Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Looking for study notes at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)? On Stuvia you will find more than 11.282 summaries, study notes and other study resources for all courses at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA).
Courses at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Notes available for the following courses at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Psychopathologie 7202BP07XY 1017202BP07XY
Onderzoeksmethodologie 7082S011AY 727082S011AY
Theories of Marketing 6314M0185Y 696314M0185Y
Aansprakelijkheidsrecht 3012ARX6VY 663012ARX6VY
Hersenen en Gedrag 7082S241DY_B3 587082S241DY_B3
Beschrijvende Statistiek 7082S033AY 577082S033AY
Contractenrecht 3012COX6VY 563012COX6VY
Professionele Opvoeders 7082S226DY 567082S226DY
Introductie Psychobiologie 5102INPS6Y 545102INPS6Y
Internationaal Privaatrecht 3754IPR6VY 543754IPR6VY
Genetica en Evolutie 5502GEEV9Y 505502GEEV9Y
Persuasieve Communicatie Persuasieve 47Persuasieve
Vennootschaps- en rechtspersonenrecht 3754VEQ6VY 463754VEQ6VY
Kwalitatief Onderzoek KO 41KO
International Relations IR 41IR
Europese rechtsgeschiedenis 3012RGS1VY 403012RGS1VY
Wereldgeschiedenis 112110037Y 38112110037Y
Forensische Orthopedagogiek en Recht 7014B47DY 367014B47DY
Middeleeuwse geschiedenis 112110026Y 31112110026Y
Theories of Strategy 6314M0186Y 306314M0186Y
Popular books Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
There are notes available for these popular textbooks at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
H. Dooremalen, H. de Regt • ISBN 9789024441112
M.J. Kroeze, L. Timmerman • ISBN 9789013164336
Dirk Hermans, P. Eelen • ISBN 9789036819503
Randy J. Larsen, David M. Buss • ISBN 9781526847874
Stephen Morley • ISBN 9781138211506
G Maruyama, Carey S. Ryan • ISBN 9781118764985
R. van Deth, R Van Deth • ISBN 9789036806626
F.W. Bleichrodt • ISBN 9789013164961
Janet Hyde, John Delamater • ISBN 9781260547931
Alan Agresti, Christine Franklin • ISBN 9781292164878
Noelle Pameijer, Nina Draaisma • ISBN 9789033485718
Cynthia Lightfoot, Michael Cole • ISBN 9781319135737
Michiel Leezenberg, G. de Vries • ISBN 9789462987425
Penelope J. E. Davies, Walter B. Denny • ISBN 9780133878295
Alan Bryman • ISBN 9780199689453
Carey S. Ryan, Geoffrey Maruyama • ISBN 9781118764978
Nicholas C. Burbules, D. C. Phillips • ISBN 9780847691227
Judith M. Bennett, Sandy Bardsley • ISBN 9780190064617
Herman Bröring, Kars de Graaf • ISBN 9789462905818
ISBN 9781605358413
Erik Peek, Paul Healy • ISBN 9781473758421
Majors at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Notes available for the following studies at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Accountancy 29
Accountancy and Control 79
Accountnacy & Control 1
Actuarial Science & Mathematical Finance 2
Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance 1
Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen 40
Algemene taalwetenschap 16
Amsterdam Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 1
Anatomie 1
Ancient Studies 1
Arabische taal en cultuur 8
Arbeid en Onderneming 5
Arbeids & Organisatie Psychologie 1
Arbeidsrecht 26
Archeologie 1
Artificial Intelligence 4
Bachelor Nieuwgriekse taal en cultuur 1
Bachelor Psychobiologie 1
Bedrijfskunde 29
Beta-Gamma 23
Biologie 36
Biomedische wetenschappen 298
Biomedische Wetenschapppen 1
Brain and Cognitive sciences 1
BSc Political Science 3
BSc Psychology 78
Bus 1
Business Administration 831
Business Administration - Consumer Marketing 19
Business Administration - Digital Marketing Master 1
Business Administration - International Business 14
Business Administration Consumer Marketing 4
Business Administration Digital Marketing 1
Business Administration International Management 5
Business Administration Master 35
Business Administration Master EMCI 6
