Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Looking for study notes at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)? On Stuvia you will find more than 16.725 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Universiteit Utrecht (UU).
Courses at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Notes available for the following courses at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Adolescent Development AD 157AD
Toepassing Van Onderzoeksmethoden En Statistiek TOE 133TOE
Biologie van dieren B-B1DIERHK 121B-B1DIERHK
Orgaansystemen nieren 108nieren
Cognitie en Gedrag CG 98CG
Sociale psychologie 200300157 94200300157
Diagnostiek 20030087 8920030087
Klinische Neuropsychologie KNP 86KNP
Introductie Gedragswetenschappen 200300480 84200300480
Inleiding strafrecht RGBUSTR001 84RGBUSTR001
Jeugdcriminaliteit en Jeugdbescherming RGBUPRV006 78RGBUPRV006
Bestuur en beleid USG5010 68USG5010
Klinische Psychologie KP 66KP
Infectie en Afweer IA 65IA
Opvoeding en Maatschappij x 62x
Sensation And Perception 200700072 61200700072
Forensische Psychopathologie RGBUSTR010 59RGBUSTR010
Bestuursrecht RGBUSBR004 58RGBUSBR004
Selectie 56
Jeugdrecht 201100012 54201100012
Popular books Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000031681981.jpg)
J.D. Bosch • ISBN 9789058982537
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/0E2kZ0KBp7mG/nx4Vpv5/148x210.jpg)
ISBN 9789024444779
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/Np8MQyoDVN6v/2vypxDJ/168x204.jpg)
Dee Unglaub Silverthorn • ISBN 9781292259543
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/R5wmYwzqn6R0/rRXpvAK/148x210.jpg)
Ido Weijers • ISBN 9789462360006
![Book Thumbnail](https://www.stuvia.com/hosted-imgs/docpics/doc_placeholder.jpg)
David Wolfe, Eric J. Mash • ISBN 9781337624268
![Book Thumbnail](https://www.stuvia.com/hosted-imgs/docpics/doc_placeholder.jpg)
Ross Parke, Mary Gauvain • ISBN 9780077175191
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/gpw3mYN9gmMr/rpq81W/140x210.jpg)
Sarah Maza • ISBN 9780226109336
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/g24jYpoLGzj9/148x210.jpg)
Carla Kersbergen, Amito Haarhuis • ISBN 9789046907610
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/YVlQZX9DOjPn/8qv58Am/164x210.jpg)
Merry E Wiesner-Hanks, Patricia B Ebrey • ISBN 9781319059330
Robin Hornik Parritz, Michael F. Troy • ISBN 9781337098113
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000006883293.jpg)
William E. Glassman, Marilyn Hadad • ISBN 9780077140069
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000025498335.jpg)
John P. J. Pinel, John P.J. Pinel • ISBN 9781292058917
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/qPEJExXZoJy/147x210.jpg)
ISBN 9789036819718
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000050864658.jpg)
Jeroen Knipscheer, Rolf Kleber • ISBN 9789089537188
Jamie Ward • ISBN 9781317709916
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/1001004011745916.jpg)
Deborah Stone • ISBN 9780393912722
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/7WE4Kx4v1Lq1/N9vVj4L/145x210.jpg)
Nan Dirk de Graaf, Dingeman Wiertz • ISBN 9781138480216
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/r8g6RMRG5wp2/148x210.jpg)
H.T. van der Molen, Jacques van Lankveld • ISBN 9789001876050
![Book Thumbnail](/docpics/books/9200000028192649.jpg)
ISBN 9789036804943
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/BPw9kKK9x37Y/148x210.jpg)
Leon Kenemans • ISBN 9789024407255
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/8MjKg2Q74p6W/rRpVQvL/148x210.jpg)
M.A.P. Bovens P. 't Hart • ISBN 9789013137705
Majors at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Notes available for the following studies at Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
Aardwetenschappen 143
Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs / ALPO 52
Accountancy and Controlling 8
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen 1
Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen 467
Antropologie 1
Applied Cognitive Psychology 1
Arbeids en Organisatiepsychologie 18
Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie 31
ATI Nursing 1
Bachelor GeoSciences 3
Bachelor Klinische Psychologie 43
Bachelor verdiepend 1
Banking and Finance 7
Basis CGT cognitieve gedragstherapie 1
Basiscoschap Paard 1
Bedrijfskunde 1
Bestuurs en Organisatiewetenschap 1
Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap 283
Biologie 1372
Biomedische Wetenschappen 851
Brains & Bodies 2
Burgerlijk en bestuursprocesrecht samenvatting 1
Burgerlijk procesrecht 1
Business And Economics 2
Business and social impact 1
Celtic Language and Culture 1
Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies 114
Clinical Psychology 43
Cognitieve neurowetenschap 1
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 1
Communicatie en Organisatie 10
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen 415
Contemporary social problems 1
Criminologie 26
Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie 168
Cultuurgeschiedenis 1
Decentrale Selectie 1
Decentrale Selectie Geneeskunde 2
Decentrale Selectie Geneeskunde UMC 1
Decentrale selectie Psychologie 1
Diergeneeskunde 1062
Duitse Taal En Cultuur 1
Earth sciences 1
Earth Surface and Water 11
Earth, Life and Climate 2
Economic Policy 1
Economics and Business Economics 344
Economics and Governance 1
Economie / milieuwetenschappen 1
Educational Sciences 19
Energy Science 1
Engelse Taal en Cultuur 77
Entrepreneurship 3
Environmental Sciences 2
Epidemiology 1
Farmacie 549
Filosofie 21
Finance, Tax & Advice 2
Financial Management 1
Financial Regulation 1
Franse Taal en Cultuur 8
Fysiotherapie 1
Game and Media Technology 4
Gedragswetenschappen 2
Geesteswetenschappen 23
Geneeskunde 801
Geneeskunde Non cognitieve oefentoets 1
Geographical Information Management and Applications 3
Geschiedenis 416
Gezondheidswetenschappen 3
Global Sustainability Science 89
Governance for sustainability 1
History 30
Human Computer Interaction 4
Human Geography 26
Human-Computer Interaction 4
Infection and Immunity 5
Informatica 67
Informatiekunde 140
Innovation Sciences 16
Intellectueel eigendomsrecht 3
Interculturele communicatie 4
Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschappen 721
International Development Studies 5
International Management 1
Internationale Betrekkingen In Historisch Perspectief 3
Islam en Arabisch 7
Italiaanse Taal en Cultuur 6
Jeugdcriminaliteit en Jeugdbescherming 22
Keltische Talen En Cultuur 4
Keuzevak 1
Kind- En Jeugdpsychologie 29
Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie 1
Klinische Gezondheidwetenschappen 34
Klinische- en Gezondheidspsychologie 37
Kunstgeschiedenis 64
Kunstmatige Intelligentie 50
Law & Economics 2
Leraar Voorbereidend Hoger Onderwijs 18
Liberal Arts and Sciences 131
Linguistics 1
Linguistics/Taalwetenschap 4
Literary Studies 4
Literatuur en Communicatie 2
Loting selectie geneeskunde Utrecht 1
Marine Sciences 3
Master Applied Cognitive Psychology 3
Master Applied Data Science 11
Master Arbeidsrecht 1
Master Artificial Intelligence 12
Master Business Development & Entrepreneurship 1
Master Business Development and Entrepreneurship 2
Master Business Informatics 34
Master Clinical and Adolescent Psychology 1
Master clinical child and adolescent psychology 2
Master Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies 6
Master Clinical Psychology 47
Master Computing Science 1
Master European Law 2
Master Interculturele communicatie 2
Master International Business and Economics 4
Master Klinische Kinder- En Jeugdpsychologie 5
Master Meertaligheid en Taalverwerving 1
Master Onderneming En Recht 17
Master Organisaties, verandering, management 1
Master Privaatrecht 40
Master Science & Business Management 1
Master Science and Business Management 3
Master Sportbeleid en Sportmanagement 6
Master Staats en bestuursrecht 2
Media en Cultuur 169
Milieu en maatschappijwetenschappen 11
Minor Applied Data Science 1
Minor Bestuurs en organisatiewetenschappen 38
Minor Bestuurs- en organisatiewetenschappen 62
Minor Brains & Bodies 6
Minor cognition 12
Minor Conflict Studies 10
Minor Criminology 108
Minor Economics 4
Minor Entrepreneurship 6
