Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Communicatiewetenschap
Latest uploads for Communicatiewetenschap at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA). Looking for Communicatiewetenschap notes at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for Communicatiewetenschap at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA).
Courses Communicatiewetenschap at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Notes available for the following courses of Communicatiewetenschap at Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA)
Advanced building Communication Science Theory 1
Afstudeerproject Persuasieve Communicatie 7
Algorithmic Persuasion in the Digital Society 3
All Things Media Emerging Communication Technologiesand Their Impact On Us And Society 77533400ZY 2
All things media? Emerging communication technologies and their impact on us and society 77533400ZY 3
All things media? Emerging communication technologies and their impact on us and society 77533400ZY 2
Artificial Intelligence: Dreams, Dangers, Disaster 118221126Y 1
Clashing Views on Media Effects 1
Communicatie Advies 6
Communicatie Advies en Onderzoek in de Praktijk 77533100AY 6
Communicatie ethiek 77533200AY 10
Communication Consultancy 775334006Y 7
Communication Ethics 775334006Y 4
Communication Science 1
Content Analysis 1
Content Marketing 77533400OY 5
Corporate Communicatie DCW1 50
Corporate Communication CC 28
Corporate Communication - 774211001Y 774211001Y 1
Cultural Industries 1
Customer media 1
Developing Media Entertainment 7
Elective course Mindfulness 1
Entertainment 1
Entertainment Communicatie EntCom 14
Entertainment communication EC 16
Entertainment Communication 774212002Y 1
Entertainmentcommunicatie ENTCOM 28
Experiment 1
Experiment op 3 1
Experiment OP3 2
Foundations in Communication Science 77533400TY 1
Foundations of Communication Science 775334006Y 1
Health Communication 77533400KY 6
History of political thought 1
Honoursmodule: China, the rising power 5512HCTR6Y 1
Inferentiële statistiek 13
Inhoudsanalyse: OP2 OPII 3
Inleiding Algemene Taalwetenschap 77511100AY 1
Inleiding Communicatiewetenschap ICW 50
Inleiding Communicatiewetenschap, ICW ICW 24
Inleiding tot communicatiewetenschap 2
Introductie Communicatiewetenschap ICW 4
Introduction to communication science ICS 48
Introduction to Research Methodology SCOM77613902AY 6
Introduction to Research Methodology - Pre-Master's 1
Introduction To Research Methodology - Pre-Master's 3
Journalistieke cultuur in Nederland 2
Kwalitatief onderzoek KO 19
Marketing Communication 77533400OY 8
MCO 77511201AY 1
Mco/s 77511201AY 8
MCOS 77511201AY 12
Media Landscape 77533400NY 5
Media Strategies 2
Medialandschap ML 26
Method of Communication Research and Statistics 775334006Y 1
Methode Communicatie En Statistiek A MCOS 1
Methode communicatieonderzoek en statistiek 77511201AY 4
Methode van Communicatieonderzoek en Statistiek 1
Methoden & beschrijvende statistiek - Alleen methoden deel 2
Methoden en Technieken 1
Methoden van Communicatie Onderzoek en Beschrijven 77511201AY 2
Methoden van Communicatie Onderzoek en Beschrijvende Statistiek 24
Methoden van Communicatie onderzoek en Statistiek 77511201AY 7
Methoden van Communicatieonderzoek en Statistiek 77511201AY 34
Methods of Communcation and Research Statistics 7
Methods of Communication Research & Statistics MCRS 2
Methods of communication research and statistics MCRS 11
Milestones in Communication 77533400TY 2
Milestones in Communication Science 77533400TY 28
Milestones to Communication Science 1
Onderzoekspracticum 1 774111003Y 6
Onderzoekspracticum 1: Survey Survey 17
Onderzoekspracticum 2 Inhoudsanalyse 1
Onderzoekspracticum 2 Inhoudsanalyse OP II 77521401AY 3
Onderzoekspracticum 2: Inhoudsanalyse 77521401AY 6
Onderzoekspracticum 3 Experiment 77521402AY 3
Onderzoekspracticum 3: Experiment 77521402AY 9
Onderzoekspracticum Experiment 2
Onderzoekspracticum Inhoudsanalyse 1
Ontwikkelingspsychologie 1
OP 1 Survey 77511400AY 2
OP 1: Survey 77511400AY 2
OP II Inhoudsanalyse 77521401AY 1
OP III Experiment 1
Op1 survey 1
OP1: survey 1
OP2: Inhoudsanalyse 77521401AY 1
OP3 Experiment 77521402AY 1
Op3: Experiment 77521402AY 4
OPI: Survey 77511400AY 11
Organisations in the Media 77533400NY 3
Organizational Behavior & Communication 1
Organizational Behavior and Communication 77533400ZY 1
Organizations In The Media 77533400NY 1
Persuasieve communicatie Persuasieve 45
Persuasive communication 775334006Y 15
Philosophy 3
Philosophy of science 7