Business administration Master Entrepreneurship and Innovation 3
Business Administration Master Leadership And Management 5
Business Administration Minor Managing Strategy and Marketing 18
Business Administration: Consumer/Digital Marketing 14
Business Analytics 2
Business studies: Transition Minor 2
Busness Adminstration 1
Cognition language and communication 17
Cognition, Language & Communication 1
Cognition, Language and Communication 8
Cognitive Neurobiology & Clinical Neurophysiology 3
College of Child Development and Education 1
College of Economics and Business 8
College of Social Sciences 7
Commerciële rechtspraktijk 15
Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen 21
Communicatiewetenschap 1164
Communication and Information 2
Communication Ethics 1
Communication Science 1
Communication Science: Health Communication 1
Communication Science: Persuasive Communication 1
Conflict studies 1
Consumer Behavior 1
Consumer Marketing 5
Contemporary Strategy Analysis 1
Corporate Communication 16
Creative and Cultural Industries 1
Cultural Industries 1
Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie 17
Digital Marketing and Analytics 1
Digital Methods and Information Analytics 1
Duitse Taal En Cultuur 5
Econometrics 9
Econometrics & Data Science 5
Econometrics and Data Science 6
Econometrics and Operations Research 22
Econometrie 7
Econometrie en operationele research 2
Economics & Business Economics 2
Economics and Business Administration 95
Economics And Business Economics 47
Economics for a Changing World 2 2
Economie 100
Economie en Bedrijfskunde, minor Managing Strategy and Marketing 2
Engelse Taal en Cultuur, English Language and Culture 14
English Language and Culture 5
Entertainment Communication 4
Entrepreneurship 7
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1
Ethics and the future of business 1
EU International Relations Law 1
European Competition Law 1
European Economics 1
European Policy 1
European politics and global change 13
European Private Law 1
European Tort Law 1
European Union Law 10
Europese Studies 196
Evidence Based Practice in Health Care 1
Executive Master Internal Auditing 13
Executive Programme in Management Studies 5
Filosofie 19
Finance 12
Fiscaal Recht 221
Fiscaal Recht en Economie 3
Fiscaal Recht Master 4
Fiscaal recht Minor 4
Fiscale Economie 159
Forensische Orthopedagogiek 128
Franse taal en cultuur 6
Future Planet Studies 42
Gechiedenis 1
Geesteswetenschappelijke Studies 1
Gender and Sexuality 3
Gender and Social Inequality 1
Geneeskunde 491
Geschiedenis 227
Gezondheidsrecht 22
Gezondheidszorgpsychologie: master klinische track 2
Global Media Culture 1
Global Migration 5
Handboek 29
Hebreeuwse Taal & Cultuur 1
History 1
Human geography and planning 2
Human Geography and Urban Planning 2
Humanities 1
Informatica 16
Informatiekunde 112
Informatierecht 10
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies 4
Institutional and Substantive EU Law 2
Institutional and Substantive Law 1
Institutional and Substantive Law of the EU 6
Integrative Seminar Security 2
Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap 20
Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschappen 87
Interdisciplinaire Studies 1
Internationaal & europees belastingrecht 5
International and European Law 6
International and Transnational Criminal Law 17
International Business 2
International Development Studies 1
International Public Law 1
International Relations 4
International Trade and Investment Law 7
Internationale Betrekkingen 2
Introduction to political science 8
Introduction to Statistical Analysis 1
Introduction to Video Game Studies 1
Iran\\\'s Encounters with the West 1
Journalistiek 1
Klinische Neuropsychologie 13
Kunstgeschiedenis 110
Kunstmatige intelligentie 51
Kunstwetenschap 1
Latin America Studies 10
Law 6
Law and Economics: Economic Theory and the Law I 1
Lerarenopleiding Wiskunde 1