Minor Entrepreneurship for non-economic students 4
Minor Entrepreneurship in Life Sciences and Healt 1
Minor Entrepreneurship in Life Sciences and Health 2
Minor Environmental Humanities 1
Minor Ethics in Modern Society 4
Minor global Asia 1
Minor Internationale Betrekkingen 3
Minor Jeugd en Criminaliteit 24
Minor jeugdcriminaliteit en jeugdbescherming 3
Minor kunstgeschiedenis 1
Minor methoden en statistiek 4
Minor Nederlands als Tweede Taal 1
Minor seksualiteit interdisciplinair perspectief 2
Minor Sociaal ondernemerschap 3
Minor Social Neuroscience 2
Minor Spaans 1
Minor Spaanse Taal en Cultuur 2
Moleculaire levenswetenschappen 32
Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences 3
Muziekwetenschap 30
Natuur- en Sterrenkunde 7
Natuurwetenschap en Innovatiemanagement 222
Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur 71
Neerlandistiek 5
Neuropsychologie 90
Neuropsychology 31
Neuroscience social behavior emotional disorders 1
Niet van toepassing 3
Notarieel recht 8
Onderwijskundig Ontwerp en Advisering 2
Onderwijswetenschappen 244
Operatieassistent 14
Orthopedagogiek 105
Pedagogische Wetenschappen 1146
Pedagogische Wetenschappen/pre master 63
Pedagogische Wetenschappen/pre-master 19
Personeelspsychologie 1
Philosophy, Politics and Economics 7
Pre master CCFES 1
Pre master Verpleegkundewetenschappen 2
Pre-master Verpleegkundewetenschappen 6
Premaster Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies 43
Premaster Clinical Child, Family And Education Studies 23
Premaster Economics 2
Premaster Economie en Bedrijfseconomie 1
Premaster educational scienes 4
Premaster Social Policy and Public Health 2
Premaster Sociology: contemporary social problems 26
Premaster Youth development and social change 1
Premaster Youth, Education And Society 12
Privaatrecht - Familierecht 3
Professioneel Vertalen 2
Psychologie 2093
Public international law 12
Publiek Management 3
Recht en onderneming 3
Rechtsgeleerdheid 1438
Religiewetenschap en theologie 25
Religiewetenschap/ Literatuurwetenschap 6
Scheikunde 22
Science and Business Management 3
Scriptie gameverslaving voorbeeld 1
Social 1
Social Health And Organisational Psychology 21
Social Policy and Public Health 6
Social sciences 2
Social, Health & Organizational Psychology 36
Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie 1
Sociale Geografie en Planologie 425
Sociale Psychologie 2
Sociologie 301
Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems 26
Spaanse taal en cultuur 2
Spatial Planning 6
Statistiek 2
Strafrecht 30
Strafrecht I 2025 1
Strategisch Human Resource Management 1
Sustainable Business and Innovation 53
Sustainable Devolopment 11
Taal- en Cultuurstudies 75
Taal, Mens en Maatschappij 1
Taal, recht en cultuur 1
Taalwetenschap 17
Televisie-, Film- en Theaterwetenschappen 5
Universiteit Utrecht 5
Urban and Economic Geography 3
Verpleging 9
Wijsbegeerte 3
Wiskunde 26
WO 13
Youth development and social change 4
Youth Education & Society 13
Youth Studies 44
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7236227/67abaf4fe4a0c_7236227_121_171.jpeg)
document gaat over de werking van horizontalecellen, bipolerecellen, ganglioncellen en hun rol in de visuele waarneming. Het behandelt de ON- en OFF-center receptieve velden en hoe lichtresponsen in fotoreceptoren leiden tot hyperpolarisatie en depolarisatie van bipolaire cellen. Daarnaast wordt uitgelegd hoe horizontale cellen laterale inhibitie veroorzaken, wat bijdraagt aan contrastdetectie en randversterking. 
Verder worden visuele illusies zoals het Mach Bands-effect en de Hermann Grid-il...
- Class notes
- • 32 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Sensation and Perception
Preview 4 out of 32 pages
document gaat over de werking van horizontalecellen, bipolerecellen, ganglioncellen en hun rol in de visuele waarneming. Het behandelt de ON- en OFF-center receptieve velden en hoe lichtresponsen in fotoreceptoren leiden tot hyperpolarisatie en depolarisatie van bipolaire cellen. Daarnaast wordt uitgelegd hoe horizontale cellen laterale inhibitie veroorzaken, wat bijdraagt aan contrastdetectie en randversterking. 