Philosophy of Science & Methodology 775334006Y 8
Philosophy of Science and Methodology PSM 9
Political Communication 1
Political Communication & Journalism PCJ 12
Political Communication and Journalism 77533400TY 4
Politieke Communicatie Polcom 4
Politieke Communicatie & Journalistiek 77521503AY 28
Politieke Communicatie en Journalistiek 77521503AY 4
Public Management S_PM 1
Public policy and governance 1
Qualitative research 774222002Y 9
Research Methods Tailored To The Thesis 7764000V2Y 2
Research Practice Seminar 1
Research Workshop 2: Content Analysis 1
Research Workshop Experiment 774223001Y 3
Research workshop: content analysis 77533400OY 5
Research workshop: experiment 77521402AY 8
Research Workshop: Qualitative Research 1
Research Workshop: Survey 77511400AY 13
SMCR - statistical modelling for com. research 1
Spatial Implications of Environmental Change 775334006Y 1
Statistical Modeling for Communication Research 774221002Y 4
Statistical modelling for communication research 77522101AY 12
Statistical Modelling for Communications Research 774221003Y 1
Statistical Reasoning: Theory and Application 77533400KY 1
Statistiek 77511201AY 1
Statistische Modellen 77522101AY 2
Statistische Modellen Voor Communicatie Onderzoek SMCO 5
Statistische Modellen voor Communicatieonderzoek 77522101AY 15
Strategic Communication in Organisations SCOM77641TPY 2
Strategic Communication in Organizations 77641SP02Y 4
Strategic Communication of Organizations 77641SP01Y 5
Strategic Communications in Organizations 1
Strategic Communications of Organizations SCoO 1
Survey Workshop RWS 1
Sustainability Marketing & Communication 77644K022Y 1
The Blind Spot: Tracking Media Users 77642K012Y 1
The Crisis of Trust: Organizations under public scrutiny. 775334008Y 2
The language of strategic communication 775334006Y 2
The Media Landscape TML 9
The Role of Emotions in Political Communication 4
Topic - International Communication 1
Topic Algorithmic Persuasion in Digital Society 1
Topic Algorithmic Persuasion in the Digital Society 775334007Y 13
Topic All things media? Emerging communication technologies and their impact on us and society 77533400ZY 3
Topic All things media? Emerging communication technologies and their impact on us and society 77533400ZY 10
Topic Always Connected 2
Topic Always Connected: Key Insights 77533400UY 7
Topic Always Connected: Key insights in youth, media and technology 77533400UY 6
Topic Content Marketing 77533400OY 16
Topic Crisis of Trust 1
Topic Health Communication 77533400HY 6
Topic Health Communication: From Theory To Practice 77533400KY 14
Topic Health Communication:From Theory to Practice 2
Topic National Identity & The News 77533400MY 1
Topic Organisaties in de Media 2
Topic Organisaties in the Media 77533400NY 1
Topic Organisations and Social Media 77533400HY 5
Topic organisations in the media 7753400NY 8
Topic Political Marketing, Campaigns and Voters 775334005Y 15
Topic The Crisis of Trust: Organizations under public scrutiny. 775334008Y 4
Topic The language of Strategic Communication 775334006Y 3
Topic The Role of Emotions in Political Communication 4
Topic: Content marketing 3
Topic: Literate in 21st century 775334004Y 1
Topic: Media Entertainment 1
Topic: Organisations in the Media 77533400NY 4
Topic: Role of emotions in political communication 77533400TY 2
Topic: The Language Of Strategic Communications 775334006Y 1
Topic: the role of emotions in political communication 1
Wetenschapsfilosofie en Methodologie WFM 45
Popular books Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Communicatiewetenschap
H. Dooremalen, H. de Regt • ISBN 9789024441112
Denis Mcquail, Mark Deuze • ISBN 9781473902510
Patti M. Valkenburg, Jessica Taylor Piotrowski • ISBN 9780300218879
E. Peelen, Henk Jacobs • ISBN 9789075458985
Virginia Braun, Dr. Victoria Clarke • ISBN 9781847875822
Stephen Lacy, Daniel Riffe • ISBN 9781138613980
Connie de Boer, Bregje van Groningen • ISBN 9789024442188
Dr. Victoria Clarke, Dr. Victoria Clarke • ISBN 9781847875815
Dr. Patrick L. Plaisance • ISBN 9781452258089
Stanley J. Baran, Dennis K. Davis • ISBN 9780190942779
Lori-Ann B. Forzano, Frederick J. Gravetter • ISBN 9781111342265
Bregje van Groningen, Connie van Boer • ISBN 9789089539823
Denis McQuail, Mark Deuze • ISBN 9781473943551
Latest notes & summaries Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA) • Communicatiewetenschap
In-depth notes from all the lectures and readings, with some practice questions at the end. All the material you need to pass the exam.