Linguistics 4
Literary Studies: Literary & Cultural Analysis 11
LLM European Union law 1
Management studies 19
Managing Strategy and Marketing 1
Managing Strategy and Marking 1
Marketing 4
Master Accountancy 1
Master accountancy & control 69
Master Arbeidsrecht 36
Master Behavioural Data Science 3
Master Biomedical Sciences 1
Master Business Administration - International Business 17
Master Business Administration - Strategy 17
Master Business Administration Digital Business 16
Master Business Administration Digital Marketing 1
Master Business Administration EMCI 10
Master Business Administration Entrepreneurship In The Creative Industries 11
Master Business Administration International Management 8
Master Business Administration Leadership & Management 3
Master Business Administration Marketing 17
Master Business Administrion 16
Master Business economics 2
Master Chemistry 12
Master Communicatiewetenschappen 3
Master Data Science 2
Master EBP 1
Master Entrepreneurship 2
Master EU law 1
Master European Private Law 2
Master European Union Law 3
Master Evidence Based Practice 13
Master gezondheidsrecht 1
Master in business administration 1
Master in Corporate Communication 1
Master Informatierecht 4
Master Klinisch Forensische Psychologie 4
Master Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie 1
Master Klinische Forensische Psychologie 2
Master Klinische Neuro Psychologie 5
Master klinische Psychologie 6
Master Klinische- En Gezondheidspsychologie 4
Master of Business Administration 28
Master Onderwijskunde 5
Master Onderwijswetenschappen 18
Master persuasive communication 33
Master privaatrecht 271
Master privaatrecht: commerciële rechtspraktijk 5
Master Privaatrechtelijke rechtspraktijk 2
Master publiekrecht: Staats- en Bestuursrecht 25
Master strafrecht 39
Master Youth at Risk 7
Masters in business administration 1
Mastertrack Klinische Psychologie 2
Mastertraject Orthopedagogiek 23
Media & Information 21
Media en Cultuur 59
Media Research 1
Media Studies 111
Medische Informatiekunde 8
Mensenrechten in de moderne samenleving minor 1
Migration Studies Minor 1
Mindset & Psychology 1
Minor Business Administration - Designing Effective Organisations 1
Minor Conflict Studies 9
Minor Cultuurmanagement 12
Minor datascience 2
Minor Educatie 4
Minor Entrepreneurship 5
Minor Human Geography 2
Minor in Sustainability and Economics 1
Minor Journalistiek en kritiek 3
Minor Kinderrechten En Forensische Jeugdzorg 23
Minor kunstgeschiedenis 1
Minor Law & Economics 4
Minor Macroeconomics 1
Minor mensenrechten in de moderne samenleving 11
Minor Midden-Oosten 4
Minor Ondernemerschap 2
Minor Preventieve Jeugdhulp en Opvoeding 4
Minor Real Estate Economics & Finance 1
Minor: American Studies 1
Msc BA Master Digital Business 1
MSC Business Administration - Marketing Track 1
MSc Business Administration - Consumer Marketing 1
MSc Business Administration - Digital Business 16
MSc Business Administration - Digital Business Track 4
MSc Business Administration - International Management 7
MSc Business Administration - Strategy Track 2
MSc Business Administration -EMCI track 4
MSc Business Administration Strategy Track 1
MSc Business Administrations 27
MSC Business Economics 2
MSc Communication Science 2
MSc Economics 1
Msc Finance 5
MSc Finance or (Business) Economics 1
MSc International Business Administration - Marketing 1
MSc Political Science 8
MSc Psychology 11
MSc. Business Administration 1
Msc. Business Administration & Management Studies 1
MSc. Finance 4
MSc. Information Studies: Business Information Systems 1
Musicology 1
Muziekwetenschap 5
Natuur- en Sterrenkunde 7
Natuurkunde 1
Nederlands belastingrecht 1
Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur 23
New Media and Digital Culture 6
Nibe-svv 1
Notarieel recht 1
Nursing 11
Onderwijskunde 16
Onderwijswetenschappen 27
Organisatiepsychologie 2
Orthopedagogiek 72