Verder worden visuele illusies zoals het Mach Bands-effect en de Hermann Grid-il...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7233637/67ab66e4e5376_7233637_121_171.jpeg)
Dit is een uitgebreide samenvatting van alle hoorcolleges (8 colleges) van het vak YCDW in het jaar 2024/2025. Zelf heb ik hiermee een 8,2 gehaald. Doordat de samenvatting is gemaakt door middel van vragen kun je jezelf overhoren en gebruik maken van active recall.
- Summary
- • 34 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Youth Culture in a Digital World
Preview 4 out of 34 pages
Dit is een uitgebreide samenvatting van alle hoorcolleges (8 colleges) van het vak YCDW in het jaar 2024/2025. Zelf heb ik hiermee een 8,2 gehaald. Doordat de samenvatting is gemaakt door middel van vragen kun je jezelf overhoren en gebruik maken van active recall.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7230602/67ab1eb5371f6_7230602_121_171.jpeg)
Complete exam notes with mock exam questions(and answers).
- Summary
- • 61 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Spatial data analysis and simulation modelling
Preview 4 out of 61 pages
Complete exam notes with mock exam questions(and answers).
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7211106/67a7c82de4b20_7211106_121_171.jpeg)
Dit is een samenvatting van de tentamenstof uit het boek 'The student's guide to social neuroscience samenvatting' voor de cursus 'neuroscience of social and emotional disorders' aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
- Book
- Summary
- • 78 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•NSBED
The Student\'s Guide to Social Neuroscience • Jamie Ward• ISBN 9781317709916
Preview 4 out of 78 pages
Dit is een samenvatting van de tentamenstof uit het boek 'The student's guide to social neuroscience samenvatting' voor de cursus 'neuroscience of social and emotional disorders' aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7208386/67a7708447afb_7208386_121_171.jpeg)
Comprehensive summaries of all readings (articles, books), apart from the textbook. Also elaborate notes of the lectures to create a profound understanding of the key messages. 
I found the textbook to not be of any help in this course, and I wouldn 't recommend spending time nor money on it. Using this document in combination with the slides should be more than enough.
- Summary
- • 77 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Foundations of Social Sciences for Sustainability
Preview 4 out of 77 pages
Comprehensive summaries of all readings (articles, books), apart from the textbook. Also elaborate notes of the lectures to create a profound understanding of the key messages. 
I found the textbook to not be of any help in this course, and I wouldn 't recommend spending time nor money on it. Using this document in combination with the slides should be more than enough.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7191960/67a504d3c1521_7191960_121_171.jpeg)
- Class notes
- • 21 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Loss and Psychotrauma
Preview 3 out of 21 pages
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7188150/67a4aa5d28dcc_7188150_121_171.jpeg)
Dit is een samenvatting van het boek 'ten steps to complex learning' 
Het boek is engels, de samenvatting ook! Net zo makkelijk met de terminologie. Rondom eind maart zal ik ook de hoorcolleges, werkcollege en kennisclips samengevat online zetten nadat alle lessen geweest zijn. 
This is a summary of the book 'ten steps to complex learning' 
The book is English, so is the summary! Just as easy with the terminology. Around the end of March I will also put the lectures, ...
- Book
- Summary
- • 39 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Ontwerpen van leersituaties - gevorderd
Ten Steps to Complex Learning • Jeroen J.G. van Merrienboer, Paul A. Kirschner• ISBN 9781136220241
Preview 4 out of 39 pages
Dit is een samenvatting van het boek 'ten steps to complex learning' 
Het boek is engels, de samenvatting ook! Net zo makkelijk met de terminologie. Rondom eind maart zal ik ook de hoorcolleges, werkcollege en kennisclips samengevat online zetten nadat alle lessen geweest zijn. 
This is a summary of the book 'ten steps to complex learning' 
The book is English, so is the summary! Just as easy with the terminology. Around the end of March I will also put the lectures, ...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7180599/67a369bd32c79_7180599_121_171.jpeg)
This comprehensive summary covers all lectures and a few extra clarifications, all while still sticking to the core of the course. 
