGBUSTR005 5
Forensische psychopathologie RGBUSTR010 20
Inleiding Criminologie 1
Inleiding forensische psychiatrie en psychologie RGBUSTR009 17
Introduction into criminology for law students RGBUSTR006 1
Introduction into Criminology for Social Science Students RGBUSTR007 13
Introduction to criminology RGBUSTR007 6
Introduction to criminology (RGBUSTR007) RGBUSTR006 1
Transnational Organized Crime RGBUSTR008 5
Transnational Organized Crime (RGBUSTR008) RGBUSTR008 1
Verdieping Criminologie RGBUSTR011 10
Popular books Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Minor Criminology

Mark M. Lanier, Stuart Henry • ISBN 9780813344164

Tony Murphy • ISBN 9781526411419

Tony Murphy • ISBN 9781529601022
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Utrecht (UU) • Minor Criminology

Summary of the book 'Criminology: A Contemporary Introduction', second edition, used in the course 'Introduction into Criminology'.
- Book
- Summary
- • 46 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Introduction into Criminology for Social Science Students
Criminology • Tony Murphy• ISBN 9781529601022
Preview 4 out of 46 pages
Summary of the book 'Criminology: A Contemporary Introduction', second edition, used in the course 'Introduction into Criminology'.

everything necessary for the exam using checklist provided in the final lecture
- Book
- Summary
- • 10 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Introduction to criminology
Criminology • Tony Murphy• ISBN 9781529601022
Preview 2 out of 10 pages
everything necessary for the exam using checklist provided in the final lecture

Lecture 1 t/m 8 (HC 1 t/m 8) of Transnational organized crime, UU 
- Includes examples, key concepts and important theories
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 18 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Transnational Organized Crime
Lectures and Literature (articles) van Transnational Organized Crime• By sariroos
Preview 3 out of 18 pages
Lecture 1 t/m 8 (HC 1 t/m 8) of Transnational organized crime, UU 
- Includes examples, key concepts and important theories

All Articles TOC: 
Readings week 36 t/m 43 + Articles including chapters of 'Oxford handbook of Organized Crime' 
Includes all key concepts (begrippen) and important theories
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 14 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Transnational Organized Crime
Lectures and Literature (articles) van Transnational Organized Crime• By sariroos
Preview 2 out of 14 pages
All Articles TOC: 
Readings week 36 t/m 43 + Articles including chapters of 'Oxford handbook of Organized Crime' 
Includes all key concepts (begrippen) and important theories

In this document are all the concepts explained that you need to know for the exam. This are the concepts: 
Crime & Criminology: definitions, biases & assumptions 
Positivism (individual vs sociological) 
Social Constructivism 
Marxism (political economy of crime) 
Punishment: legitimacy to punish & social contract 
Punitive/welfarist/radical types of punishment 
Deterrence (general & special) 
Utilitarianism & rational choice 
Politics of law and order 
Crime numbers...
- Summary
- • 6 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Introduction to criminology
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
In this document are all the concepts explained that you need to know for the exam. This are the concepts: 
Crime & Criminology: definitions, biases & assumptions 
Positivism (individual vs sociological) 
Social Constructivism 
Marxism (political economy of crime) 
Punishment: legitimacy to punish & social contract 
Punitive/welfarist/radical types of punishment 
Deterrence (general & special) 
Utilitarianism & rational choice 
Politics of law and order 
Crime numbers...

includes detailed discussions on the difficulties in defining and researching organised crime, criminological theories, various crime groups (Italian Mafia, Russian Mafia, Chinese Triads, etc.), the global impact of organised crime, and how legal and illegal spheres interrelate. 
Key topics covered: 
- Definitions and theories of organised crime 
- Historical and modern-day organised crime groups 
- In-depth case studies (e.g., illegal wildlife trade, Latin American drug trade, state crime i...
- Summary
- • 29 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Transnational Organized Crime (RGBUSTR008)
Preview 4 out of 29 pages
includes detailed discussions on the difficulties in defining and researching organised crime, criminological theories, various crime groups (Italian Mafia, Russian Mafia, Chinese Triads, etc.), the global impact of organised crime, and how legal and illegal spheres interrelate. 
Key topics covered: 
- Definitions and theories of organised crime 
- Historical and modern-day organised crime groups 
- In-depth case studies (e.g., illegal wildlife trade, Latin American drug trade, state crime i...

Passed the exam with a 8,2! Concise and clear summary of 'Criminology - a contemporary introduction' By Tony Murphy, second edition. Needed for the compulsory course: introduction into criminology for social science students (RGBUSTR007), part of the minor criminology at University Utrecht. 
Tentamen gehaald met een 8,2! Beknopte en overzichtelijke samenvatting van het boek Criminology - a contemporary introduction van Tony Murphy, 2e druk. Voor het vak introduction into criminology for social...
- Book
- Summary
- • 16 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Introduction into Criminology for Social Science Students
Criminology • Murphy, Tony• ISBN 9781529600308
Preview 3 out of 16 pages
Passed the exam with a 8,2! Concise and clear summary of 'Criminology - a contemporary introduction' By Tony Murphy, second edition. Needed for the compulsory course: introduction into criminology for social science students (RGBUSTR007), part of the minor criminology at University Utrecht. 
Tentamen gehaald met een 8,2! Beknopte en overzichtelijke samenvatting van het boek Criminology - a contemporary introduction van Tony Murphy, 2e druk. Voor het vak introduction into criminology for social...

In this document all key facts and important bullet points out of all the additional literature are summarized, additionally all powerpoint slides from the lectures are summarized.
- Summary
- • 37 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Criminological Research for Social Science Student
Preview 4 out of 37 pages
In this document all key facts and important bullet points out of all the additional literature are summarized, additionally all powerpoint slides from the lectures are summarized.

All theories mentioned in the book “essential criminology” chapters 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 have been elaborated. Theorist named including an explanation of the theories
- Book
- Summary
- • 29 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Advanced Criminology
Essential Criminology • Mark M. Lanier, Stuart Henry• ISBN 9780813344164
Preview 3 out of 29 pages
All theories mentioned in the book “essential criminology” chapters 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 have been elaborated. Theorist named including an explanation of the theories

This summary includes the lectures and information from the book which adds to the lectures. The chapters of the book are not included seperately, they are integrated into the whole summary.
- Book
- Summary
- • 23 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Advanced Criminology
Essential Criminology • Mark M. Lanier, Stuart Henry• ISBN 9780429973512
Preview 3 out of 23 pages
This summary includes the lectures and information from the book which adds to the lectures. The chapters of the book are not included seperately, they are integrated into the whole summary.