Orthopedagogiek Master 15
Orthopedagogiek pre-master 1
Orthopedagogiek Premaster 14
Orthopedagogiek, Premaster 1
Oudheidwetenschappen 1
Ped 1
Pedagogische Wetenschappen 677
Persuasive Communication 10
Pharmacology 1
Philosophy of Humanities 1 1
Philosophy of Humanities 2 2
Philosophy of Science 1
Philosophy of Science & Methodology 1
Philosophy of Science & Metholodgy 2
Philosophy of social science 1
Philosophy of the Humanities 1 2
Political Communication 2
Political Communication & Journalism 1
Political Science 7
Political theory 1
Politicologie 563
Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics 33
Post Master Accountancy 1
Post-Master Accountancy 3
Postmaster Accountancy 2
Praktische Filosofie 4
Pre master Accountancy And Control 2
Pre master Communication Science 1
Pre-m 1
Pre-master 2
Pre-master orthopedagogiek 3
Pre-master Accountancy And Control 7
Pre-master Business Administration 45
Pre-master Communication Science 3
Pre-master Orthopedagogiek 1
Pre-master pedagogische wetenschappen 16
Premaster Accountancy & Control 4
Premaster Business Administration 8
Premaster Business studies 4
Premaster onderwijswetenschappen 25
Premaster orthopedagogiek / Pedagogische wetenschappen 78
Premaster Orthopedagogische Wetenschappen 1
Premaster Pedagogische onderwijswetenschappen 6
Preventieve Jeugdhulp en Opvoeding 1
Principles of Economics and Business Economics 2 1
Privaatrecht 39
Privaatrecht - Commerciële rechtspraktijk 1
Privaatrecht: Privaatrechtelijke Rechtspraktijk 29
Privaatrechtelijke rechtspraktijk Master 2
Privacy Studies minor 1
Psyc 1
Psychbiologie 1
Psychobiolgoie 4
Psychobiologie 337
Psychologie 344
Psychologie: Brain & Cognition 31
Psychologie: Clinical Developmental Psychology 8
Psychologie: Clinical Neuropsychology 5
Psychologie: Clinical Psychology 30
Psychologie: Social Psychology 4
Psychologie: Work & Organisational Psychology 11
Psychology: Clinical Psychology 2
Psychology: Social Influence 1
Public International Law 26
Publiekrecht 5
Publiekrecht: Strafrecht 28
Real Estate Finance 1
Rechtsgeleerdheid 1409
Religiewetenschappen 62
Research Master Communication Science 1
Research methods 1
Research Workshop: Experiment 1
Scandinavische talen en culturen 9
Schakeljaar Orthopedagogiek 14
Schakelprogramma orthopedagogiek 1
Schakelprogramma forensische orthopedagogiek 2
Schakelprogramma Orthopedagogiek 31
Scheikunde 13
Slavische Talen en culturen 1
Social Influence 4
Sociale Geografie en Planologie 48
Sociale Psychologie 21
Sociale wetenschappen 1
Sociologie 191
Sociology 2
Sociology - Migration and Citizenship 1
Spaanse Taal en Cultuur 16
Spaanse- en Latijns-Amerikaanse studies 2
Specialisatie Klinische Neuropsychologie 3
Specialisatie Klinische Psychologie 9
Specialisatie Ontwikkelingspsychologie 1
Statistical Modelling for Communication Research 2
Strafrecht 7
Strategic Management 1
Summary, all materials for Ethics and the Future o 1
Sustainability and Economics 3
Taal en Communicatie 18
Tandheelkunde 31
Taxation of Multinational Firms 1
The Golden Age Minor 1
The Media Landscape 1
Theaterwetenschap 23
Toelatingsexamen Biogeneeskunde 1
Topic Algorithmic Persuasion in the Digital Societ 1
Topic: Political Marketing, Campaigns and Voters 1
Universitaire Pabo 36
Urban and Regional Planning 1
Wiskunde 2
Work & Organisational Psychology 4
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
This thesis from the UVA 2025 is about the role of feedback timing and the effect on job satisfaction. Main concepts: timing of the feedback, employee characteristics, supervisor behavior and contextual factors. Main theories used: immediacy of Feedback (IOF) - feedback-seeking behavior (FSB) & feedback-giving behavior (FGB). Both literary- and practical research was conducted. In Germany, seven semi structured interviews were held by supervisors and employees. I've used lots of international...