It contains: 
+ notes from the lectures 
+ definitions of terms 
+ explanations & clarifications 
+ Useful tables / models from the literature. T
- Class notes
- • 32 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Challenges in Work, Health and Wellbeing
Preview 4 out of 32 pages
This comprehensive summary covers all lectures and a few extra clarifications, all while still sticking to the core of the course. 
It contains: 
+ notes from the lectures 
+ definitions of terms 
+ explanations & clarifications 
+ Useful tables / models from the literature. T
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7174812/67a288f827f71_7174812_121_171.jpeg)
Tackling your Requirements Engineering midterm? Don’t waste time digging through endless materials—this expertly crafted summary gives you a clear, structured, and efficient way to study the key concepts you need! 
 What’s Inside? 
 Pohl’s Three Dimensions – Understanding Specification, Agreement & Systems 
 Elicitation Techniques – Functional vs. Non-Functional Requirements 
 The RE Process – How requirements evolve through spiral development 
 Information Exchange – Known K...
- Summary
- • 8 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Requirements Engineering
Preview 2 out of 8 pages
Tackling your Requirements Engineering midterm? Don’t waste time digging through endless materials—this expertly crafted summary gives you a clear, structured, and efficient way to study the key concepts you need! 
 What’s Inside? 
 Pohl’s Three Dimensions – Understanding Specification, Agreement & Systems 
 Elicitation Techniques – Functional vs. Non-Functional Requirements 
 The RE Process – How requirements evolve through spiral development 
 Information Exchange – Known K...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7174788/67a28844e697a_7174788_121_171.jpeg)
Are you preparing for your Requirements Engineering (RE) exam and feeling overwhelmed by dense textbooks and complex concepts? This expertly crafted exam summary will help you study efficiently and focus on what really matters! 
 What’s Inside? 
 Pohl’s Three Dimensions – Specification, Agreement & Systems 
 Elicitation Techniques – Functional & Non-Functional Requirements 
 Quality Frameworks – Glinz Model, UGA Operators, and Requirement Satisfaction 
 User Stories & Agile Methodo...
- Book
- Summary
- • 15 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Requirements Engineering
Requirements Engineering • Axel Van Lamsweerde, Axel Van Lamsweerde• ISBN 9780470012703
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
Are you preparing for your Requirements Engineering (RE) exam and feeling overwhelmed by dense textbooks and complex concepts? This expertly crafted exam summary will help you study efficiently and focus on what really matters! 
 What’s Inside? 
 Pohl’s Three Dimensions – Specification, Agreement & Systems 
 Elicitation Techniques – Functional & Non-Functional Requirements 
 Quality Frameworks – Glinz Model, UGA Operators, and Requirement Satisfaction 
 User Stories & Agile Methodo...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7171650/67a2230595152_7171650_121_171.jpeg)
Samenvatting van de lectures en seminars van ARMS (Advanced research methods and statistics), ik heb enkel hiermee een 9.3 gehaald.
- Summary
- • 40 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Advanced research methods and statistics
Preview 4 out of 40 pages
Samenvatting van de lectures en seminars van ARMS (Advanced research methods and statistics), ik heb enkel hiermee een 9.3 gehaald.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7133671/679bb4c5ee60a_7133671_121_171.jpeg)
Hoorcolleges van college 1 t/m 7 van Self-regulation ()
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 37 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Self-regulation
Voordeelbundel Self-regulation (201600023)• By loisberger15
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Hoorcolleges van college 1 t/m 7 van Self-regulation ()
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7133557/679bb1bc45cfb_7133557_121_171.jpeg)
Hoorcollege aantekeningen van alle 8 hoorcolleges van 'science of happiness' ()
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 58 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Science of happiness
Voordeelbundel science of happiness: college aantekeningen + samenvatting artikelen• By loisberger15
Preview 4 out of 58 pages
Hoorcollege aantekeningen van alle 8 hoorcolleges van 'science of happiness' ()
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7108021/6797e11608c40_7108021_121_171.jpeg)
This extensive exam summary is your go-to guide for understanding research methodologies in Business Intelligence. It introduces essential concepts such as empirical research approaches (qualitative and quantitative), philosophical paradigms (positivism, interpretivism), and systematic literature review techniques like meta-analysis and narrative synthesis. The guide also explores research strategies, including surveys, case studies, and experimental methods, alongside key topics like sampling t...
