Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Accountancy and Control
Derniers ajouts au Accountancy and Control @ Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA). Vous cherchez des notes Accountancy and Control à Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) ? Nous avons beaucoup de notes, de guides d'étude et de notes d'étude disponibles pour Accountancy and Control à Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA).
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Cours Accountancy and Control @ Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Notes disponibles pour les cours suivants de Accountancy and Control à Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Accountability & Risk Management 2
Accountability and Risk Management 6314M0407T 1
Accountancy & Risk Management 6314M0403Y 1
Accounting and Risk Management 6314M0407T 1
Accounting Information Systems 6013B0512Y 2
Accounting Information Systems & Internal Control Theory 1
Administratieve Organisatie 6013B0532Y 1
Auditing 6314M0406 2
Corporate Financial Management 2
Data Analytics 2
Data Analytics & Professional Skills 6314M0402Y 3
Dutch Golden Age 1
Financial Accounting 2 6013B0511Y 1
Financial Accounting Research 6314M0038Y 2
Financial Statement Analysis 6314M0405Y 2
Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation 6314M0405Y 3
Forensische Orthopedagogiek & Recht 7014B474DY 3
IFRS 6314M0400Y 2
IFRS 1 6314M0030Y 2
Incentives & Control 6314M0401Y 5
Incentives and Control - 6314M0401 6314M0401 1
Inleiding Belastingheffing Algemeen 6012B0225Y 2
Inleiding Belastingheffing ondernemingen 6012B0226Y 1
Internal Control and Accounting Information Systems 1
Internation Financial Reporting Standards 6314M0401Y 1
International Financial Reporting Standards 6314M0400Y 1
Judgement & Decision Making 6314M0407Y 2
Judgment & Decision making (6314M0407Y( 6314M0407Y 1
Kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethode 1 1
Kwantitatieve Onderzoeksmethoden 2 voor Accountancy & Control 1
Management Accounting 1
Management Control 1
Management Research Methods 1 15
Nieuwste Geschiedenis 1
Ondernemings- en Jaarrekeningenrecht 6013B0533Y 1
Strategic Value Management 6314M0404Y 2
Vroegmoderne Geschiedenis 2
Livres bien-aimés Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Accountancy and Control

Kenneth A. Merchant, Wim van der Stede • ISBN 9780273737612

William Cohen, Professor Thomas F. X. Noble • ISBN 9781133936169

Jonathan Berk, Peter Demarzo • ISBN 9781292166032
Dernières notes et résumés Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Accountancy and Control

Contains all lecture slides + additional notes
- Package deal
- Notes de cours
- • 106 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Financial Statement Analysis
Aperçu 4 sur 106 pages
Contains all lecture slides + additional notes

Contains all tutorial slides + additional notes and explanations to the slides!
- Package deal
- Notes de cours
- • 69 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Auditing
Aperçu 4 sur 69 pages
Contains all tutorial slides + additional notes and explanations to the slides!

Alle lecture slides + bijgevoegde uitleg & uitwerkingen 
All lecture slides + additional notes to the slides
- Package deal
- Notes de cours
- • 74 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Auditing
Aperçu 4 sur 74 pages
Alle lecture slides + bijgevoegde uitleg & uitwerkingen 
All lecture slides + additional notes to the slides

Volledige samenvatting tentamenstof I&C.
- Resume
- • 38 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Incentives & Control
Aperçu 4 sur 38 pages
Volledige samenvatting tentamenstof I&C.

week 2: Accounting for Leases at American Airlines 
week 3: Fair value accounting at Berkshire Hathaway 
week 4: Ratio Analysis & Valuation 
week 5: Ratio Analysis & Valuation 
week 6: Ratio Analysis & Valuation
- Cas
- • 19 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation
Aperçu 3 sur 19 pages
week 2: Accounting for Leases at American Airlines 
week 3: Fair value accounting at Berkshire Hathaway 
week 4: Ratio Analysis & Valuation 
week 5: Ratio Analysis & Valuation 
week 6: Ratio Analysis & Valuation

Summary by week
- Resume
- • 40 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Data Analytics & Professional Skills
Aperçu 4 sur 40 pages
Summary by week

Korte samenvatting voor het vak MRM1 oftewel kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden 1. Hierin worden alle testen en belangrijke sheets samengevat uit alle college's. Op het eind nog alle testen achter elkaar.
- Book
- Notes de cours
- • 13 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethode 1
Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS • Andy Field• ISBN 9781526419521
Aperçu 2 sur 13 pages
Korte samenvatting voor het vak MRM1 oftewel kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden 1. Hierin worden alle testen en belangrijke sheets samengevat uit alle college's. Op het eind nog alle testen achter elkaar.

This document contains an overview of all lectures slides which are covered during the classes, furthermore I sometimes added more information about certain tables and examples. Note that this document does not contain seminars! It should be used as a base for your learning. Eventually you need to practice with the examples in the document and also the examples that are covered in the seminars!
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Notes de cours
- • 135 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Internation Financial Reporting Standards
Applying International Financial Reporting Standards • Ruth Picker, Kerry Clark• ISBN 9781119159223
UvA Master Accountancy & Control (A&C) - Semester 1 - Extensive Summeries• Par mcamsterdam
Aperçu 10 sur 135 pages
This document contains an overview of all lectures slides which are covered during the classes, furthermore I sometimes added more information about certain tables and examples. Note that this document does not contain seminars! It should be used as a base for your learning. Eventually you need to practice with the examples in the document and also the examples that are covered in the seminars!

Summary of all the Lectures
- Resume
- • 30 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Corporate Financial Management
Aperçu 3 sur 30 pages
Summary of all the Lectures

This is a summary of all the lectures.
- Resume
- • 45 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Financial Statement Analysis
Aperçu 4 sur 45 pages
This is a summary of all the lectures.