- Book
- Thesis
- • 42 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Scriptie feedback and job satisfaction
Thanks For The Feedback • Douglas Stone, Sheila Heen, Sheila Heen• ISBN 9780670922635
Preview 4 out of 42 pages
This thesis from the UVA 2025 is about the role of feedback timing and the effect on job satisfaction. Main concepts: timing of the feedback, employee characteristics, supervisor behavior and contextual factors. Main theories used: immediacy of Feedback (IOF) - feedback-seeking behavior (FSB) & feedback-giving behavior (FGB). Both literary- and practical research was conducted. In Germany, seven semi structured interviews were held by supervisors and employees. I've used lots of international...
This is a literary review from the University of Amsterdam 2024. Subject: what is the influence of the behavior of the teacher on the behavior of children? Core concepts: teacher classroom management and the teacher-student relationship. Main theory: Classroom Assessment Scoring System. Context: Psychical, Social and Behavioral influences on both sides. Very interesting subject, easy to understand in plain English. Excellent to do further research on. 20 pages, reading time 90 min.
- Book
- Thesis
- • 23 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Thesis social skills children and teachers
How Learning Works • Susan A. Ambrose, Michael W. Bridges, Michele Dipietro• ISBN 9780470484104
Preview 3 out of 23 pages
This is a literary review from the University of Amsterdam 2024. Subject: what is the influence of the behavior of the teacher on the behavior of children? Core concepts: teacher classroom management and the teacher-student relationship. Main theory: Classroom Assessment Scoring System. Context: Psychical, Social and Behavioral influences on both sides. Very interesting subject, easy to understand in plain English. Excellent to do further research on. 20 pages, reading time 90 min.
Summary for exam Leadership 6314M0176Y
- Summary
- • 31 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Leadership
Preview 4 out of 31 pages
Summary for exam Leadership 6314M0176Y
The document contains full summary of sessions and articles. In addition, it includes reflection questions shared by. the professor & answers. On top I've added summary of removed articles in case they're back this year. This is all I've used for my exam, and I got a 9 in the end.
- Summary
- • 70 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Ethics and the Future of Business
Preview 4 out of 70 pages
The document contains full summary of sessions and articles. In addition, it includes reflection questions shared by. the professor & answers. On top I've added summary of removed articles in case they're back this year. This is all I've used for my exam, and I got a 9 in the end.
The summary includes session notes and articles that was in scope of the exam. It also includes a pdf with reflection questions shared by professor & their answers which was key for the exam preparation. Got a 9 as final course grade, thanks to my documents.
- Class notes
- • 4 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Ethics and the Future of Business
Preview 1 out of 4 pages
The summary includes session notes and articles that was in scope of the exam. It also includes a pdf with reflection questions shared by professor & their answers which was key for the exam preparation. Got a 9 as final course grade, thanks to my documents.
This comprehensive document provides a detailed summary of key chapters exploring the multifaceted dynamics of migration. It offers insights into: 
- Chapter 10 the state, politics and migration 
- Chapter 13 new ethnic minorities and society 
- Chapter 11 the evolution and effectiveness of migration policies 
- Chapter 14 migration and development in origin societies 
- Chapter 4 migration, ethnicity and identity 
- Chapter 15 conclusion 
The document includes essential conc...
- Book
- Summary
- • 15 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Introduction to migration studies
The Age of Migration • Hein De Haas, Stephen Castles• ISBN 9781352007121
Preview 3 out of 15 pages
This comprehensive document provides a detailed summary of key chapters exploring the multifaceted dynamics of migration. It offers insights into: 
- Chapter 10 the state, politics and migration 
- Chapter 13 new ethnic minorities and society 
- Chapter 11 the evolution and effectiveness of migration policies 
- Chapter 14 migration and development in origin societies 
- Chapter 4 migration, ethnicity and identity 
- Chapter 15 conclusion 
The document includes essential conc...