- Summary
- • 30 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Research Workshop: Survey
Preview 3 out of 30 pages
In-depth notes from all the lectures and readings, with some practice questions at the end. All the material you need to pass the exam.
Providing an in-depth summary with both lecture, chapter and article summaries.
- Summary
- • 132 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Topic Always Connected: Key insights in youth, media and technology
Preview 4 out of 132 pages
Providing an in-depth summary with both lecture, chapter and article summaries.
Exam summary for Content analysis. All 7 weeks of lecture and reading materials.
- Summary
- • 42 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Research Workshop: Content Analysis
Preview 4 out of 42 pages
Exam summary for Content analysis. All 7 weeks of lecture and reading materials.
This document contains the notes I have taken during every lecture and also includes key takeaways from the readings. It makes up an easy comprensive summary and covers all the essential topics that you need to know for the exam.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 32 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Political Communication & Journalism
PolCom & QR Notes / Summary Bundle• By demijin
Preview 3 out of 32 pages
This document contains the notes I have taken during every lecture and also includes key takeaways from the readings. It makes up an easy comprensive summary and covers all the essential topics that you need to know for the exam.
Samenvatting van hoorcolleges en literatuur van het vak Survey
- Summary
- • 28 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Onderzoekspracticum 1: Survey
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Samenvatting van hoorcolleges en literatuur van het vak Survey
Samenvatting van hoorcolleges en literatuur van het vak Medialandschap
- Summary
- • 42 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Medialandschap
Preview 4 out of 42 pages
Samenvatting van hoorcolleges en literatuur van het vak Medialandschap
Samenvatting van hoorcolleges en verplichte literatuur van het vak Kwalitatief Onderzoek.
- Summary
- • 42 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Kwalitatief Onderzoek
Preview 4 out of 42 pages
Samenvatting van hoorcolleges en verplichte literatuur van het vak Kwalitatief Onderzoek.
The document titled "The Media Landscape Notes" is a detailed summary of key concepts, historical milestones, and contemporary issues within the media and communication industries. It is structured as a weekly course outline / lecture series, covering topics ranging from the definition of the media industry to global media trends and societal implications. This document serves as an detailed exam preparation note for the exam for Communication Science student.
- Summary
- • 50 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•The Media Landscape
Preview 4 out of 50 pages
The document titled "The Media Landscape Notes" is a detailed summary of key concepts, historical milestones, and contemporary issues within the media and communication industries. It is structured as a weekly course outline / lecture series, covering topics ranging from the definition of the media industry to global media trends and societal implications. This document serves as an detailed exam preparation note for the exam for Communication Science student.
The note provide detailed summary of the lecture and book via comparison between philosophers mentioned in lecture and books. Moreover, at the end of the note also provide an overview timeline of the philosophy of science and methodology for final revision and check before the exam. I have received a 7 for the exam with the note.
- Summary
- • 50 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Philosophy of Science & Methodology
Preview 4 out of 50 pages
The note provide detailed summary of the lecture and book via comparison between philosophers mentioned in lecture and books. Moreover, at the end of the note also provide an overview timeline of the philosophy of science and methodology for final revision and check before the exam. I have received a 7 for the exam with the note.
Summary of both book and lecture note with SPSS process for each test which can help buyer to prepare well for the final exams for statistics. I have received a with 7.4 for the statistics exam with the help of the note.
- Class notes
- • 62 pages's •
Universiteit van Amsterdam•Statistical Reasoning: Theory and Application
Preview 4 out of 62 pages
Summary of both book and lecture note with SPSS process for each test which can help buyer to prepare well for the final exams for statistics. I have received a with 7.4 for the statistics exam with the help of the note.