- Book
- Summary
- • 15 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Scientific research methods for BI
Design Science Methodology for Information Systems and Software Engineering • Roel J. Wieringa• ISBN 9783662438381
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
This extensive exam summary is your go-to guide for understanding research methodologies in Business Intelligence. It introduces essential concepts such as empirical research approaches (qualitative and quantitative), philosophical paradigms (positivism, interpretivism), and systematic literature review techniques like meta-analysis and narrative synthesis. The guide also explores research strategies, including surveys, case studies, and experimental methods, alongside key topics like sampling t...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7105301/6797907ba0035_7105301_121_171.jpeg)
This document is a coherent summary of all 8 lectures of the new course Geographies of Youth in Changing Societies. Some relevant discussions or PowerPoint slides are included.
- Summary
- • 27 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Geographies of Youth in Changing Societies
Preview 3 out of 27 pages
This document is a coherent summary of all 8 lectures of the new course Geographies of Youth in Changing Societies. Some relevant discussions or PowerPoint slides are included.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7097867/67964ea9b3198_7097867_121_171.jpeg)
Dit zijn de aantekeningen gemaakt tijdens de hoorcolleges van Mariene Wetenschappen III week 5 t/m week 8. Het vak wordt gegeven aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
- Class notes
- • 23 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Mariene Wetenschappen III
Preview 3 out of 23 pages
Dit zijn de aantekeningen gemaakt tijdens de hoorcolleges van Mariene Wetenschappen III week 5 t/m week 8. Het vak wordt gegeven aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7075936/6792aac898801_7075936_121_171.jpeg)
This document is a concise yet comprehensive overview of essential research methods, ideal for students and professionals alike. It covers the foundational 6 P’s framework (Purpose, Products, Process, Participants, Paradigm, Presentation) and provides guidance on selecting appropriate research approaches, including inductive and deductive reasoning. 
Key topics include sampling techniques, ethical considerations, and detailed explanations of research strategies such as surveys, experiments, ...
- Book
- Summary
- • 15 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksmethoden
Researching Information Systems and Computing • Dr Briony J Oates• ISBN 9781412902243
Preview 2 out of 15 pages
This document is a concise yet comprehensive overview of essential research methods, ideal for students and professionals alike. It covers the foundational 6 P’s framework (Purpose, Products, Process, Participants, Paradigm, Presentation) and provides guidance on selecting appropriate research approaches, including inductive and deductive reasoning. 
Key topics include sampling techniques, ethical considerations, and detailed explanations of research strategies such as surveys, experiments, ...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7073479/67926223743c2_7073479_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of all the lectures for the course: discovering the middle ages
- Summary
- • 13 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Discovering the Middle ages: parchment to internet
Preview 2 out of 13 pages
Summary of all the lectures for the course: discovering the middle ages
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7073392/67925f5593914_7073392_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of all lectures, seminars, presentations and terms for the course: Introduction to the Archaeology of classical antiquity!
- Book
- Summary
- • 50 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•Intro to the Archaeology of Classical Antiquity
The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece • Judith M. Barringer• ISBN 9781139984805
Preview 4 out of 50 pages
Summary of all lectures, seminars, presentations and terms for the course: Introduction to the Archaeology of classical antiquity!
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/7073253/67925bce7dfb5_7073253_121_171.jpeg)
Summary of all the lectures, seminars and literature for the world of early middle ages. 
Early middle ages 
Edward Gibbon 
The Roman World Transformed- Barbara Rosenwein 
The fall of the western Roman Empire 
Who are the Barbarians- Edward James 
A ruling family- Stuart Arlie 
Why were there so many different accounts of Charlemagne's Imperial coronation?- Janet Nelson 
Charlemagne's coinage ideology and economy- Simon Coupland 
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 58 pages's •
Universiteit Utrecht•The World of the Early Middle Ages
Half the minor Middle Ages at the University of Utrecht• By annaeschwoll
Preview 4 out of 58 pages
Summary of all the lectures, seminars and literature for the world of early middle ages. 
Early middle ages 
Edward Gibbon 
The Roman World Transformed- Barbara Rosenwein 
The fall of the western Roman Empire 
Who are the Barbarians- Edward James 
A ruling family- Stuart Arlie 
Why were there so many different accounts of Charlemagne's Imperial coronation?- Janet Nelson 
Charlemagne's coinage ideology and economy- Simon Coupland 