Summary of Current Topics: A Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues Exam 2
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 23 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•A Clinical Perspective on Today\\\\\\\'s Issues
A Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues UvA Year 3 (both exams)• By lottepeerdeman
Preview 3 out of 23 pages
Summary of Current Topics: A Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues Exam 2
Summary of Current Topics: A Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues Exam 1
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 24 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•A Clinical Perspective on Today\\\\\\\'s Issues
A Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues UvA Year 3 (both exams)• By lottepeerdeman
Preview 3 out of 24 pages
Summary of Current Topics: A Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues Exam 1
This is more comprehensive and better suited for the final exam rather than the midterm. I recommend it for the final because it includes all the course examples and clearly links the concepts to those examples. The first section included the key concepts and the section on the last pages included course examples and how they link to the key concepts! I got a 8,8 good luck studying!!
- Summary
- • 17 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Analysing Digital culture
Preview 2 out of 17 pages
This is more comprehensive and better suited for the final exam rather than the midterm. I recommend it for the final because it includes all the course examples and clearly links the concepts to those examples. The first section included the key concepts and the section on the last pages included course examples and how they link to the key concepts! I got a 8,8 good luck studying!!
Media and culture/media and information living information. I got a 8.7 studying my notes.
- Summary
- • 24 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•living information
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Media and culture/media and information living information. I got a 8.7 studying my notes.
This document contains a summary of all lectures, tutorials and articles that will be on the exam for the course Financial Accounting Research (6314M0038Y), meaning: all material from week 1-5. This document contains an extensive summary of all lecture and tutorial slides amended with my notes from the lectures and tutorials. Furthermore, I summarized each article in about 1 page following the method recommended by the teacher (Sanjay Bissessur) in week 1 (what-how-why).
- Summary
- • 58 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Financial Accounting Research
Preview 4 out of 58 pages
This document contains a summary of all lectures, tutorials and articles that will be on the exam for the course Financial Accounting Research (6314M0038Y), meaning: all material from week 1-5. This document contains an extensive summary of all lecture and tutorial slides amended with my notes from the lectures and tutorials. Furthermore, I summarized each article in about 1 page following the method recommended by the teacher (Sanjay Bissessur) in week 1 (what-how-why).
This document contains my answers to the homework questions of the course 'Incentives and Control' (6314M0401Y) at the university of Amsterdam. The answers are amended with my notes from the tutorials. This course was taught by Peter Kroos as part of the master Accountancy and Control in 2024.
- Class notes
- • 12 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Incentives & Control
Preview 2 out of 12 pages
This document contains my answers to the homework questions of the course 'Incentives and Control' (6314M0401Y) at the university of Amsterdam. The answers are amended with my notes from the tutorials. This course was taught by Peter Kroos as part of the master Accountancy and Control in 2024.
This document is a summary of everything you need to know for the course 'Incentives & Control' (6314M0401Y) at the univeristy of Amsterdam. This course is taught by Peter Kroos and is part of the master Accountancy and Control. The summary includes: a summary of the lectures, a short and concise summary of all articles, and answers to all the tutorial questions. Using this summary I passed the exam with an 8.4.
- Summary
- • 44 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Incentives & Control
Preview 4 out of 44 pages
This document is a summary of everything you need to know for the course 'Incentives & Control' (6314M0401Y) at the univeristy of Amsterdam. This course is taught by Peter Kroos and is part of the master Accountancy and Control. The summary includes: a summary of the lectures, a short and concise summary of all articles, and answers to all the tutorial questions. Using this summary I passed the exam with an 8.4.
Providing an in-depth summary with both lecture, chapter and article summaries.
- Summary
- • 132 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Topic Always Connected: Key insights in youth, media and technology
Preview 4 out of 132 pages
Providing an in-depth summary with both lecture, chapter and article summaries.
Complete summary of chapters from the prescribed reading material from the book ‘Principles of International Investment Law’
- Book
- Summary
- • 28 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•International Investment Law
Principles of International Investment Law • Rudolf Dolzer, Ursula Kriebaum• ISBN 9780192857811
Preview 3 out of 28 pages
Complete summary of chapters from the prescribed reading material from the book ‘Principles of International Investment Law’
Global Digital Cultures: Interdisciplinary Perspectives summary: all lectures and articles from week 1 until 5 (week 6 missing) written in English, summarizing the following themes: 
1. Geography 
2. Cultural Analysis 
3. Media studies 
4. Sociology 
5. Political Science
- Summary
- • 32 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Global Digital Cultures
Preview 3 out of 32 pages
Global Digital Cultures: Interdisciplinary Perspectives summary: all lectures and articles from week 1 until 5 (week 6 missing) written in English, summarizing the following themes: 
1. Geography 
2. Cultural Analysis 
3. Media studies 
4. Sociology 
5. Political Science
Exam summary for Content analysis. All 7 weeks of lecture and reading materials.
- Summary
- • 42 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Research Workshop: Content Analysis
Preview 4 out of 42 pages
Exam summary for Content analysis. All 7 weeks of lecture and reading materials.
Elevate your understanding of "The Adaptive Organisation" with this comprehensive summary of essential articles tailored for the EPMS course. Dive into key topics such as dynamic capabilities, ambidexterity, organizational routines, corporate entrepreneurship, and strategic renewal. This must-have resource equips business students with the theoretical insights and practical frameworks needed to excel in strategy and organizational management.
- Summary
- • 42 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•The Adaptive Organisation
Preview 4 out of 42 pages
Elevate your understanding of "The Adaptive Organisation" with this comprehensive summary of essential articles tailored for the EPMS course. Dive into key topics such as dynamic capabilities, ambidexterity, organizational routines, corporate entrepreneurship, and strategic renewal. This must-have resource equips business students with the theoretical insights and practical frameworks needed to excel in strategy and organizational management.
- "A Brief History of Disinformation", Bennit and Livingston 
- "Classification", Appiah 
- "Collective Identity and Social Movements", Polletta and Jasper 
- "Coloniality of Power and Eurocentrism in Latin America", Quijano 
- "Communication and the Other", Young 
- "Descriptive Representation Revisited", Phillips 
- "Feminist Theory, Embodiment, and the Docile Agent", Mahmood 
- "Minority Representatives in the Netherlands", Aydemir and Vliegenthart 
- "What is the Point of E...
- Summary
- • 6 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•The Politics of Difference
Preview 2 out of 6 pages
- "A Brief History of Disinformation", Bennit and Livingston 
- "Classification", Appiah 
- "Collective Identity and Social Movements", Polletta and Jasper 
- "Coloniality of Power and Eurocentrism in Latin America", Quijano 
- "Communication and the Other", Young 
- "Descriptive Representation Revisited", Phillips 
- "Feminist Theory, Embodiment, and the Docile Agent", Mahmood 
- "Minority Representatives in the Netherlands", Aydemir and Vliegenthart 
- "What is the Point of E...
This is a detailed summary for the class Corporate Social Responsibility (6013B0525Y) at UvA. 
It includes summaries of all necessary chapters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13) of the book, Winning Sustainability Strategies. 
It also covers all guest lectures in detail: (Week 1: Introduction to CSR and Sustainability - Bernd Hendriksen // Week 2: Beyond GDP - Annegeke Jansen // Week 3: Climate Change - Dr. Charbel Moussa // Week 5: Dutch Railways NS - Carola Wijdoogen // Week 5: ESG Risk Man...
- Book
- Summary
- • 84 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Corporate Social Responsibility
Winning Sustainability Strategies • Benoit Leleux, Jan van der Kaaij• ISBN 9783319974446
Preview 4 out of 84 pages
This is a detailed summary for the class Corporate Social Responsibility (6013B0525Y) at UvA. 
It includes summaries of all necessary chapters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13) of the book, Winning Sustainability Strategies. 
It also covers all guest lectures in detail: (Week 1: Introduction to CSR and Sustainability - Bernd Hendriksen // Week 2: Beyond GDP - Annegeke Jansen // Week 3: Climate Change - Dr. Charbel Moussa // Week 5: Dutch Railways NS - Carola Wijdoogen // Week 5: ESG Risk Man...